userSam Pavloviccancel

2,010 Commits over 1,581 Days - 0.05cph!

5 Months Ago
Cupertino: Add Makefile for VPC so we can actually build it without actually having vpc Rename some IOSALL flags to just PLATFORM_APPLE, we always imply arm64 SDL_config doesnt always imply windows Update gitignore Cupertino: Managed Build Scripts No need for nvpatch for non-windows targets Cupertino: Use Unix trailing paths for codegen, this should be fine on Windows too Backport new tier0 threadtools stuff for process thread creation, fixes things that were missing from our initial code drop Cupertino: update VPC, still needs cleanup, builds all but need to sort linking and .mm files Cupertino: Encapsulate Windows-specific code and error handling Cupertino: Finish setting up makeile for VPC on Mac ARM64 Cupertino: Remove some definitions for OSX64 for OSXARM64 Cupertino: Add prebuilt macOS vpc Cupertino: Fix OSXARM64 conditionals, update VPC binary Cupertino: Add gitignore rules for Xcode crap files and add build native step for POSIX Don't try to to build path from empty dependency string for a VPC Makefile dependency Cupertino: Cleanup source_posix_base, update SDK versions and build settings for macOS, just use latest SDK version, target Sonoma, don't use 10 year old tools for cc chmod +x on vpc_script bash scripts Cupertino: ISO C++20 Fixes Update .gitignore and build scripts, fix permission on antlr, some small code fixes Cupertino: fix Cupertino: add and Cupertino: update osxarm64 vpc binary Add support for OSXARM64 platform for schemacompiler, fix CBaseFileSystem::GetModPath override, zip_utils on posix and vpc doesn't need to link from all these on other platforms Cupertino: libsteam_api platform_compile_base makes weird assumptions for using CLANG or GCC on windows Izabu/Cupertino: Izabu implies SSE SIMD, shim it with sse2neon, fix constructor on IzPulleyJoint Cupertino: Remove bunch of win32 & x86 implications, casting for Clang, -Wno-register, multiplat build retail native Cupertino: Use GameNetworkingSockets outside of windows builds, build EtcLib for arm64 Cupertino: libpnga Cupertino: GameNetworkingSockets and SteamAPI libs on game folder Convert .dlls to platform-specific (linux/mac) equivalents on GlobalParser for nativedlls in interopgen Cupertino: SDL2 dylib
5 Months Ago
Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer Fix AO compositing for custom shaders Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders Composite AO to pipeline rather than blitting, cleanup AddHookAfterTranslucent > AddHookAfterDepthPrepass [Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Remove hack for clearing AO and use FrameAttributes instead [pick] GetBindlessRWTextureXXX if compute shader Move all ambient occlusion sampling to AmbientOcclusion.hlsl, bindless sampling RWTextureCubeArray doesnt exist, should just be a RWTexture2DArray [pick] Fix sampletexture_bicubic (is anything using it)? [pick] Fog.hlsl cant be sampled from compute shaders in compute shaders that also ref lighting.fxc [pick] Fix include guards for hlsl classes, fixes declaration in both standard and material shaders, fix AO sampling Update shaders with bindless SSAO sampling Do a simple texture fetch for AmbientOcclusion::Sample, simplify SampleScreenSsMSAA Compile shaders without MSAA sampling for AO
5 Months Ago
Do a simple texture fetch for AmbientOcclusion::Sample, simplify SampleScreenSsMSAA
5 Months Ago
[pick] Fix include guards for hlsl classes, fixes declaration in both standard and material shaders, fix AO sampling Update shaders with bindless SSAO sampling
5 Months Ago
RWTextureCubeArray doesnt exist, should just be a RWTexture2DArray [pick] Fix sampletexture_bicubic (is anything using it)? [pick] Fog.hlsl cant be sampled from compute shaders in compute shaders that also ref lighting.fxc
5 Months Ago
Move all ambient occlusion sampling to AmbientOcclusion.hlsl, bindless sampling
5 Months Ago
[pick] GetBindlessRWTextureXXX if compute shader
5 Months Ago
Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer Fix AO compositing for custom shaders Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders Composite AO to pipeline rather than blitting, cleanup AddHookAfterTranslucent > AddHookAfterDepthPrepass [Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Remove hack for clearing AO and use FrameAttributes instead
5 Months Ago
[Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Remove hack for clearing AO and use FrameAttributes instead
5 Months Ago
[Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Use frameattributes instead of camera attributes, clear stupid hack on AmbientOcclusion
5 Months Ago
Remove aoproxies ambient occlusion, it never looked too right and it's stupid to have artists authoring them manually, almost no one did I still think SDF AO works better than SSAO in most cases, but they should live as a renderhook and artists don't need to touch anything, the way it is now is very hard to maintain, it could be 10x simpler VrMonitor goes long unused since we removed SceneMonitor & VR Multiview Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao AO on lighting pass GTAO stub, remove sdf.hlsl (until we meet again 🫡 ) Iterate gtao Iterate GTAO Iterate GTAO Calculate gtao depth and normals properly, use inverted depth for gtao Iterate GTAO, use built in uint encoding for passes, all 3 passes work, workaround for dxc compiler bug with dot product with half floats Remove old SDF functions entirely (byebye) Iterate GTAO, works almost perfectly ingame, add noise function to it Iterate GTAO, start deoising, remove unused shit, fix bug with binding too many textures on the lexer Update texture formats and remove unused code Shitty TAA, smeary but iteratable with bbox clamping, add thin occluder compensation Proper TAA, option for spartial or temporal blur SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer Add multibounce ambient occlusion (but keep it disabled for now) Adjust AO intensity, separate passes, add spartial/temporal passes, adjust thin compensation to become thickness Add generic TAA filter to Motion.hlsl Sensible defaults and final tweaks Fix depth normalization on XeGTAO, add better TAA values for AmbientOcclusion Fix AO compositing for custom shaders Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders
5 Months Ago
Fixedupdate on fluid simulation, smoke
5 Months Ago
Liquid Test from HC2 and Water2, stub FFT wave shader
5 Months Ago
Fog TAA + Tiled Rendering * Fixes artifacts * Improves perfomance * Removes Clipmaps * Lights are culled with tiles * Makes fog render until far-z * Removes ghosting * Simplifies codebase a lot
5 Months Ago
Pixel size + bilinearity doesn't match the power of two in the depth chain, sample neighbors, we just want far value CreatePerViewConstantBuffer needs to exist before prepass, it's used for wind, remove callback stuff since async fog is gone
5 Months Ago
Iterate until number of lights rather than 64 every time 😪, more cleanup
5 Months Ago
Cleanup, optimize fog
5 Months Ago
Frustum FarZ for fog tiled rendering Remove async fog, unlikely to yield gains, move volumetric fog to after depth prepass, we need depth chain to not be 1 frame behind on tiled culling for volumetrics
5 Months Ago
Tiled rendering for volumetrics
5 Months Ago
Fog TAA cherry pick with the new changes we have on fog lightbinner, removes fog clipmaps entirely too
5 Months Ago
Fix vignietting on DoF DoF Blur size is in pixels, make it relative to screen resolution so size is consistent, do uv offset a bit after first sample so there's less shimmer
5 Months Ago
Depth of Field 2 (#1657)
5 Months Ago
Start fixing up dof Iterate DoF Smooth fade DoF from composite shader Iterate dof, needs cleanup, almost perfect Wave intrinsics to do early out for far dof DoF2 Downsample with bias based on depth, cleanup Front blur, tweaks Final tweaks, add depth gap for adding an area where u might want more focus Depth Resolve writes to both channels correctly Final cleanups for dof2 Fill up _renderTarget on Graphics Scope so that we can fetch the immediate color/depth textures also without a copy Fetch depth and color directly for DoF so that we can do pixel perfect fetches, start making near dof not shit Iterate, higher quality downsampling Disable front blurs for now Add internal Graphics.NativeLayerRenderTarget, This should be set on start of scope, left here for advanced usage. Final adjustments to dof Fix CoC pass on any quality level, increase blur size to 200 Remove unused GrabOutputColorDepth Adjust focal length with sensor size Focus Gap in world units and outside the shader Tex2DBicubic uses generic hlsl, make DoF compositing use bicubic filtering, makes it look nice even at lowest quality Explicit quality level for DoF Final adjustments to DoF Hide quality level until O(n^3) downsample issue is solved on shader Front DoF wip, still keep it hidden until it looks good Mark that these things are in world units
5 Months Ago
Fix messed specular on skin shader that was using old normalization curve
5 Months Ago
Front DoF wip, still keep it hidden until it looks good Mark that these things are in world units
5 Months Ago
Hide quality level until O(n^3) downsample issue is solved on shader
5 Months Ago
Final adjustments to DoF
5 Months Ago
Tex2DBicubic uses generic hlsl, make DoF compositing use bicubic filtering, makes it look nice even at lowest quality Explicit quality level for DoF
5 Months Ago
Focus Gap in world units and outside the shader
5 Months Ago
Remove unused GrabOutputColorDepth Adjust focal length with sensor size
5 Months Ago
Fix CoC pass on any quality level, increase blur size to 200
5 Months Ago
Start fixing up dof Iterate DoF Smooth fade DoF from composite shader Iterate dof, needs cleanup, almost perfect Wave intrinsics to do early out for far dof DoF2 Downsample with bias based on depth, cleanup Front blur, tweaks Final tweaks, add depth gap for adding an area where u might want more focus Depth Resolve writes to both channels correctly Final cleanups for dof2 Fill up _renderTarget on Graphics Scope so that we can fetch the immediate color/depth textures also without a copy Fetch depth and color directly for DoF so that we can do pixel perfect fetches, start making near dof not shit Iterate, higher quality downsampling Disable front blurs for now Add internal Graphics.NativeLayerRenderTarget, This should be set on start of scope, left here for advanced usage. Final adjustments to dof
5 Months Ago
Add internal Graphics.NativeLayerRenderTarget, This should be set on start of scope, left here for advanced usage. Final adjustments to dof
5 Months Ago
Disable front blurs for now
5 Months Ago
Iterate, higher quality downsampling
5 Months Ago
Start fixing up dof Iterate DoF Smooth fade DoF from composite shader Iterate dof, needs cleanup, almost perfect Wave intrinsics to do early out for far dof DoF2 Downsample with bias based on depth, cleanup Front blur, tweaks Final tweaks, add depth gap for adding an area where u might want more focus Depth Resolve writes to both channels correctly Final cleanups for dof2 Fill up _renderTarget on Graphics Scope so that we can fetch the immediate color/depth textures also without a copy Fetch depth and color directly for DoF so that we can do pixel perfect fetches, start making near dof not shit
5 Months Ago
AddHookAfterTranslucent > AddHookAfterDepthPrepass
5 Months Ago
Composite AO to pipeline rather than blitting, cleanup
5 Months Ago
Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer Fix AO compositing for custom shaders Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders
5 Months Ago
Remove aoproxies ambient occlusion, it never looked too right and it's stupid to have artists authoring them manually, almost no one did I still think SDF AO works better than SSAO in most cases, but they should live as a renderhook and artists don't need to touch anything, the way it is now is very hard to maintain, it could be 10x simpler Remove sdf.hlsl (until we meet again 🫡 )
5 Months Ago
Add Motion.hlsl for motion vectors Add generic TAA filter to Motion.hlsl
5 Months Ago
Fix AO compositing for custom shaders Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders
5 Months Ago
Remove aoproxies ambient occlusion, it never looked too right and it's stupid to have artists authoring them manually, almost no one did I still think SDF AO works better than SSAO in most cases, but they should live as a renderhook and artists don't need to touch anything, the way it is now is very hard to maintain, it could be 10x simpler VrMonitor goes long unused since we removed SceneMonitor & VR Multiview Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao AO on lighting pass GTAO stub, remove sdf.hlsl (until we meet again 🫡 ) Iterate gtao Iterate GTAO Iterate GTAO Calculate gtao depth and normals properly, use inverted depth for gtao Iterate GTAO, use built in uint encoding for passes, all 3 passes work, workaround for dxc compiler bug with dot product with half floats Remove old SDF functions entirely (byebye) Iterate GTAO, works almost perfectly ingame, add noise function to it [pick] Add Motion.hlsl for motion vectors Iterate GTAO, start deoising, remove unused shit, fix bug with binding too many textures on the lexer Update texture formats and remove unused code Shitty TAA, smeary but iteratable with bbox clamping, add thin occluder compensation Proper TAA, option for spartial or temporal blur SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer Add multibounce ambient occlusion (but keep it disabled for now) Adjust AO intensity, separate passes, add spartial/temporal passes, adjust thin compensation to become thickness Add generic TAA filter to Motion.hlsl Sensible defaults and final tweaks Fix depth normalization on XeGTAO, add better TAA values for AmbientOcclusion
5 Months Ago
Fix depth normalization on XeGTAO, add better TAA values for AmbientOcclusion
5 Months Ago
Sensible defaults and final tweaks
5 Months Ago
Add generic TAA filter to Motion.hlsl
5 Months Ago
Add multibounce ambient occlusion (but keep it disabled for now) Adjust AO intensity, separate passes, add spartial/temporal passes, adjust thin compensation to become thickness
6 Months Ago
SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer
6 Months Ago
Proper TAA, option for spartial or temporal blur
6 Months Ago
Shitty TAA, smeary but iteratable with bbox clamping, add thin occluder compensation