userSol Williamscancel

496 Commits over 334 Days - 0.06cph!

20 Days Ago
Discard ShootEffects if the player's already dead
20 Days Ago
Show scoreboard ping in ms
20 Days Ago
PlayerData.Ping pulls from Connection.Ping instead of syncing from host now we can do that Steamline OnDeath events a bit, highlight killfeed events involving us Discard TraceAttack if the player's already dead
21 Days Ago
HostSync HasLongJumpModule Trigger long jump on IPlayerEvent.OnJump
21 Days Ago
Untangle hornet projectile firemode, fix player targeting Spit out little fishes from my big fish Disable hornet projectile collision sounds
21 Days Ago
Fix crossbow projectile not dealing damage, better handling for projectile clientside hitmarkers Rename Projectile.Explode -> OnHit Move hardcoded projectile/particles collision ignore to collision rules
21 Days Ago
Do hornet damage on host Tweak hornet bounce math, prevent phys from changing orientation Give hornet some stupid and wet sounds, fix alt fire Track projectile owning player, ignore collisions based on that and not time
21 Days Ago
Add Sandbox.Diagnostics global using Inflict damage thru IDamageable.Damage extension, complain when we're doing silly things Run fall damage on host Do explosives on host We don't want to Broadcast this
21 Days Ago
Perform gluon damage at intervals, not every frame (!) Add infinite ammo cvar (sbdm.infammo) Add BaseCarryable.OnEquipped/OnHolstered so that's more obvious Streamline gluon networking, don't rpc the beam fx let everyone update that on their end
21 Days Ago
Refactor item pickups, streamline logic/validation Fix hornetgun using rpg AmmoResource Disable pickup collider when not active Smite GiveHealth/GiveArmour Just rpc PickupNotice to the owner
22 Days Ago
Snip dodgy GetHashCode override, make sure inventory slots are rebuilt when contents change
22 Days Ago
Stop gluon fx, gauss chargeup on disabled not destroy
22 Days Ago
Use PlayerData.All when spawning players on StartGame, some may be connected but not yet active
22 Days Ago
Disable gluon beam shadows Prevent negative gluon beam length
22 Days Ago
Stop gluon gun white noise machine Gluon hitmarkers
22 Days Ago
Add godmode cmd Hornet gun: hitmarkers on projectile explode
23 Days Ago
Standardise "Find in Asset Browser" and "Open File Location" option logic, create a browser if needed, raise tab into view Rename "Open File Location" to "Go to Location" so I stop confusing it with the one that opens it in explorer
23 Days Ago
Snip 2nd collider on ejected 9mm casings, reduce lifetime to 10s
23 Days Ago
Stash this
25 Days Ago
Add "No Source" asset tag for compiled assets without source files, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7606 Set Project.Current as soon as it's active Add "Published" asset tag for assets that've been enabled for publishing, Facepunch/sbox-issues#7604 Asset Browser: Tag filter chips will show highlighted when active, and let you disable them Asset Browser: Get tag filters via the search widget working until we replace this with something better
26 Days Ago
Split cmd and args input by space, don't prematurely de-quote args, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7611
34 Days Ago
Add [SkipHotload] to RcSortedQueue comparator
35 Days Ago
Fix exception when bots pick up weapons Swap !IsProxy && !IsBot checks for Player.IsLocalPlayer Don't show bots hitmarkers on my screen
35 Days Ago
Require DropOwnership() to clear owner instead, document exception
35 Days Ago
Calling Network.AssignOwnership with a null connection will pass empty guid instead of throwing NRE
35 Days Ago
Fix dict key exception
35 Days Ago
Replace SteamId usage with PlayerId (unique per connection and bot), streamline spawning logic Don't draw bots hud vitals on my screen Just reference PlayerData instead of keeping two copies of all this, looking it up etc Tidy up death logs, don't double up
36 Days Ago
Remove logic to migrate from old project cookie, editor layout locations Fix default layout raising cloud browser, do asset browser instead
36 Days Ago
Default WindowedLocalInstances preference to true
36 Days Ago
Do InputRouter::OnWindowActive based on engine window (not app) focus, fixes click-to-focus going thru as an input and shooting or whatever
36 Days Ago
Update mouse capture position if we get new absolute pos while locked (eg when unfocused, tabbed) Keeps cursor position predictable/reliable, stops occasional out of date position being restored and yeeting my mouse across the screen Only SetCursorPosition while engine window's got mouse focus, prevents unwanted movement in editor
37 Days Ago
MapInstance also reloads the map on Hammer compile when it prev. failed to load
40 Days Ago
Toggleable weapon autoswitch when picking up something better #92 (player.autowepswitch cvar)
41 Days Ago
Fix NRE when killing self InventorySlot IsValid check Shotgun uses correct muzzle transform
41 Days Ago
Hook up Sound.Play delay parameter AssetPreviewWidget builds dynamic layout, passes parent widget correctly Add SoundPlayer, use as preview widget for sound files PreviewSound automatically plays from 0,0 Remove opaque automatic sound playback from AssetList
42 Days Ago
Fix exception when pasting into TextEntry with MaxLength, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7442
42 Days Ago
Add StatusBar to GenericPicker
42 Days Ago
SceneViewport dolly zoom is timescale independent, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7454 AssetList displays hovered asset/directory path in window status bar for all display modes Show un-normalised path as AssetList status text
43 Days Ago
Hierarchy: Exiting search expands to new selection, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7453 TreeView.RecursiveLayout compares TargetObject correctly, fixes TreeView.ScrollTo
49 Days Ago
FloatControlWidget keeps the drag delta intact, fixes janky drag on int controls
49 Days Ago
Add Texture.LoadAsync using AsyncResourceLoader Add TexturePicker Add PickerOptions.InitialSearchText, populate from native params TexturePicker uses InitialSearchText so it starts filtered to _normal/_ao/etc where that's handy
50 Days Ago
Stop "Create Sound Event" pranking people by opening to the wrong directory, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7421
51 Days Ago
Add support for custom specialised asset pickers per-resource type via AssetPickerAttribute Add SimplePicker, use for shaders until we get something better so that's not awful to use
56 Days Ago
Unbreak asset inspectors for some resource types, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7382
56 Days Ago
Add 'jump to code' asset inspector toolbar shortcut for custom resource types Swap dead wiki page link for docs url Use [IconName] for PrefabFile.MenuIcon Custom resource types will inherit custom editors of base types if they've not got one Can drag/drop files and folders onto path widget segments to copy/move there
57 Days Ago
Update qt for windows drag/drop cancel crash fix More IsValid safety checks for drag/drop events
58 Days Ago
Fix crash when drag drop is cancelled/cleaned up before windows callback
2 Months Ago
Gradient editor: add buttons to select next/previous point without pixel picking faff Gradient editor: clear point selection when whole gradient changes, make reverse work properly aha Gradient editor: Tweak point drawing for better legibility Clamp point location to 0-1 when adding to gradient
2 Months Ago
Gradient editor: add shortcuts to reverse, distribute points evenly, clear to white
2 Months Ago
Add presets to gradient editor, ux improvements Prevent gradient editor colour points having alpha value Support photoshop-style sampling of gradient color under cursor Fix being able to create new gradient point with a negative location Add context menu to GradientControlWidget