userTony Fergusoncancel

2,672 Commits over 670 Days - 0.17cph!

5 Hours Ago
Use Json.Serialize/Deserialize for BaseFileSystem.WriteJson/ReadJson, instead of different serializer options which didn't support our custom converters
6 Hours Ago
Fixed case where the player might not have a weapon Create PlayerBody component, move weapon to hold bone when it's set to current
Organized some prefabs/resources
Input update
Re-implement Input.GetAnalog, respective glyph icons, moved some files into dedicated Controller directory
Localization now lives in its own folder at the root of a project, instead of "Assets\.localization" - Publishing a project will pick up this folder automatically - All you should need to do is move your .localization folder to the root of your project, and rename it to "Localization" Move menu localization files
2 Days Ago
Adjustments to boost mechanic
4 Days Ago
Can't aim while sprint/sliding ("no_aiming" mechanic tag)
4 Days Ago
Fixed HUD not showing
4 Days Ago
Add proxy update for mechanics, so we can grab tags for networked players, crouch/slide/etc sync'd this way
4 Days Ago
More work on networked players
5 Days Ago
Wrap player input around IsLocallyControlled
5 Days Ago
Code refactor, start working on pawn possession (so we can do networked spectators later)
5 Days Ago
.gitignore update, case sens changes
5 Days Ago
Adjust recoil system to be more sane Add some UI components back, start on ammo hud. Default map facepunch.prison Reflect real ammo counts, fixed MP5 ammo container
5 Days Ago
Fixes Fix input to work on the controller
5 Days Ago
GameObjectControlWidget: allow opening prefabs in editor
5 Days Ago
Removed some bullshit files, compile fix
5 Days Ago
Bullets point towards lerped direction, not raw input
5 Days Ago
Fixed projectile collisions being funky, disable main collider properly
5 Days Ago
Implement haptics for shooting Trigger haptics when taking damage
5 Days Ago
Start on pickup system, refactor shooting a bit to support haptics
5 Days Ago
Shield effects tint based on its current power
5 Days Ago
Use controller color for player's world panel
5 Days Ago
Add Rick's spaceship model
5 Days Ago
Fixed bullets colliding with dead players, collision problems w/ players
5 Days Ago
Don't show health bar if at max
5 Days Ago
Add ability to scope input hints
5 Days Ago
ComponentTypeSelector: don't allow left arrow navigation if trying to name component
5 Days Ago
Add player damage FX, health bar
5 Days Ago
Add TryUnstuck to Player movement
5 Days Ago
Moved Editor folder, updated .gitignore to reflect new changes
6 Days Ago
Don't use 4 players lol Refactor projectiles to not require a collider
6 Days Ago
Add GameStateManager.PlayerCount for debug
6 Days Ago
Refactor player movement a bit, turn rate does stuff now, boost reduces turn rate drastically
6 Days Ago
Extend projectile lifetime when a shield deflects
6 Days Ago
Projectile colors are based off player color (
6 Days Ago
Refactor shields to be directional, 90 degree angle coverage
6 Days Ago
Add shooting hint Add input hints for all mechanics
6 Days Ago
Scope to active controller when looking for glyph vendor
6 Days Ago
Add player name panel
6 Days Ago
Include System in Assembly.cs Add some boilerplate for differentiating local vs non-local players (for multiplayer later)
6 Days Ago
Minor fixes, can't shoot while shield is up
6 Days Ago
.sbproj cleanup
7 Days Ago
Fix menu glyph/input
7 Days Ago
Add ability to toggle between twinstick movement and face-velocity movement
7 Days Ago
Don't start the game automatically when everyone's ready, let them press a button
7 Days Ago
Add boost thrusters to player
7 Days Ago
Shield is continuous instead of toggle Use other speeder model Re-add ship exhaust FX (lost them somehow)
7 Days Ago
Add shield effects