4,880 Commits over 1,004 Days - 0.20cph!
Change project type from game to addon
Restart the game if players leave, or one joins (from an empty session), don't proceed with game loop if the server is empty
Game loop can be restarted, add TimeElapsed prop in GameManager now that it can be Sync'd
Make it so the player can sprint sideways
Reordered some ViewModel code, use Holo for M4
Remaining grenades
Renamed some prefabs
Add some comments in some game rules, reduced player walk speed
More comments, removed Gunsmith
Hide Radio UI for now
Reduced sprint speed by 40u
Refactor DroppedEquipment to use stuff from EquipmentResource, define bodygroups directly in the inspector
Adjusted default player hold location
Update new WorldModel process for M700, MP5, Spaghelli
Doubled reload speed for spaghelli so it's less mental
ViewModel: aim speed doubled
Recompile Refinery with combined light probe
Don't need this anymore either
Fix up some camera stuff
Start refactoring ViewModel, Equipment so we place stuff on the player's root, viewmodels are placed absolutely
Start rewriting how we do weapons/worldmodel/viewmodel to be more like sbdm
Reduced charge station loop sound dist
Rewrite ChargeStation, only runs a RPC when we start & end charging. Sound doesn't get stuck activated. Sound gets played when we stop charging.
New sounds for charge station events
Fixed "Only the host can deal damage!" assert throwing when trying to suicide
Terrain: Implement simple noise tool https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b2011b1/sbox-dev_3vMnaauA7V.mp4
Let's format this file properly
Terrain: Implement smooth sculpt tool https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b2011b1/sbox-dev_N6T1keSw6q.mp4
Fixed CreateGameModal menu error
DedicatedServerConsole: Show hostname instead of "s&box server" if there is one
Add LaunchArguments.MaxPlayers, overrides created lobby preferences (used for CreateGameModal)
Brush Settings: increase maximum width so we have sliders
Rat respawn increased from 5 to 30
Shotgun: Increase spread of alt attack
Make IsZoomed false when unequipping the crossbow, resolves #218
Death camera works when the player is gibbed and has no ragdoll
Reduced Rat lifetime (30 -> 10 seconds)
Try catch when accessing Console.BufferWidth, resolves #1854
Doubled reconnect timeout time (30 -> 60)
Dispose of PrefabFile's cached scene when unregistering, should fix memory leak when switching games
Update CreateGameModal - don't have two General categories if we have uncategorized GameSettings, fixed not listing uncategorized GameSettings
Support ConVar.Min|Max for game settings when publishing a project
Damage taken shot is played in 2d, and only on the victim
MP5: Reduce horizontal aimcone by 50%
Fixed Feed not showing our own multi kills
Add new pickup sounds, and item respawn sounds
Adjust chatbox styling abit
Add "say" command so the server can talk to people
Don't lerp Gluon effects if the distance is too far away
Switch away if we're trying to shoot mp5 secondary without any ammo
Better solution for GluonWeapon NRE
Fixed not being able to equip MP5 when it has no primary ammo, but has secondary ammo
Fixed multi kill (1) showing every kill
Upped multikill window by a second
Sound tweaks (mostly reduced distances), new kill sound (and multikill sound), damage received sound