userTony Fergusoncancel

4,820 Commits over 1,004 Days - 0.20cph!

Interpolate beam target
Networked applied force
Gluon Gun: Reduced base damage from 12.5 to 10
GluonWeapon: If valid, draw box around target
Quadrupled gluon gun range
Improved lock-on by ignoring anything that isn't a player when looking for a lock target
GluonWeapon: Add lock on behavior BeamRenderer: can provide a middle point and we'll bezier between Update quicktest.scene Update the gluon fx more frequently GluonWeapon: Implement lock on bezier curve
Fixed Rat always targeting you because it was looking for the wrong Id
Rat gun has ammo, can throw 5 rats
Adjust post-processing
GameState size reduction & cleanup Fixed bot notarget
Removed some stuff from prefabs
Removed unused
3 Days Ago
Don't use tall thumb in GameClosedToast, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7814
3 Days Ago
Fixed lobby count not refreshing correctly in GameModal, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7815
3 Days Ago
Add FullSelfDamage tag, cooking a grenade too long does not apply self damage modifiers
3 Days Ago
Crosshair adjusments for Glock / Python
3 Days Ago
Lowered some viewmodels so they're less in the way
3 Days Ago
Adjust charge station so players can't have over 100 armor
3 Days Ago
Removed extra colliders from Tripmine pickup, resolves #205
3 Days Ago
Reduced size of RPG projectile collider
4 Days Ago
Improve visuals of greyed out weapons Better order
4 Days Ago
Grey out empty weapons in weapon switcher, skip when navigating
4 Days Ago
Fixed GameState not showing players sometimes (doh)
4 Days Ago
Map List excludes current map
4 Days Ago
Map voting is off by default, add thieves.marine_base_arena to the map list
4 Days Ago
Clean up GameState, don't show up if in warmup
4 Days Ago
HornetGunWeapon: Added asserts to track down validity issue
5 Days Ago
don't add stats if we have cheats enabled, make bot_add a cheat command
5 Days Ago
Scale extra force based on distance over radius
5 Days Ago
Reduced shell case bounce sound duration by 90%
5 Days Ago
Shotgun: Reduced incremental anim speed a tad
5 Days Ago
Hook up speed_reload for ViewModels, shotgun reload is much snappier now
5 Days Ago
This isn't needed here
5 Days Ago
Can pass an extra force into damage, you can now rocket jump
5 Days Ago
Incremental ViewModel reloading, fixes shotgun reloads
5 Days Ago
Crossbow projectile is made more lethal - if we hit a player, instantly kill them, buff explosive damage a bit if we don't hit a player
5 Days Ago
Doubled crossbow projectile speed
5 Days Ago
Reduced viewmodel inertia
5 Days Ago
Recognize damage
5 Days Ago
Re-add PSX Post Processing
5 Days Ago
Add player using PlayerController, custom bob
5 Days Ago
Starting fresh
6 Days Ago
Fixed Gauss gun not shooting correctly if we're shooting at the sky (no trace hit) Add gauss gun to test map Shooting a satchel charge duds it instead of explodes it
6 Days Ago
Add GameConfig.SelfDamageScale
6 Days Ago
Update quicktest.scene
6 Days Ago
Fixed map selection not working if using CreateGameModal
6 Days Ago
Add GameState panel that shows 5 players with the highest kills in order, as well as time left
6 Days Ago
Weapon NRE fixes
6 Days Ago
Debug asserts for BroadcastReload NRE