4,820 Commits over 1,004 Days - 0.20cph!
Gluon Gun: Reduced base damage from 12.5 to 10
GluonWeapon: If valid, draw box around target
Quadrupled gluon gun range
Improved lock-on by ignoring anything that isn't a player when looking for a lock target
GluonWeapon: Add lock on behavior
BeamRenderer: can provide a middle point and we'll bezier between
Update quicktest.scene
Update the gluon fx more frequently
GluonWeapon: Implement lock on bezier curve
Fixed Rat always targeting you because it was looking for the wrong Id
Rat gun has ammo, can throw 5 rats
GameState size reduction & cleanup
Fixed bot notarget
Removed some stuff from prefabs
Don't use tall thumb in GameClosedToast, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7814
Fixed lobby count not refreshing correctly in GameModal, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7815
Add FullSelfDamage tag, cooking a grenade too long does not apply self damage modifiers
Crosshair adjusments for Glock / Python
Lowered some viewmodels so they're less in the way
Adjust charge station so players can't have over 100 armor
Removed extra colliders from Tripmine pickup, resolves #205
Reduced size of RPG projectile collider
Improve visuals of greyed out weapons
Better order
Grey out empty weapons in weapon switcher, skip when navigating
Fixed GameState not showing players sometimes (doh)
Map List excludes current map
Map voting is off by default, add thieves.marine_base_arena to the map list
Clean up GameState, don't show up if in warmup
HornetGunWeapon: Added asserts to track down validity issue
don't add stats if we have cheats enabled, make bot_add a cheat command
Scale extra force based on distance over radius
Reduced shell case bounce sound duration by 90%
Shotgun: Reduced incremental anim speed a tad
Hook up speed_reload for ViewModels, shotgun reload is much snappier now
Can pass an extra force into damage, you can now rocket jump
Incremental ViewModel reloading, fixes shotgun reloads
Crossbow projectile is made more lethal - if we hit a player, instantly kill them, buff explosive damage a bit if we don't hit a player
Doubled crossbow projectile speed
Reduced viewmodel inertia
Re-add PSX Post Processing
Add player using PlayerController, custom bob
Fixed Gauss gun not shooting correctly if we're shooting at the sky (no trace hit)
Add gauss gun to test map
Shooting a satchel charge duds it instead of explodes it
Add GameConfig.SelfDamageScale
Fixed map selection not working if using CreateGameModal
Add GameState panel that shows 5 players with the highest kills in order, as well as time left
Debug asserts for BroadcastReload NRE