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Go back to prep phase for each half, so we play another card per arena round
Disallow spamming cards in prep phase
Fixed showing every card when playing a card
Drop card inventory on scene changes, it's not needed
Why thank you for cleaning my code file
Rotate and translate cards in inventory
Use a different bullet tracer when we're using big bullets card
Use nullable values in modifiers instead
Add big bullets card
Bullet size can be modified by event
Can also override bullet tracer FX
Headers for identifying each player's hand
Implement weapon modifier events, works for targeted card and global
Add PauseInPreparationPhase convar, rename double_speed prefab
Define API for weapon modifiers
Remove useless code, show timer in prep phase
Work on card ui
Refactor card inventory ownership/networking
CardEffect, add testing card prefab
Fixed MovementModifiers
Update PreparationPhaseManager to create a random card (test)
UI for half/round end state
Cinematic high hit is way too loud
Some networking fixes, implement halves. Initial round loop is implemented
Broadcast tracers
Show health in hud
Proper feedback if we're looking for a game
Hold the weapon in hold bone if we're proxy
Make spawnpoint assignment deterministic
Actually set the player's position
If we can't find a lobby - make one
Use your own clothes
Fixed player spawn assignment
Menu styling
Quick nasty random lobby joiner util
Fixed weapon code being ran non-locally
Don't perform round loop spawner if we're the editor
Docs, player HP, fixed round_loop prefab having two combat managers
Define OnPlayerSpawned - create PlayerSpawning component, which looks for an unoccupied spawn point
Start prep phase when enough players join
Flow into combat
Show player count and required player count
Event decides where player spawns
Use a scene tag to define if a scene is an arena, create prefab instead of holding stuff in each scene
Fixed SceneInformation not saving SceneTags metadata
Don't spawn the player until we hit combat phase, kill local player if we exit combat phase