userTony Fergusoncancel

3,933 Commits over 823 Days - 0.20cph!

9 Months Ago
Added baseline for component version upgraders
9 Months Ago
Use Input.AnalogLook and Input.AnalogMove in PlayerController
9 Months Ago
Update RazorComponentTemplate to use TextArea
9 Months Ago
Add TextAreaControlWidget, supports properties using TextAreaAttribute
9 Months Ago
Fixed action set flip-flopping between Menu and InGame twice a frame :S
9 Months Ago
Support Alex's scrolling
9 Months Ago
Post-merge fix
9 Months Ago
Start drafting out UI navigation with controller, by traversing panels Refactor so we can switch between panel traversal and virtual cursor based on input Don't revert back to PanelTraversalSystem if analog is empty Add basic working virtual cursor using PanelInput.UpdateMouse Fixed calculation of virtual cursor position Use stylesheet to style virtual cursor, add ScrollSpeed Refactor, virtual cursor as its own rootpanel so we don't add a panel to every root panel we access Disable system if mouse is moving at all Make VirtualCursorOverlay a razor panel Update SteamInput manifest to include joystick inputs for Menu action set Hide mouse cursor while we have controller input active Support processing any number of root panels, make it work in GameMenu Scale ControllerInput.GetAnalog by Input.ControllerLookYaw(Pitch)Speed Scale virtual cursor position movement by delta time, no wonder it felt different on GameMenu Process inputs in MenuDll Remove some direct controller access, use Input.AnalogMove/AnalogLook instead VCS: only tick for panels that want mouse input VCS: fix is-pressed style Refactor, add ControllerOverlay, so we can add another overlay for panel traversal selection Add PanelTraversalOverlay (for lack of a better name) Work on finding panels from delta, fixed not finding an initial focused panel Give eligible panels a score and give it some data to score by, focus the lowest scoring panel, also hook up selection and scrolling Decrease block increment size, can get finer selections (i.e PackageCard modal button) Fix FindPanelsAt never finding more than 1 panel Remove PanelTraversalOverlay, it looked shit When enabling VCS, use the mouse's current position Traverse blocks relative to the screen size, instead of set pixels Add IControllerInputSystem.Destroy Store last mouse position, don't run in multiple contexts (sort this out in a better way next) - fixes VCS overlay lingering around Minor cleanup Run Input.SetFocus( null ) on IControllerInputSystem.Destroy Scope UI simulation Remove context hacks Pass DoAnyPanelsWantMouseVisible() to ControllerInput, don't call if we don't need input Only use pointer-events on elements we want to click on for SocialBar Remove unused code, documentation pass When looking for an initial panel for traversal, use the mouse position (works w/ virtual cursor) Remove InputManifestTemplate/GamepadManifestTemplate groups from Sandbox.Game csproj since they don't exist Don't run ControllerInput.Tick at all if we don't have a controller Docs for IVirtualCursor Kill controller input system if we run out of gamepads to use General cleanup, remove unused ControllerOverlay panel Add adjustable analog sensitivity for UI
9 Months Ago
Set SceneObject shadow casting flag before setting model / transform so we don't need to update the object again
9 Months Ago
Re-plug in speech synthesizer play return
9 Months Ago
Fixed not loading the startup scene fallback when loading a project
9 Months Ago
Align impact decals correctly instead of accounting for the 90 degree offset bug Fix error spam from sound emitter
9 Months Ago
Update decals scene
9 Months Ago
Fixed decals projecting down instead of forward
9 Months Ago
Can use HideInEditor to hide components in component selector
9 Months Ago
Fixed play toggle not working while focused on the game You'll probably need to bind this manually, so if it still doesn't work for you, type "bind F5 play_toggle" in console
9 Months Ago
API fixes
9 Months Ago
Better algorithm
9 Months Ago
Add an access point for the player controller to influence recoil
9 Months Ago
Cleanup, add horizontal and vertical spread ranges
9 Months Ago
Add loop points to recoil patterns
9 Months Ago
Update style of recoil pattern UI, draw line with all points
9 Months Ago
Use recoil pattern in RecoilFunction
9 Months Ago
Add editor for designing recoil patterns
9 Months Ago
Add basic recoil
9 Months Ago
Fixed not finding the ammo container
9 Months Ago
Move weapon functions into a separate gameobject on the weapon for organization
9 Months Ago
Further refactor
9 Months Ago
Refactor weapon abilities to be weapon functions, stats can be modified by weapon functions
9 Months Ago
Update camera animation code to use local bone transform, ty @aylaylay
9 Months Ago
Don't overcomplicate stats
9 Months Ago
Add weapon stats system baseline
9 Months Ago
Add test code for local bone transform
9 Months Ago
Port bullet trails code
9 Months Ago
Remove unused field from SoundEmitter
9 Months Ago
Style the menu a bit
9 Months Ago
Add main menu, default scene is main menu, add play button
9 Months Ago
Fix particle rotation
9 Months Ago
Add GameObject.PlaySound as a fire and forget way to play sounds on a gameobject (and have it follow the object)
9 Months Ago
Apply decal random rotation, spawn particles
9 Months Ago
Play bullet sounds
9 Months Ago
Bullshit reloading system for now
9 Months Ago
Add GameObject.DestroyAsync extension Add SurfaceComponent and GameObject.GetSurface extension method Prefab updates Get surface from weapon shoot trace, create impact effect gameobject from decal definition
9 Months Ago
Make player prefab
9 Months Ago
Use new particle for muzzle flash instead of legacy
9 Months Ago
Remove PlayerController.IsDucking
9 Months Ago
Maintain interpolated local position and rotation so we can just keep applying, add sliding state to vm
9 Months Ago
Apply local transform to viewmodel based on wish direction
9 Months Ago
Hook up slide anim and remove legacy stuff
9 Months Ago
Mechanics can override acceleration