userTony Fergusoncancel

3,933 Commits over 823 Days - 0.20cph!

9 Months Ago
Scale down wish input significantly while sliding Can't slide/crouch while sliding Expose HasAnTag accessor ViewModel move_groundspeed cleared if we have the slide tag
9 Months Ago
Fix NREs
9 Months Ago
Categorize base mechanic properties
9 Months Ago
Add Mechanic.ShouldBecomeaActive / Mechanic.ShouldBecomeInactive so mechanics can lock Add basic sliding mechanic
9 Months Ago
Mechanic.IsActive is set properly by holding a list of active mechanics between updates
9 Months Ago
Player controller input refactor, let mechanics interrupt input (sprint dampening left-right movement)
9 Months Ago
Refactor, mechanics have tags which are cleared every frame, move sprint to a mechanic Update DamageInfo
9 Months Ago
Work on getting camera bone animating for viewmodel
9 Months Ago
Block out player controller mechanics, eye height override, speed override, etc
9 Months Ago
Add muzzle flash prefab & util timed destroy component
9 Months Ago
Link weapon and its viewmodel properly, create some prefabs for the MP5
9 Months Ago
Fix ironsights, make aimray start a bit out from the player for now
9 Months Ago
Fix SceneTrace.WithAnyTags using WithAllTags
9 Months Ago
Fix NRE Add basic ammo container / dry firing
9 Months Ago
Add PlayerController.AddJump action, hook up b_grounded parameter Temporary ADS solution
9 Months Ago
Hook in animation parameters where possible
9 Months Ago
Block out damage Documentation, add tags to DamageInfo, hook into weapon shooting
9 Months Ago
Quick and nasty health component Don't create a health component when checking any GameObject's health
9 Months Ago
Recompile smg1_shoot sound
9 Months Ago
Mess with networking, make a lobby immediately if not connected Add GameNetworkManager.IsMultiplayer Rename CitizenAnimationHelper so we don't clash with base Add CameraController.AimRay Update API Use GameObjects for muzzle flash / trail, add some shooting functionality, EffectsRenderer that points to a ViewModel if we have one
9 Months Ago
Assign CurrentHoldType from character's enabled weapon object Block out weapon abilities
9 Months Ago
If we're hiding the player's body, continue to render its shadows
9 Months Ago
Remove ununsed code, fix lighting on main scene Update .gitignore
9 Months Ago
Missed out a few files from my backup that were old, should be good now
9 Months Ago
Re-added missing files that were for some reason plain LFS text
9 Months Ago
Delete model viewer Re-add model viewer
9 Months Ago
Update LFS rules
9 Months Ago
Fixed aoproxy crash when changing model
9 Months Ago
Don't render AO proxies if we're not casting shadows
9 Months Ago
Update scene
9 Months Ago
Add property to ModelRenderer to configure shadow rendering
9 Months Ago
Pass tags to envmap probes in prep for having control over them
9 Months Ago
Make sure to pass tags to light SceneObjects
9 Months Ago
Give SceneCameras created by CameraComponent a name (derived from its GameObject)
9 Months Ago
Fix row spacing for ListView using ItemAlign.SpaceBetween when item count is 1
9 Months Ago
Don't use hardcoded ground angle
9 Months Ago
Get rid of my debug logs
9 Months Ago
Revert "Don't use LFS for code", causing issues because of all of these existing files
9 Months Ago
Don't use LFS for code
9 Months Ago
Fix skidding
9 Months Ago
Range slider is optional
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Set up using viewmodel camera layer
9 Months Ago
Scene view falls back to a set background color if we don't have a camera (and gives prefab editor a standard look)
9 Months Ago
Fixed all treeviews being broken :dizzy_face:
9 Months Ago
Fixed DecalRenderer not creating its sceneobject when created programmatically
9 Months Ago
Clamp SceneCamera.Rect input so we can't crash the game Clamp camera width and height to always be non-zero to prevent crashing VectorControlWidget can pass RangeAttribute details to its fields CameraComponent.Viewport type change, use RangeAttribute to clamp in UI
9 Months Ago
Scene: add GameObject and Component querying to hierarchy - GameObject querying uses Contains - Component querying requires a full type match
9 Months Ago
Added multiple camera rendering support and exposed camera viewports - Added CameraComponent properties - CameraComponent.Priority - CameraComponent.Viewport
9 Months Ago
Fixed not editing all cameras (viewported cameras, etc) when outside of play mode