userTony Fergusoncancel

3,933 Commits over 823 Days - 0.20cph!

1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Don't pad here
1 Year Ago
Use RenderFragments for HeaderComponent, downside is there's more code duplication now
1 Year Ago
Partial matching for NavigatorButton, so it works on secondary/tertiary navigation
1 Year Ago
Center align header nav content
1 Year Ago
Add NavigatorButton, set "is-active" if CurrentUrl matches
1 Year Ago
Made everything a bit less error spammy
1 Year Ago
Add intro anim to GameLobbyPage
1 Year Ago
Use another map for test lobby create
1 Year Ago
Look for package screenshots and add a background mask in the game lobby page
1 Year Ago
Fix NRE when exiting lobby
1 Year Ago
Add Start Match button for host
1 Year Ago
Add basic lobby chat
1 Year Ago
Add GamemodeCard Use GamemodeCard in lobby, as well as PackageCard to show map and mode
1 Year Ago
GameLobbyPage iteration - show lobby data
1 Year Ago
If we don't find any games matchmaking, make a lobby
1 Year Ago
Start work on GameLobbyPage Add stupid secret button to make a lobby for now
1 Year Ago
Add GamemodeList component
1 Year Ago
Remove unused div
1 Year Ago
MatchmakingUtility -> MatchmakingSystem, start basic matchmaker and hook MatchmakingWidget up Add basic loading screen Lower the search time for now, set the state to "found a match" when we're making a server
1 Year Ago
Refactor MatchmakerPage, add PackageList component with multi-select and some extra render fragments Reset query status just before we find packages
1 Year Ago
Add package multi-selection
1 Year Ago
Package card
1 Year Ago
Less stylesheet repetition, started work on matchmaker page
1 Year Ago
Work on MatchMakerUtility -> look for lobbies that match our gunfight mode, and map selection, then do the same for server list if we can't find any lobbies
1 Year Ago
MatchmakingWidget: Add finished class
1 Year Ago
Stub for MatchmakingWidget
1 Year Ago
ExpandWidget: expanded by default, can set Expanded property to override this
1 Year Ago
Add hover / active state to ExpandWidget, only run OnClick if we click the header
1 Year Ago
Refresh friends list state every 5s
1 Year Ago
ActionButton: Can define background and blend color
1 Year Ago
Landing page iteration
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Full-height friends list widget
1 Year Ago
Can access friends list from IGameMenu (Game.Menu.Friends)
1 Year Ago
Start working on main menu panel Added dot mask to action buttons, added ExpandWidget
1 Year Ago
.addon -> .sbproj Event -> GameEvent Asset compile Clean up the rest of the obsoletes / warnings
1 Year Ago
Show painter cooldown in realtime
1 Year Ago
Throw an exception when Package.Download gets cancelled, fixes #1184 and sboxgame/issues#3677
1 Year Ago
Tentative fix for rich presence setting steam_player_group to invalid SteamIDs, grouping players incorrectly
1 Year Ago
Add method to convert Qt::Key to ButtonCode as string Tools: Add KeyBind widget, intercepts key presses and sets value to last key pressed Tools: Test using keybind editor for InputAction.KeyboardCode
1 Year Ago
Add Noclip input action
1 Year Ago
ServerListPanel: Add Create Game button if we don't find any servers
1 Year Ago
Include UI sounds in main menu resources
1 Year Ago
Add refreshing state to lobby browser
1 Year Ago
Use custom sounds for ui nav
1 Year Ago
Add screen edge images to main menu / loading screen, style adjustments to main menu and loading screen
1 Year Ago
Update .sbproj to include resources
1 Year Ago
Fix compile