userTony Fergusoncancel

3,933 Commits over 823 Days - 0.20cph!

1 Year Ago
New scoreboard style
1 Year Ago
Only look for DevCamera and control HUD visibility from RootPanel
1 Year Ago
Use award system to show big notification that the game is over
1 Year Ago
Add PlayerDeathCamera, switch to it when running DeathCam.Show
1 Year Ago
Don't clamp ammo count on HUD
1 Year Ago
Fixed ammo count being fucked
1 Year Ago
Can't run SetWinners again if State != Active
1 Year Ago
Add Minigame.State, Minigame.Participants - fixed failing to account for spectating players in Tag
1 Year Ago
Basic tv expressions for Tag
1 Year Ago
Create PlayerStateComponent, add IsImportant, use that to add more status effects to player markers, use it in Tag
1 Year Ago
Refactor game flow, add very simple state control, track minigame winners Network current minigame properly, wtf did I write this for
1 Year Ago
Add a bunch of spawnpoints
1 Year Ago
Update map, remove *.vpk from gitignore, add built map to repo
1 Year Ago
Moved spawn offset down by 30 units Add UI for game state
1 Year Ago
Fixed some annoying flow issues. Clear up minigame objects properly
1 Year Ago
Give player a proper physics hull, record touch events and send to minigame, use this in the Tag minigame
1 Year Ago
Add IMinigameObject, clear them out when minigame starts/ends Add ColorComponent - give it to tagged player (in Tag) and set the color to green UI: PlayerMarker looks for a ColorComponent and sets the marker tint if we find one, resets back to null if we lose the component
1 Year Ago
Made expression image a bit larger Added Chatbox from Sandbox Game Let empty messages be shown on TV Start work on tag game
1 Year Ago
Fixed closest player check
1 Year Ago
Make players look at each other when they're not in motion
1 Year Ago
Pluralize waiting for players message if we need to
1 Year Ago
Use low tickrate Add example usage of TVMessage/TVExpression in TestMinigame, fixed not displaying the correct message
1 Year Ago
Added a few basic expressions Add style for new expressions
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Set up TV entity and WorldPanel Add minigame control for expression + message, fall back if there's no minigame (waiting for players?) remove unused using Use correct event to update TV
1 Year Ago
Delete active pawn when making new one Fixed minimum player count Spawn players on init, not start Pull the player up from their spawn a little, fixed client running some code it shouldn't, added some more logs
1 Year Ago
Create a testing roster of minigames when the game starts, flow between them
1 Year Ago
Handle minigame pawn creation, spawn location, event
1 Year Ago
Set up minigame countdown, minimum players start flow. Minigames can define a countdown override, and game length.
1 Year Ago
Work on player controls, added player markers Minigame logic entity Player markers differ if they're your own, or other people's, animate own marker
1 Year Ago
Initial commit
1 Year Ago
Pass weapon through projectile creation, so we can pass it in DamageInfo Add deathcam UI
1 Year Ago
Fixed scoreboard still accepting pointer events while it's closing
1 Year Ago
Fixed ammo pickups, fixed quick weapon switch for RL/Sniper/Lightning Gun
1 Year Ago
Make sure to update Info component when weapon switches, fixes weapon icon not updating
1 Year Ago
Fixed being able to infinitely fire while ammo is depleted Clear inputs on death
1 Year Ago
Re-add all weapons in prefab form
1 Year Ago
Remove overridden dev cam
1 Year Ago
Update .addon
1 Year Ago
Update deprecated code
1 Year Ago
Run ServerConfig.InitClient every time the game loop starts, as opposed to on bootstrap - when we kill stringtable pointers on shutdown, we unsubscribe any existing events, making input actions fall out of sync when joining another game. See #998
1 Year Ago
Run ServerConfig.InitClient on GameLoopStart instead of PostBootstrap - demonstrates issue #998
1 Year Ago
Can click scoreboard rows to open steam profile
1 Year Ago
Work on grabbing scoreboard from gunfight
1 Year Ago
Fixed shotgun fire buttons
1 Year Ago
Optimize Input.SetupManifestData Register analogs when creating groups, instead of iterating through after we've finished
1 Year Ago
Fix overlapping usage of right joystick button
1 Year Ago
Fix up obsolete event usage in Sandbox.Game Don't pass KeyboardModifiers in input actions related methods anymore ManifestGroups cleanup
1 Year Ago
Removed unused actions from project settings
1 Year Ago
Updated to Input Actions, update events