userTony Fergusoncancel

3,894 Commits over 823 Days - 0.20cph!

25 Days Ago
Test move code
25 Days Ago
Inventory drag drop logic
25 Days Ago
Style the slots a little bit
25 Days Ago
WIP inventory item interaction
25 Days Ago
Expose VoxelRenderer.Size, just so we can play with the size in-editor Increase map size, replace water with a colored plane for now
25 Days Ago
Fixed resources
25 Days Ago
New playtest scene
25 Days Ago
Import HC1 water
25 Days Ago
Replace tree branch with tom's new model
25 Days Ago
Add depletion stages to rock node
25 Days Ago
Add rock node, rock item
25 Days Ago
Add item icon editor, tree node, tree branch item (pending model)
25 Days Ago
Spawn world item over network
25 Days Ago
recompile player mat
25 Days Ago
Better world placement for node-created items Removed ruby animgraph, use code to spin world items around
25 Days Ago
Make ruby opaque for now
25 Days Ago
Don't destroy the world item if we can't insert it into our inventory
25 Days Ago
Add WorldItem, resource node drops items on the ground, collide with world item to pick it up
25 Days Ago
Give gem a world model
26 Days Ago
Just rotate the character always for now
26 Days Ago
Add a few sounds for weapons, melee weapons have a delayed swing Adjust attack range for Sword
26 Days Ago
Bonemerge character mesh onto an invisible citizen
26 Days Ago
Better trace trajectory for melee weapons
26 Days Ago
Add methods for setting the player's main hand / off hand weapon, can do it from a GameObject, or a Prefab
26 Days Ago
Add dynamic crosshair
26 Days Ago
Very simple menu boilerplate
26 Days Ago
Add ChangeAttribute
26 Days Ago
Update .sbproj
26 Days Ago
The ability to aim is defined by weapon, FOV offset also defined by weapon, use FOV preference instead of hard value, current weapon as a property on the player
26 Days Ago
Put playerfootsteps component in player prefab
26 Days Ago
Tweak the gun a bit
26 Days Ago
Projectiles created by projectile weapons will ignore players
26 Days Ago
Added ProjectileWeapon, Projectile
26 Days Ago
Actually, keep damage effect, but use a shield icon and grey color
26 Days Ago
Nullify PvP damage
26 Days Ago
Ask the host to take damage if we're not in charge, basic player respawn, players can take damage
26 Days Ago
Fleshed out damage system a bit more
27 Days Ago
Add libevents
27 Days Ago
Add DamageEffect to Mannequin for now
27 Days Ago
Work on damage events, incorporate Louie's damage types in a generic manner
27 Days Ago
Simple melee weapon, mannequin
27 Days Ago
Add a chatbox so we can talk shit to each other
27 Days Ago
Add basic networked third person player
28 Days Ago
Initial commit
28 Days Ago
Don't show Shipment for now
28 Days Ago
Some main menu styling changes, improve party podium a bit
28 Days Ago
A couple more fixes
28 Days Ago
Few more error fixes
28 Days Ago
Remove vehicle markers, too expensive
29 Days Ago
Fixed PartyMemberMarker NRE Assorted error fixes