4,684 Commits over 976 Days - 0.20cph!
Show player level in main menu
Show player level in chatbox
Xp tweaking, added xp bar to main hud
Add event for when xp is changed, set default XP to something that isn't zero
Refactor levelling progression to be static, with a link to the component for displaying levels for others - so we can get this data in menu
Refactor progression around a generic enough persistence system
Relax non-ironsight fire scale
Remove use of CancelWebAuthTicket in WebSocket.Connect, was crashing dedicated servers
Clear burst fire state if we run out of ammo while bursting
Set up ironsights through Max's anims
Subtract m_nMaxPlayers by m_nBotPlayers so servers show that they're full if they're occupied by bots + players
Editor: If "show start screen" is off, load last opened project automatically
Remove duplicate gamepad codes in common actions
Docs pass / MenuDll typo fix
Fix initial menu presence, as well as presence when disconnecting from a server
Implement ModalSystem.CloseAll, close all modals when killing game menu instance
Make rich presence say playing a game while in its game menu (update to say Menu later?)
When connecting to a server, open its gamemenu and immediately open the loading screen
Cache GameLobby.Data to prevent issues with grabbing lobby info after setting it. Invalidate on lobby data refresh
Probably a better way to do this :anguished:
If we've got no ammo, assume we can eliminate weapon recoil
Downgrade progression logs to Trace
Update default manifest again
Fixed controller actions not being reflected serverside
Rip out manifest codegen entirely
Remove Sandbox.Gamepad
Add Sandbox.GamepadCode
Add InputAction.DigitalAction which maps GamepadCode to something SteamInput can parse immediately
Refactor Input to grab action.DigitalAction
Fix up GetButtonOrigin and glyphs
Update manifest.vdf to use new actions
Only process input actions with a valid gamepad code
Remove Input.ActionSetName, Controller.GetDigitalActionOriginName( string, InputActionSetHandle_t )
Docs pass for GameLobby, importantly Lobby.ConVars, and inherit docs where possible
Add ProgressionComponent, grab Player from API
Show player level in scoreboard
Fixed these requests being back to front...why they're like this in the first place is weird imo
Update Models
Send XP requests
Build match submit request, send 'em off (on FFA only atm)
Add MatchHistory.SubmitAsync
Only assign firstHit when we hit something, doesn't have to be on first iteratio neither
Lower eye height for slide, can slide through lower gaps
First iteration of vault mechanic (jumping through windows, quickly over short ledges
Turn VaultMoveMechanic.IsDebugging off
Org Info Modal https://files.facepunch.com/tony/1b0711b1/sbox_g2OtLOLYzn.mp4
Update GameStatus visuals a bit
Add placeholders to FFAStatus if there's no second/third player
Fixed gamemode not being set correctly from lobby
Add "x is the winner!" text when FFA mode ends
Fixed being able to move / shoot while Gamemode.AllowMovement was set to false
Fix ammo HUD not updating when ammo reserve changes
Use proper client int for kills
FFA: Win the game if someone hits the Max score
Fixed ui layout problems if there's no second / third player
Kill feed styling adjustments