4,684 Commits over 976 Days - 0.20cph!
Started work on game states for Gunfight
Added GunfightWeapon.Start/StopDecaying, prioritize penetration over ricochet
Added team system support to player hud markers
Added scoring system
Added more QoL accessors for TeamSystem
Kill Feed will try to use team colors
Added GunfightScorePanel, ready for gameplay loop!
Unset debug scores
Restructure some team extensions, assign players to teams in Gunfight gamemode
Gamemodes can create their own hud style
Add gamemode selection, map defines it as priority, then via convar (GameSetting)
Add boilerplate Team System
Added ToExtensions
Update .addon w/ GameSettings
Temporary priamry weapon randomizer
Add Inventory.HasWeaponWithAmmoType
Only siphon ammo if it benefits the player
Add gunfight_createweapon test command
Weapons are usable, can pick them up
Drop the player's Primary Weapon on death
If the player collides with a weapon, siphon ammo from it until we don't need the weapon anymore. Then delete the weapon.
Upped BulletSize for knife, R870 is a primary again
Cleared up all compiler warnings
Burst FireMode is simulated properly now
Accidently broke ricochet
Fixed shotguns being absolutely useless due to damage reductions
Apply damage reduction for both ricochet and penetration
Add GunfightWeapon.ShouldPenetrate
Weapons can define their own damage flags, fixes knife being able to penetrate
Pass proper bullet range instead of hardcoded numbers
Added basic bullet penetration. Doesn't respect surface materials or glass yet
Pass damage ref through TraceBullet, allow ricochet to dampen damage amount
Reset recoil when weapon becomes active
Only pass reload frac while actually reloading
Added hud hints for CoverAimMechanic
Add screen effects when mounting/dismounting a wall
Add super basic cover aim mounting mechanic
Fixed reload arc showing after cancelling a reload
Re-adjusted MP5 and R870 recoil, removed Drop functionality
Added HudMarker system, hooked it up to players
Fixed reload arc showing when you first spawn
Validate Controller, fix HudHints NRE
Slouch the player while vaulting
Inform the ViewModel when reload is finished with anim parameter
Add screen shake post-vault
Fixed font sizes on hints and inventory
Removed reachedVertically, just decrease forward vault offset
Add vaulting mechanic, accompanying hud hint
Fixed client not getting Mechanic.IsActive correctly
Rewrite player controller, with thanks to Boomer, with mechanics in mind, rewrote duck/slide
Fixed Burst firemode spamming dryfire sound. Not sure why that was there..
Fixed NRE while the player has no weapons
Started boilerplate for gamemodes
Don't use InputHint for InventoryIcon
Restored InputHint functionality lost from Spire
Add HudHints panel, add reload hint
Moved inventory bar, hide active weapon
Simplify InventoryIcon button fetching
Should have fixed slide sounds being whacky on non-host
Fixed Reload arc showing weirdly sometimes