userTony Fergusoncancel

44 Commits over 120 Days - 0.02cph!

11 Months Ago
Fix compile like this for now
11 Months Ago
Style popups
11 Months Ago
Support viewing the ragdoll of a player if they die during deathcam
12 Months Ago
Upped death cam FOV
12 Months Ago
Fixed being able to move pickups around with projectiles
12 Months Ago
Give grenade projectile some drag
12 Months Ago
Refactor projectile system to match FP4
12 Months Ago
Fixed chat
12 Months Ago
Re-implement SlowMovement trigger
12 Months Ago
Re-implement DashRechargePickup on new pickup base
12 Months Ago
Add MusicBox entity back in, w/ ClientSettings for volume
12 Months Ago
Fixed rocket jumping
12 Months Ago
Add groups to client settings, support in ObjectEditor
12 Months Ago
Revamp settings menu
12 Months Ago
Proper hover style for own scoreboard row
12 Months Ago
Work on re-adding ClientSettings
12 Months Ago
Return scoreboard to hold for open
12 Months Ago
New scoreboard style
12 Months Ago
Only look for DevCamera and control HUD visibility from RootPanel
12 Months Ago
Use award system to show big notification that the game is over
12 Months Ago
Add PlayerDeathCamera, switch to it when running DeathCam.Show
12 Months Ago
Don't clamp ammo count on HUD
12 Months Ago
Fixed ammo count being fucked
12 Months Ago
Pass weapon through projectile creation, so we can pass it in DamageInfo Add deathcam UI
12 Months Ago
Fixed scoreboard still accepting pointer events while it's closing
12 Months Ago
Fixed ammo pickups, fixed quick weapon switch for RL/Sniper/Lightning Gun
12 Months Ago
Make sure to update Info component when weapon switches, fixes weapon icon not updating
12 Months Ago
Fixed being able to infinitely fire while ammo is depleted Clear inputs on death
12 Months Ago
Re-add all weapons in prefab form
1 Year Ago
Can click scoreboard rows to open steam profile
1 Year Ago
Work on grabbing scoreboard from gunfight
1 Year Ago
Fixed shotgun fire buttons
1 Year Ago
Removed unused actions from project settings
1 Year Ago
Updated to Input Actions, update events
1 Year Ago
Grey out weaponlist entries that don't have a valid weapon
1 Year Ago
Assign Game.RootPanel
1 Year Ago
UI refactor - fixed NRE from kill feed, fixed player awards panel persisting Asset compile
1 Year Ago
Convert Hud to razor
1 Year Ago
Iterate through shoot components and add hints instead of doing shit manually
1 Year Ago
Fixed up shooting component, shotgun has two shoot components
1 Year Ago
Killed off WeaponData entirely
1 Year Ago
Add ViewModelComponent to set up ViewModel when the weapon's deployed, cleanup. Made WeaponData obsolete
1 Year Ago
Add ViewModelPath, set up ViewModel correctly
1 Year Ago
Add PrefabSystem.GetPrefabsOfType Try spawning weapons through prefabs Work on cutting out useless structs, replace with properties in components instead