userTony Fergusoncancel

131 Commits over 31 Days - 0.18cph!

1 Year Ago
Restored Teleport Volumes, added Point Markers
1 Year Ago
Restored jump pads to their former glory
1 Year Ago
Set default gamemode
1 Year Ago
Aim Component will also create secondary fire input hint
1 Year Ago
Revert "Fixed weapon ammo not showing for non-active weapons, don't bother deactivating the components" This reverts commit aedf1cf1dfbf518334ce3077e8ce0ed69c1672ba. Introduce includeDisabled param to Weapon.GetComponent, look for disabled Ammo component where needed
1 Year Ago
Moved KillFeed files into own directory
1 Year Ago
Add boomer.kill event, send it to everyone when someone gets killed by a player
1 Year Ago
Add WeaponData.KillMessages, GetRandomKillMessage Boilerplate Kill Feed components Upped opacity of unequipped weapons on WeaponList Set up some kill messages
1 Year Ago
Reduced mouse delta ui translation significantly, it was making me feel sick Added player awards, killing sprees Add player awards UI component Set fallback award icon, fixed Beyond Godlike not displaying a Description
1 Year Ago
Fixed weapon ammo not showing for non-active weapons, don't bother deactivating the components
1 Year Ago
Accumulate mouse delta and translate the game's root panel a little bit
1 Year Ago
Add input hints to Info
1 Year Ago
Use different team setup
1 Year Ago
Update weapon list style
1 Year Ago
Simplified InputHint, use InputButton directly instead of Enum.GetValue
1 Year Ago
Work on WeaponList razor component
1 Year Ago
Made jump sound 3D
1 Year Ago
Group cooldowns for shoot/secondary shoot mechanic
1 Year Ago
Added separate jump sound for double jump
1 Year Ago
Changed slide to be continuous
1 Year Ago
Add quick cooldown to Slide
1 Year Ago
Changed slide action to Duck
1 Year Ago
Removed ISingletonComponent from Shoot
1 Year Ago
Add SecondaryShoot component, Shotgun uses this. Not a fan of how it's written though
1 Year Ago
Adjusted player movement, fixed slide sound
1 Year Ago
Decreased MaxScore for now
1 Year Ago
Fixed colors not being set via TeamComponent
1 Year Ago
Basic scoring for TDM Fixed LastDamage never being set TDM: Show scores on HUD
1 Year Ago
Doh, fixed players not being moved to spawnpoints
1 Year Ago
Chatbox: Use Team color where applicable Update player list to match style Chat: Fixed messages without avatars getting squished Fixed NRE due to chat team check
1 Year Ago
Moved Camera updates to FrameSimulate, removed unnecessary DevCamera code
1 Year Ago
Create Gamemode.HudPanel if we have one, start on TDM Hud
1 Year Ago
New chatbox style
1 Year Ago
Changed Health / Armor Tick to 1 second instead of half a second
1 Year Ago
SegmentBar: Individually paint segments based on how far past maximum our current value is
1 Year Ago
Change MaxHealth to 100
1 Year Ago
Slowly Tick Health & Armor down if it's above the maximum
1 Year Ago
SegmentBars have a "supercharged" state if CurrentValue exceeds MaxValue
1 Year Ago
Reduced main hud footprint, added dividers - work on matching concept
1 Year Ago
Updated colors to match concept
1 Year Ago
Set weapon icons, show weapon icon in HUD
1 Year Ago
Fixed case where you could not damage yourself with Friendly Fire off
1 Year Ago
Ceil armor value
1 Year Ago
Define Base SegmentBar color, use that in Razor to calculate gradients instead of hardcoding colors There's probably a better way to do this..
1 Year Ago
Implement SegmentBar component Example: `<SegmentBar CurrentValue=@Dash.DashCount MaxValue=@Dash.MaxDashes Segments=@Dash.MaxDashes />` Set up SegmentBars for health, armor, dash count
1 Year Ago
Temporary display for teams on player list
1 Year Ago
Return no teams if we've not chosen a gamemdoe Add support to control friendly fire per-gamemode
1 Year Ago
Gamemode can provide us with a list of teams. Use it in TeamSystem
1 Year Ago
Add standard TeamSystem methods, ability to get count of clients + lowest occupied team Started work on Team Deathmatch
1 Year Ago
Reduce repetitive code, store current clothing entities and clear them out on setup