userTony Fergusoncancel

11 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Toggle ClientPreferences widget with joystick press
1 Year Ago
Fixed serve hand anim
1 Year Ago
Set up PaddleHand, ServeHand to use VrPlayerHand Fixed up paddle ownership Kill off IHoldable, removed more useless code
1 Year Ago
Implement IHoldable, VrPlayerHand, very much a WIP Simplify InGrip, InTrigger - simulate input to drop held entity if we can. Delete FocusWorldPanel, it's unused Set up client preferences system Clients save the data as a cookie. When the game starts up the client informs the server of their preferences. Ideally this'll be good for flipping the paddle hand, changing the paddle angle and adjusting the VR anchor. Work on ClientPreferencesWidget Set up WorldInput ray Gut out the ServeHand so stuff still compiles
1 Year Ago
Gut out the ServeHand so stuff still compiles
1 Year Ago
Set up WorldInput ray
1 Year Ago
Work on ClientPreferencesWidget
1 Year Ago
Set up client preferences system Clients save the data as a cookie. When the game starts up the client informs the server of their preferences. Ideally this'll be good for flipping the paddle hand, changing the paddle angle and adjusting the VR anchor.
1 Year Ago
Delete FocusWorldPanel, it's unused
1 Year Ago
Simplify InGrip, InTrigger - simulate input to drop held entity if we can.
1 Year Ago
Implement IHoldable, VrPlayerHand, very much a WIP