userTony Fergusoncancel

10 Commits over 215 Days - 0.00cph!

1 Year Ago
game.shooter: put README in the right folder :skull:
1 Year Ago
game.shooter: Update README,. addon game.topdown: Update README
1 Year Ago
game.shooter: Files restructured, removed Hud
1 Year Ago
Pawn can hold an active weapon, added Pistol
1 Year Ago
Fixed eye position on game.shooter
1 Year Ago
Started on shooter template
1 Year Ago
Add README for game.topdown
1 Year Ago
Update top down template to match new game API - Simplified pawn controller - Simplified animator - Use Razor for Hud Removed shooter template - we'll redo it
1 Year Ago
TopDown: Initial commit Update .gitignore
1 Year Ago
Initial commit ShooterGame: Update .addon as a project template ShooterGame: move name-tag up by 10 units ShooterGame: Update weapon switcher style