4,896 Commits over 1,004 Days - 0.20cph!
Map List excludes current map
Map voting is off by default, add thieves.marine_base_arena to the map list
Clean up GameState, don't show up if in warmup
HornetGunWeapon: Added asserts to track down validity issue
don't add stats if we have cheats enabled, make bot_add a cheat command
Scale extra force based on distance over radius
Reduced shell case bounce sound duration by 90%
Shotgun: Reduced incremental anim speed a tad
Hook up speed_reload for ViewModels, shotgun reload is much snappier now
Can pass an extra force into damage, you can now rocket jump
Incremental ViewModel reloading, fixes shotgun reloads
Crossbow projectile is made more lethal - if we hit a player, instantly kill them, buff explosive damage a bit if we don't hit a player
Doubled crossbow projectile speed
Reduced viewmodel inertia
Re-add PSX Post Processing
Add player using PlayerController, custom bob
Fixed Gauss gun not shooting correctly if we're shooting at the sky (no trace hit)
Add gauss gun to test map
Shooting a satchel charge duds it instead of explodes it
Add GameConfig.SelfDamageScale
Fixed map selection not working if using CreateGameModal
Add GameState panel that shows 5 players with the highest kills in order, as well as time left
Debug asserts for BroadcastReload NRE
Removed unused delegate from TriggerHurt
Don't do trigger hurt behavior if we're not the host
Revert to sol's previous stuff
Don't use static here after all
Include "/ui/*" resources
Reduced damage vignette a lot since it's really noisy
Make these texture references static
Add extension method for HudPainter.DrawHudElement, draws an info line for health, armor, ammo and MP5 secondary ammo
Fixed pistol aimcone always being the highest it could be, removed duplicate code
Better map placeholder while package fetches
Only try to load new map once
Map voting system is optional
Update M700 so it has new deploy
Reduced tracer size
Account for additional related files for dependencies when we're including source files - should fix uploading source files for clothing resources
Cleaned up ViewModel file
Scaled down hud elements they were too big
Up the amount of maps that'll show by default
Look for valid maps on startup
Don't spam winning option check