userTony Fergusoncancel

2,693 Commits over 670 Days - 0.17cph!

1 Year Ago
Fuck that for now
1 Year Ago
Don't change the map immediately, wait 15 seconds
1 Year Ago
Redone random knife system - we'll decide how many prisoners per knife will be given, and dish them out randomly. Fixed ammo NRE when being given a knife Fixed scoreboard not updating
1 Year Ago
Can open guard doors in warmup, close all doors on round start
1 Year Ago
Hack to fix default ammo count being fucked
1 Year Ago
Refactor voice UI, show role icons
1 Year Ago
New use fail sound, marker placed sound
1 Year Ago
Knife buff
1 Year Ago
Add doors to Guard room, incl guard-only buttons to control them.
1 Year Ago
Use tags to define guard-only usable entities
1 Year Ago
Add Zoom
1 Year Ago
Reduced weapon weights across the board
1 Year Ago
Spectator camera control adjustments (up down shortcuts)
1 Year Ago
Spectator camera only collides with the world
1 Year Ago
Late joiners join as a spectator by default Update player list to display dead players with a dimmed out row - update scoreboard every second instead of that mess
1 Year Ago
Add doors to hydro + run room
1 Year Ago
Lowered distance for most stings
1 Year Ago
Added more stings to the cells soundscape
1 Year Ago
Added some sounds, add soundscape, add vents to map
1 Year Ago
Added some sounds, add soundscape, add vents to map
1 Year Ago
Add GameEvent.GameStateChanged Added GameProp, PropRespawn system - when the round restarts, we'll respawn all respawnable props in their original state. Very useful for stuff like vents.
1 Year Ago
Use head bone instead of AimRay.Position for player markers
1 Year Ago
Update .addon
1 Year Ago
Player marker decision-making improvement
1 Year Ago
Fixed ammo capacity not showing correctly
1 Year Ago
Manage cell doors with our game loop. They'll open automatically after 30 seconds, and close when the round ends/starts.
1 Year Ago
Initial commit
1 Year Ago
Add open cells command + setteam command for admins
1 Year Ago
Add a chat message when a player dies
1 Year Ago
Update .addon summary
1 Year Ago
Ensure only the Warden can open ping menu / make pings
1 Year Ago
Added pinging system for Wardens
1 Year Ago
Grabbed @kurozael's radial menu and retrofitted it for Warden instructions Made Hud a Razor RootPanel, create it clientside
1 Year Ago
Show voice speaker under player's name while they're speaking
1 Year Ago
Add HudMarkers for players
1 Year Ago
Add completion states for when players are killed
1 Year Ago
Add fonts to resources
1 Year Ago
Update .addon, set tick rate
1 Year Ago
Fixed knives being able to penerate walls, fixed issue where you'd still penetrate non-surfaces
1 Year Ago
Tweaked weapon stats
1 Year Ago
Players can tap the same weapon slot to have no active weapon - remove viewmodels properly Random chance to spawn with a knife as a Prisoner
1 Year Ago
Give the warden a symbol on the scoreboard too
1 Year Ago
Refactor game loop, add rounds, if players die in the middle of a round, respawn them as a spectator
1 Year Ago
Show Warden on hud
1 Year Ago
Pick a random warden
1 Year Ago
Fix TypeLibrary error, give prisoner jumpsuits to unassigned players as well
1 Year Ago
Look into the weirdness when landing
1 Year Ago
Changed movement feel
1 Year Ago
Toggle specific clothing items onto players based on their role, so we keep their local preferences where possible
1 Year Ago
Add Countdown, GameStatus info to hud, fixed game starting with too little people