userTony Fergusoncancel

3,933 Commits over 823 Days - 0.20cph!

1 Year Ago
Skew hud
1 Year Ago
Only show crosshair dot when unarmed
1 Year Ago
Listen server host can use DevCam, hide most hud elements when in it
1 Year Ago
Only give a gun to guards, fixed animator not resetting holdtype when there's no gun
1 Year Ago
Support destroying screen shakes manually Add ScreenShake.Charge, create it clientside and map it to the pawn's speed
1 Year Ago
Nest Random under ScreenShake for discoverability
1 Year Ago
Add ScreenShake, ScreenShake.Random
1 Year Ago
Add basic fly spectator
1 Year Ago
Add team shuffling based on distribution
1 Year Ago
Basic gameplay loop
1 Year Ago
Add TeamComponent
1 Year Ago
Changed up the hud style
1 Year Ago
Refactor to use prefabs for weapons
1 Year Ago
Initial commit
1 Year Ago
Fixed component names not being serialized in prefab editor
1 Year Ago
Iterate through shoot components and add hints instead of doing shit manually
1 Year Ago
Fixed up shooting component, shotgun has two shoot components
1 Year Ago
Killed off WeaponData entirely
1 Year Ago
Add ViewModelComponent to set up ViewModel when the weapon's deployed, cleanup. Made WeaponData obsolete
1 Year Ago
Add ViewModelPath, set up ViewModel correctly
1 Year Ago
Add PrefabSystem.GetPrefabsOfType Try spawning weapons through prefabs Work on cutting out useless structs, replace with properties in components instead
1 Year Ago
Pass property attributes to prefab editor, fixes ResourceType marked properties not displaying correctly
1 Year Ago
Set "lobby" presence so we don't unnecessarily check all lobby members, use FriendPopup for PartyDeck members
1 Year Ago
Add FriendPopup to friends list, fixed up some nuances with deciding when we can kick people, better checks for if we're in the same lobby
1 Year Ago
FriendPopup: Added ability to kick from party / game lobby
1 Year Ago
Add Send Friend Request option to FriendPopup using OpenUserOverlay
1 Year Ago
Added FriendPopup component for interacting with users in menu, supports viewing profiles, invites/joins
1 Year Ago
Grab server owner from client list, display their name instead
1 Year Ago
Disable current game title textentry if we're not the server owner
1 Year Ago
Don't create two layers of labels with `<label>my label</label>`, use SetContent when the parent is already a Label to
1 Year Ago
Fix LobbyAd NRE - add fallback to inform users that a lobby no longer exists
1 Year Ago
Restored Teleport Volumes, added Point Markers
1 Year Ago
Restored jump pads to their former glory
1 Year Ago
Can pick through most recent blogs
1 Year Ago
Removed unused sounds, added another ball bounce sound
1 Year Ago
Goodbye Poppins, you had a good run
1 Year Ago
Updated Helpers to Razor, fixed all game warnings
1 Year Ago
Get rid of ClientPreferencesWidget's template, fixed incorrectly grabbing display title for PropertyDescription
1 Year Ago
Converted MenuWidget to Razor Added non-VR debugging methods to interact with MenuWidget / ClientPreferences
1 Year Ago
ScoreWidget converted to Razor, less code, less shit stylesheet Converted HintWidget to Razor
1 Year Ago
Events Widget displays all events, can click through them
1 Year Ago
Social: Fixed newest chat overlay message showing the wrong message, or no data at all
1 Year Ago
When joining from a gamelobby invite, navigate to /lobby/front
1 Year Ago
Fixed incorrect arguments for gamelobby.invite
1 Year Ago
Prioritize game lobby invitation if it exists, listen to gamelobby.invite event and show menu overlay
1 Year Ago
Fix party lobby invites failing because lobby metadata doesn't initially exist for private lobbies. Fetch, add to queue and process invite on SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyDataChanged
1 Year Ago
Fetch news dynamically on the main menu
1 Year Ago
Use DateTimeOffset instead of DateTime, fixed NiceTime returning the wrong plurals
1 Year Ago
Menu: Scheduled Events (#750) - Added events widget to main menu based on data from
1 Year Ago
Messy proof of concept for showing scheduled events on the main menu screen, grabbed by the Api Update ScheduledEvents.Fetch to match new API, sort events by if they're active, then by time Support case where we don't find an event. Minor code cleanup Adjust event widget style Fixed ScheduledEvents not prioritizing active events Format TimeSpan in a front-facing manner (2 days, 10 minutes etc..) Docs pass, cleanup For now, exclude events that have already finished Moved BaseApiResponse to Api.cs GetScheduledEvents refactored, is BaseApiResponse