userTony Fergusoncancel

3,933 Commits over 823 Days - 0.20cph!

2 Years Ago
Lerp camera rotation if we're not locally controlled
2 Years Ago
Spawn camera, try to find camera target, works but rough
2 Years Ago
Added ability to toggle between spectator pawn & regular player
2 Years Ago
Big spring clean
2 Years Ago
Our camera can define a target, allowed vitals to update based on target
2 Years Ago
Reduced fog on the avatar scene a bit, added orbit distance lerp
2 Years Ago
Set default font size for base style textentry Resolves sbox-issues#2094
2 Years Ago
Add FocusWorldPanel, right now it's just anchored infront of the player Add testing score widget Add HudEntity, create it on game ctor Reorganized file structure
2 Years Ago
Update collision matrix & remove obsolete code
2 Years Ago
Fixed "empty" pseudo-class being inverted
2 Years Ago
Updated icon for 'updated recently' Grouped information section entries
2 Years Ago
Fixed "empty" pseudo-class being inverted
2 Years Ago
Display recently updated on the game icon again
2 Years Ago
Disable scoring system if a bot connects
2 Years Ago
Make the category list less wide
2 Years Ago
Use Package.Org.Title on author name Update GameList category style, ToolBar style
2 Years Ago
Update game icon style Fix favourite game icons showing new elements Update control mode button style
2 Years Ago
Update game logo size, restyled favourite & thumbs
2 Years Ago
Fix filter for addon switcher
2 Years Ago
TopDown: Initial commit Update .gitignore
2 Years Ago
Initial commit ShooterGame: Update .addon as a project template ShooterGame: move name-tag up by 10 units ShooterGame: Update weapon switcher style
2 Years Ago
Push a bunch of compiled assets
2 Years Ago
Use BindClass instead for ammo transitions Sometimes isn't dirtying the style properly, investigating
2 Years Ago
Animate when you gain ammo, only if it's your current ammo type
2 Years Ago
Added convars to modify game state lengths Renamed Ammo to AmmoVital, fixed ammo take anim
2 Years Ago
Don't set gamemode convar on launcher's SetActiveConfig
2 Years Ago
Fix "Assembly with same name is already loaded" caused by release mode compiling with non-unique assembly names. This is still the case when publishing to backend, and is intended
2 Years Ago
Fixed damage indicators error, update .addon
2 Years Ago
Fixed duel startup error
2 Years Ago
Fixed ErrorList margins, given more space for item text
2 Years Ago
Add Game Category to project settings
2 Years Ago
New asset version can update game category
2 Years Ago
Update Templates ListView so the scrollbar isn't always showing
2 Years Ago
Add Control Modes to Project Settings - Add Input page to project settings, set up ControlModes meta - Use generated input tags in GameScreen/GameList - Update WarningBox to support one-line widgets
2 Years Ago
Add display name to ControlModeSettings.Keyboard
2 Years Ago
Set up control mode tags from metadata
2 Years Ago
Use generated input tags in GameScreen/GameList
2 Years Ago
Add Input page to project settings, set up ControlModes meta Update WarningBox to support one-line widgets Could probably do this a better way
2 Years Ago
Only include enabled addons in VSCode
2 Years Ago
Try to fix VSCode support by wrapping launch arguments in quotes
2 Years Ago
Use HudEntity, fixes ChatBox issues
2 Years Ago
Update Arena map
2 Years Ago
Update game and org names
2 Years Ago
Initial commit Initial commit
2 Years Ago
Add Release Mode option to compiler settings
2 Years Ago
Add "Copy Path" to asset inspector header menu
2 Years Ago
Use .addon for project templates - Removed template.json. - Use AddonConfig meta to show information in the addon creator dialog. - Allows template creators to set up any information for their addon to be passed to newly created addons.
2 Years Ago
Audio changes * Remove view entity sound bias, always 12u in front without the pitch issues * Update carpet materials to use carpet surface * Update concrete materials to use concrete surface * Base reverb volume reduced drastically
2 Years Ago
Remove view entity sound bias, always 12u in front without the pitch issues Update carpet materials to use carpet surface Update concrete materials to use concrete surface Base reverb volume reduced drastically
2 Years Ago
Sort out ragdolls Add CitizenPanel, used to draw citizens onto UI panels Rewrite how we display avatars on the hud, use CitizenPanel