256,498 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
reduced the amount of wrist deformation when the flamethrower reloads
CombatAbilityParameters tweak
Combat ability tweak stuff
Ported over fix for AO overdarkening screen top
Fixed AO overdarkening screen top
flamethrower viewmodel prefabs / sounds / special fx
Fixed 8 splat null refs; Removed heap alloc in AO; updated AM
Automated Linux DS Build #195
Updated character select to use new input
Fire Threat must use an Add Stat Modifier for the modifier to apply (bug in Percentage Stat Modifier handling?)
Standard terrain and terrain-blend support for 8 splats
Automated Windows Build #195
Automated Linux Build #195
SoundFade tweaks for andre
Bail early when trying to StartSound on an AmbienceEmitter that's not active in the heirarchy
Fix bounds check in SetBoneMatrix/GetBoneMatrix methods
ConVars created with CreateConVar()/CreateClientConVar() now have their default value set
Fixed memory leak in Lua-created ConVars
VicinityEffect tweaks
Fixed StatCollection.AddStatMinipulator always outing a null stat modifier
Re-added deployer for locks (until we have something better for them)
Decay protection points use sockets (faster than physics query and actually reliable)
Removing some dead goals and actions
Making combat code a bit more generic and sensible
Added buildingobject LODs
TENN-15 - Smash anims
TENN-15 - Smash anims
Owl -Serve walk update
TENN-15 - smash anims + clips
Owl - improved serve walks ( translates further, added outros & hooked up to player controller)
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Retired Deployer and DeployGuide scripts
Converted all deployables to use the planner entity for deployment
FOR FUCK SAKE burner rig/setup
FOR FUCK SAKE burner prefab
!A burner animation + animation controller
Reset controller on main menu entry
Updated input module to handle multiple selected items
-removed useless function(leftover from attempted changes)
-dbl click breaks follow.
modified rowhouse mats and mesh
- Massive savegame rework and tidyup
- Furthest level reached is now permanently saved
- Deleted a bunch more now-unused files
Gave player goals some special treatment in Agent+Goals.
concrete slabs models, LODs, COLs, ready to place prefabs, textures
powerplant dressing update