256,438 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
flamethrower and scope + LODs and materials etc
Copy steamclient.so to Plugins/x86_64 for linux server
- Ripped out some more unused stuff, cut down some loading times slightly
FOR FUCK SAKE resetup playership part
FOR FUCK SAKE rebuild playership prefab
FOR FUCK SAKE remade cockpit rig
!A new base cockpit model/textures/mat (wip)
- Moved steam manager to splash screen
Social/Breeding Goal data + breed condition DecisionLayer fix
Fixed ReorderableListDrawer not working
set shadows on/off on to ww objects, baked out new lightmaps with AO
created new ball bomb mesh
seperated out ww metal components for shadow purposes
modified test court meshes to match new concept
not sure why this changed.... might be important?
Log, store startup errors
fixed bug with rotation and scale on female causing her to be tiny
cleaned up item allocation (eg kids dont get adults items)
new haircut for children
new items for children
baby gets its own material and is a head slot for now (to stop it blooming and clipping)
steamclient.so for linux server
- Reworked start screens flow
Render stuff in a separate native dll (so linux server doesn't try to load it)
Maybe position of the option matters
Tried something with look angles. Did't really work.
- Added button text to weapon pickups
- Renamed some weapons
ReorderableListDrawer refactor, no longer generic, pulls assets lists on demand
roof conditional models 2.0 upgrade
Rock and metal foundation steps no longer remove foundation sides (since they're not solid beneath them)
Started work on the statistical model concept.