256,275 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
- PrefabLink can specify an override for build order. 0 is default < 0 priority
- Prefab rebuilding tool now builds prefabs in order
- Player prefab rebuilding/linking/model stuff
- Assigned transforms in PlayerShip scene
- Rebuilt prefabs from PlayerShip scene
- Fixed playship transform assignments
adjusted hp and cost of new gates and fences
manifest + phrases + loot
FOR FUCK SAKE playership prefab
!A playership prefab scene
FOR FUCK SAKE all playership part
FOR FUCK SAKE player rig/scene/idle
FOR FUCK SAKE big cleanup of the player souce files
...probably broke some stuff on the way~
!A player part source file
TOD, material and post tweaks
added new combined materials and meshes to new ww court (ww_combined)
reduced tris, combined textures, changed shadow distance and set many objects to static.
Removed some old materials, more to be removed later.
Tweaked DOF and other camera scripts.
exported WW combined meshes and textures
Craft window/hud boilerplate
Graze interaction tweaks, hooked up some more states in the generic animal anim controller
Added Graze interaction to Grazing Point SO, replaced GoTo action in the chain with GoToInRadius (25)
Added SmartObjects to debug spawner
Bear material tweak
Added UnitDietConsideration
Fixed missing collisions in military tunnels after LOD'ing
- More pipe dungeon work
- Screw you damage increased to 2-5 from 2-4
-grazing goal and interaction
Make colliders on smartobjects without views a bit bigger by default
Skin shader tweaks
Shrubbery and rock/cliff values
SpawnPopulationSettings supports SmartObjectSettings
Updated species data that i forgot to save
new atlas and move animals and human male items to it
new human male items, first pass to see how everything works
mouth test for human male - trying this
may have broken something on bear hat with merge?
- Now defaults to m/k controls when bypassing control select screen in editor
Tweaked TOD settings quite a bit, ambient should be better
Fixed IsCarryingItemCondition not actually being implemented!
Added seperate Interaction for butchering/harvesting an animal
Added more conditions for unit diet type, herbivores will no longer eat meat, carnivores no longer eat berries
Added FoodTypes and data to ConsumableParams
Changed species dietry preferences to a weighted list of FoodTypes, updated considerations to score against this list rather than item ID
Updated all consumables with better effects and FoodTypes
Updated all species dietry data
Pre HDR-lighting unfuckery backup commit
Igor - smash body & stretch anim source
Cowboy - dive updates
Igor - smash body & stretch anims
- Made some test pipe rooms
- Made a factory pipes flow/archetype/everything else
- Test pipe mission
- Rebuilt factory tileset
- Ability balance changes
Fixed "Before/VertexLit Blended" ambient lighting
- Increased spawn cost of Bouncer from 2 to 3
- Rebalanced some weapons now I've fixed some bugs that made them worse than they should have been previously
remove emissive part(ambient/fresnel)
- Fixed BaseProjectile bugs
Tweaked pumpkin + corn plant lod levels
Fixed sitting/resting state issues in interactions/effects and the human animator
Fixed lookingAt accuracy issues (door vs lock, nearby boxes etc)
- Fixed bug with weapons/launchers with a damage range always doing max damage