256,238 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!

9 Years Ago
polished laser sight, is accurate to crosshair, beam enabled polished flashlight added flashlight beam in third person lasersight provides recoil reduction all weapons have an appropriate deploy delay removed underbarrel attachment slot from crossbow (no more laser/flashlight on it, its too f0cked)
9 Years Ago
One enum to rule them all
9 Years Ago
Fixed StatCollectionSettingsEditor not completing setup properly
9 Years Ago
WIP stats refactor
9 Years Ago
EAC update
9 Years Ago
RustNative update
9 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build
9 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build
9 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build
9 Years Ago
Use raknet buffers
9 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #163
9 Years Ago
Unnammed becomes Unnamed
9 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #163
9 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #163
9 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #163
9 Years Ago
Fix crash warning trying to print uninitialized memory?
9 Years Ago
Automated Linux DS Build #162
9 Years Ago
Simpler/nicer/actually working for for the view stretch thing
9 Years Ago
Automated OSX Build #162
9 Years Ago
TennisController generic LevelLoaded system No CloudCity ring whoosh sounds during load screen Fix AudioListener getting destroyed when exiting a level
9 Years Ago
Automated Linux Build #162
9 Years Ago
Automated Windows Build #162
9 Years Ago
Updated GameConfig URL
9 Years Ago
Added (safe) ConVar methods: SetString, SetFloat, SetInt, SetBool
9 Years Ago
No Ambient sound during loadscreens.
9 Years Ago
Fixed possibilities of ghost items if giving to full inventories
9 Years Ago
Initial ambient sound pass for all courts Improved AudioListener management SoundDefinition can control spatialization and stereo spread
9 Years Ago
Change FOV when screen aspect is high to avoid being able to side-eye through walls
9 Years Ago
Cowboy - Added smash anim Added source prototype six shooter special move anims
9 Years Ago
Fix NRE in PlayerCamera+Input
9 Years Ago
fixed normal error
9 Years Ago
mammoth :D merge :|
9 Years Ago
Roofs can no longer be placed downwards Reduced roof max placement distance
9 Years Ago
Owl - hold anim source files
9 Years Ago
Cowboy - six shooter source file changes
9 Years Ago
Cowboy - smash anim source update Added source prototype six shooter special move anims
9 Years Ago
Actual CombatEffectTemplate UnityEditor compile fix Bear and mammoth mat twaeks TOD tweak
9 Years Ago
Refresh batched building mesh when rotating building parts
9 Years Ago
added light toggle to keybinds
9 Years Ago
Fixed some speeling mistakes
9 Years Ago
GamePhysics now uses the new allocation-free physics API
9 Years Ago
More cleanup
9 Years Ago
merge into main
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
bundle fixes brighter flashlight, narrower cone
9 Years Ago
- Playmaker stuff
9 Years Ago
CombatEffectTemplate missed #if UNITY_EDITOR
9 Years Ago
new building parts current files progress
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
set all shaders on swamp court to use deferred rendering. changed water shader to not use mirror reflect script and baked out new lighting