256,231 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
Cowboy - Added death anim
Owl - Forehand & backhand stand source update
Cowboy - Serve & death source update
Made Amplify AO fully portable; gbuffer-octa-encoding now optional normal source; no dependencies
Updated camera prefab
NRE catch in SpawnHandler
created large floorstones low and high and baked out high
Should fix GC in UDM (moved decision delegate to a method rather than a silly evil closure)
DSE only generates logging data when the DecisionContext.Myself.Agent is the selected for debug
-DecisionLog starts up with logging enabled, and automatically disables it on close too
Yanked SSAO Pro from main camera
- Added a simple placeholder Mission Reward scren that just shows rewarded bolts/wads when returning to town after a mission. You will need to trade them in at the vendor instead now.
- Can now press M when running in the editor to instantly complete the current mission and open portal to town
Fixed SSAO command buffer ordering to avoid seethrough on forward opaque objs (non-rust/std)
- Renamed mission defs to Wads/Bolts
removed additional global fog components
this should fix the females shoulders being in the same place as the males and looking odd, female uses its own avatar instead of the male, it might need tools updated to build correct avatar to asset
Improved/standardised read/write to BehaviourChainData, updated all GoalPlan BCs (with help from mau)
- Renamed Cash to Wads and Tokens to Bolts in code
Re-organised Content/Items into category folders
Amplify AO prefab settings
Converted all standard shaders dungeons/monuments materials to rust/standard type
checking in because I need to dirty all assets
Fixed swamp court light culling
Fixed xbox shader
- Added loot token currency to PlayerData
- Missions now award loot tokens and cash on completion
- Stopped the reward screen coming up straight away in town, will need to visit someone in town to trade in tokens (soon)
- Mission definitins now control how much cash and how many loot tokens they're worth
Ambient sound now played after loading
Fixed pink sky in legacy opengl mode
Fixing skin shader in opengl modes (wip); small optimizations
Remove steam manager on console
Updated lava water
tweaked flower and sun anims for temple court, tweaked grass shader colour
Automated Linux DS Build #146
roads textures - some extra polish, overall less noisy
Automated Windows Build #146
Automated Linux Build #146
Fixed Awesomium view leak
Added Awesomium panel hooks: OnDocumentReady, OnChildViewCreated, OnChangeTitle, OnChangeTargetURL
Added Awesomium panel methods: Refresh, Stop, GoBack, GoForward, GoToHistoryOffset
Fixed incorrect line numbers being reported for errors when using C-styled multiline comments
Added missing Encoding.cginc dependency for occlusion
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Automated Linux DS Build #145
Automated Windows Build #145
Automated Windows Build #144
Automated Linux Build #144
Fix leaked thread in main-menu GMA downloader
Tweaks to server-content workshop downloading