257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Implemented basic lot generation
Renamed all the music to match tags from google drive
Added atmospheric music 14
Disabled voice limiter priority sorting (the priorities don't make a lot of sense at the moment, back to FIFO for now)
Allow upgrade / rotation when inside the building deploy volume if the collider change shouldn't cause any trouble
More descriptive message when building upgrade / rotation is blocked
Add basic logic for lot genration.
- Reworked the mission headline popdown window so that Thai's really long mission objective title fits
FOR FUCK SAKE factory room prefab : fix floor bug/ added grid/ added pipe gates (not connected to trigger)
FOR FUCK SAKE tweak floor base
FOR FUCK SAKE floor turret anim
tweaked amplify colour on cloud city to be a little more vibrant. tweaked lighting on swamp court to be a bit darker. changed lava court lava colours and depth it blends them. made pipes glow slightly red, added small flames on court lines. cut in detail to rock around net post.
- Changed beer tap mission headline to "Destroy the Alcohol Refueling Station" and mission tracker description to Alcohol Pump
- Fixed the fire effect appearing at the start of every level
Added generic pick up score DSE
Commented out Google Analytics.
Automated Windows Build #2
Commented out unity analytics
- Music now corretly changes back between town and level music each time.
- Rebuilt prefabs
- Fixed a new bug with turrets firing when out of range/unaware
- Added a abilities help tip UI popup after 30 seconds of a level when the player hasn't used an ability yet
- Rebuilt prefabs
- Turrets are now enemy entities not just base entities.
- Fixed turrets not always having a health bar and it usually being wrong
- Rebuilt prefabs
- Increased number of crates across all the rooms
- Added some spawn locations to beer tap room
- Removed Factory levels forced to level 1 debug
Automated Windows Build #35
FOR FUCK SAKE Factory gates prefab
!A pipe support model/text/mat
- ModifyHealth() now passes in the modifying object
- Now track what killed the player and store it in DeathInfo
- Gameover screen now shows you what killed you
- Analytics now logs what killed you
- Wrapped Analytics.CustomEvent() calls in a new GameManager.AnalyticsEvent() function so I can ignore analytics logging in editor and do other stuff later.
Automated Windows Build #34
Automated Windows Build #33
- Analytics tracking: Level started. Mission finished. Exit portal used. New game started from gameover and how many deaths at that point. Exit from gameover and how many deaths at that point.
Automated Windows Build #32