257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Character 09 final assets. Blendshapes Zbrush scene.
Added server.description convar
Added common server tags + rules
DM Cleanup to deal with BehaviourPlan in place of Interaction or Ability specifically
Idle Behaviours now use Ability
Organising scenes a bit, only scenes in /Scenes/Game Build will get added to build settings and the game_scenes config file
UI background blur
Server info popup
AgentSettings store InteractionSettingsWrapper for IdleBehaviours
Fixed NRE on AgentSettingsEditor
added left_arm wounded looping animations
fixed the thompson and ak47 3rd person attack animations (they line up better with the point of aim)
tweaked the 3rd person beartrap animation
FOR FUCK SAKE interior floor asset/ cleaning
Renamed ScriptableObjectExt to DataAsset
AssetName property + NameOverride field in DataAsset
StatName returns formatted asset name or override (should be moved to base ScriptableObjectExt
* Added hud_fastswitch & cl_downloadfilter to blocked convar list
* Entity.SetSubMaterial now errors when given wrong arguments
* Added Entity.GetEffects()
* Added Entity.GetEFlags()
* Added Entity.GetPredictable() - Clientside
* Removed CLuaLocomotion.IsAscendingOrDescendingLadder - Alias of IsUsingLadder
* Added CLuaLocomotion.JumpAcrossGap( Vector landingGoal, Vector landingForward )
* Added CLuaLocomotion.SetVelocity( Vector vel )
* Added CLuaLocomotion.IsOnGround()
* Added Player.GetTimeoutSeconds() - Serverside
* Added Player.IsTimingOut() - Serverside
* Added CRecipientFilter.__tostring
* CreateSound's 3rd argument is now CRecipientFilter, only works serverside
* Finalized Vehicle.GetVehicleParams()
* Fixed a crash issue with Vehicle.SetSpringLength()
▍▋▉▇▄▆▄▌█▅▉▋█▇▍ ▍▄▉▅▌▍▉▊. ▉▇▌▊▊▆█ ▍▆▅▋▆▇ ▆▉ ▉▌▅▄▊▍▆█▌▋▍▇▆▉▆▅▆▇▄▍▄ (▆▊█▊▍ ▅▇▉'▋ ▄▉ ▋▉▄▆▋▌ ▍▊▆▍▍▍ ▊▍▅█▍▄█ ▍▆▆ ▉▆▆▊█▋▌)
! ▍▌▅▊▇▊▋█▄ ▇██ █▋▄▇▋ ▌▊▋▋ ▇▉▆▄▇▉▍ ▋▍▅▇ ▅▌▇▅ ▌▆▆ ▆█▍▍▊▄▉ ▋▉█▍█ (▌▋ ▄▅▊▇▌▉▍▅, ▋ ▊▄▆▄ ▆▊█ ▍ ▉▉▉█▇ ▋█▌▅ ▉▉▄ █▌ █▆▉▅ ▊▊▋ ▍▊▇▅▊▆ ▌█▄▆▅▅▉)
Record server join history date properly
Added string.Truncate( maxchars ) (adds ".." to truncated string)
Started SteamTool (high level wrapper on top of steamworks.net)
Added transform.OrderChildren( func )
FOR FUCK SAKE factory interior floor asset/ cleaning asset
KOTH island WIP. LUT improvements.
- Removed loads of missing components
- Deleted loads of old unused assets/prefabs
- Purged shit
- Moved more UI to central init
- Null reference fixes
- Stuff I forgot to check in earlier
More BeforeInspector fixes and refactoring
Made AgentSettings abstract, derived IndividualAgentSettings and GroupAgentSettings
A couple tiny Sound fixes/tweaks
Added automatic mode for lobby
Typing kill suicides instantly instead of wounding
added animated koinobori kites to test court. starting incense burner
- Area1_1 now has placeholder entrances/mission so it can still be loaded
Now sends a ready state so server can't serve until other player is in game
If Intention is passed as null in ActionChain's constructor, assign new NullIntetion() to avoid having to null check in Action constructors
Refactoring InfluenceQuery a little. Fixed NRE in FindInfluence
Consolidating Water2 to Third Party folder for easy transfer to other projects in the future
- UIWorldTextPanels now wait until they find a valid player instance
- Removed some now-unused scripts from some enemies