257,433 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.67cph!
Merge branch 'master' into net-lidgren
Added `Controls.IsCursorVisible`, although the cursor seems to stay hidden when switching games.
Removed debug drawing. proxy footsteps work.
Basic handling of players disconnecting.
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into net-lidgren
[zombies] build menu shows tooltips
[zombies] build menu shows proper icons
[zombies] fence debris when damaged
Added high pass to the skin shader
[zombies] added fence structure
Finalized rock & cliff prefabs.
Added stone pickaxe
First pass balancing building blocks & melee
Water footsteps first pass
- Reduced speed of Monster Arena enemies
- Spawners can now be set to make stuff they spawn grant 0 experience
- Ripple/distortion effects work again
- Time Slow bubble added to object pooler so that it works again!
- Monster arena spawn work
- SpawnPhaseControllers can now start/stop spawning and chain phases together
Added history fade duration and delay to script to control through the inspector
Chatbox now removes history that completely overflows the history region
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into net-lidgren
Added fading line history to chatbox to show chat when chatbox is closed
Corpses hang around for 30 minutes, instead of 2 minutes
Chatbox now closes after submitting and fixed input focus, ActivateInputField was needed before Select
Added stone pickaxe vm prefab
Added stone pickaxe anim controller
Added vm stone pickaxe anims & anim events
Updated sedimentary Rock files
Fixed an offset that resided in the wall.window master prefab pushing all window bars meshes off center
Roof ceilings for each type of skin
Closing holes and gaps on thatched skin as well as possible
Fixed armored window and window frame not being the correct size.
Metal window bar reset xform, scale was fuxxed
Other smaller things..
improvements to the 3rd person bow animations ( idle / walking / runngin )
Chatbox scroll to bottom now only happens if the scroll is already at the bottom
- Monster arena work and SpawnPhaseController.cs checkin
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into net-lidgren
Added auto scrolling to chatbox when text is added to output
Made the hit power affect both velocity and velocity boost - sped up initial hit velocity
added tennis bomb ball with shader
Fixed ragdolls spawning weird
Ragdolls are less spazzy
Player preview in inventory menu displays genes properly
Player corpses inherit genes properly
Added Sedimentary rock detail textures
New networking test build.
Fixed an error when registering networkables client side.
New special move mechanic, complete with programmer art
- Fixed Power Ring not passing through enemies anymore
- Monster arena spawn changes
Changed how players find themselves.