
5 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

1 Year Ago
Cleanup & document These should be Entity.IsValid() checks Use SkyboxScale not Scale Scale safety check
1 Year Ago
Actually use the sky_camera position Fix rebase error I don't think anyone has ever used this command This cubemap code wasn't even setting any used attributes? Cleanup CEnvCubemapFog compatability with C# sky_camera, temp cause we're gonna move that to C# soon enough
1 Year Ago
Add SceneCamera.Skybox for rendering 3D skyboxes in the world sky_camera and skybox_reference ported to C# removing unused properties
1 Year Ago
Remove C++ game code for skyboxes, delete sky_camera and skybox_reference C# classes for skybox_reference and sky_camera Add SceneCamera.Skybox accessor Actually use the provided skybox world 3D skybox can consist of multiple sceneworlds Took me too long to figure out client.dll path needs the worldgroupid to UpdateObjectsForRendering
1 Year Ago
Remove C++ game code for skyboxes, delete sky_camera and skybox_reference C# classes for skybox_reference and sky_camera Add SceneCamera.Skybox accessor