
3 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

8 Months Ago
Add UtlVector::ByteCount(), UtlVector::EnsureCountZeroed( int num ) rendersystemvulkan: support raytracing pipelines vfx / vfx_vulkan: support compiling rtx shader blocks targeting vulkan 1.2 CRayTraceSceneWorld without lights for now
9 Months Ago
vfx_vulkan: compile rtx shaders as lib_6_4 targeting vulkan 1.2 environment Enable DirectXShaderCompiler validation for raytracing shaders Shader defines for VFX_PROGRAM_RTX IMaterialMode::GetRayTraceShader vfx support RaytracingAccelerationStructure Fix SamplerComparisonState not mapping to the right enum Can create RENDER_RAYTRACING_SHADER Setup "RayTrace" mode when the render hardware supports it
9 Months Ago
Add UtlVector::ByteCount(), UtlVector::EnsureCountZeroed( int num ) rendersystemvulkan: backport VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline features vfx: add RTX shaders