
1,399 Commits over 913 Days - 0.06cph!

Codegen adds Sandbox.Internal.IWantsOnUpdate etc. when those methods are found on Component derived classes New update mode, iterating over components with IWants interfaces Sandbox.Game convars work in editor again Run legacy game loop on older assemblies Make sure we run interpolation on the new loop, this is being rewritten atm so I don't wanna touch it Optimize GameObject.Network, we do not need to constantly find the network root, it should only be set on network spawns and parent changes Check Component.IsValid() just in case they've been immediately deleted
FootShuffle -> MoveRotationSpeed, drive it by actual rotation not desired target angle
CitizenAnimationHelper: FootShuffle becomes more generic MoveRotationSpeed, update docs for what this parameter is doing now
Make sure we run interpolation on the new loop, this is being rewritten atm so I don't wanna touch it Optimize GameObject.Network, we do not need to constantly find the network root, it should only be set on network spawns and parent changes
Make sure we run interpolation on the new loop, this is being rewritten atm so I don't wanna touch it
Codegen adds Sandbox.Internal.IWantsOnUpdate etc. when those methods are found on Component derived classes New update mode, iterating over components with IWants interfaces Sandbox.Game convars work in editor again Run legacy game loop on older assemblies
7 Days Ago
Resolve circular dependency on base csproj
8 Days Ago
Use interfaces instead of attributes Unused GameObject.PreRender Component.OnStart works on components that don't implement OnUpdate
8 Days Ago
Codegen applies attributes if OnUpdate, OnFixedUpdate or OnPreRender are implemented Only call OnUpdate, OnFixedUpdate, OnPreRender on components that implement them. Also call them flat instead of recursing every GO 3 times
8 Days Ago
Fix hlsl antlr grammar 🙄 Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5382
9 Days Ago
Can use Alt+F4 to close the game
9 Days Ago
Force add compiled menu scenes
10 Days Ago
Cast shadows of non culled lights, not culled lights.. wtf? Only debug draw actual shadow casters, add spot light debug drawer
10 Days Ago
Make AssetInspector an InspectorWidget, fold multiple inspector into it which hadn't worked for a while Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5372
10 Days Ago
Only show the considered lights in the debug view, we don't cull the unconsidered lights so it'd show them as unculled
10 Days Ago
Fix Asset.CompileIfNeededAsync getting stuck Compile all non-existing and out-of-date assets on project startup Opening project progress gets reported to splash screen Bunch of resources that were out-dated Dead code
14 Days Ago
Stats properly count shadowed lights again, add shadow map count too Expose scenesystem stats to c# Main stats we want
15 Days Ago
16 Days Ago
Make CTextureManagerVulkan::GetTextureResource warning only when passed handle isn't invalid, matches behaviour of similar methods BufferedDescriptorSetVulkan: Handle handles with no data properly, e.g 2 queued texture updates where the 2nd one is replaced data in the handle
17 Days Ago
Fix recent `ResourceHandleToData( ) failed! Falling back to error texture!` spam for error textures
20 Days Ago
Auto collect font files to upload too
21 Days Ago
Screen space damage numbers
21 Days Ago
Dead materials
21 Days Ago
Thank god nobody was using these Delete unused shaders/includes vfx preprocessor auto includes system.fxc Raw dog bindless API, we can build something higher level on top of this
24 Days Ago
Open project when created Adding a new project sets it to the top Don't copy .gitignore if it exists - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4634 Opening a .sbproj adds to project list
24 Days Ago
PackageLeaderboard.Stat validation, backing column changed to varchar(32) to match stats - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5309
24 Days Ago
TypeSerializedProperty.TryGetAsContainer should not propogate NoteChanged, commented on this behaviour - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5174
24 Days Ago
Accumulate escape presses across all input contexts - Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5314
25 Days Ago
AMD driver check: 2.0.279 is fine for Polaris/Vega
29 Days Ago
Skip driver version check if running under proton
29 Days Ago
Revert "HotloadManager disposes Hotload instance, was stopping assembly unloading" This reverts commit 1d83455903d1b9995c5680c933c49738ce22f149. Revert "LoadContext.Unload also unloads all it's IsolatedAssemblyContext" This reverts commit 672aabaadd48f649bf3c38068d4efe2e2c55780e.
29 Days Ago
HotloadManager disposes Hotload instance, was stopping assembly unloading Warn for older AMD GPU drivers too, 2.0.283 has a driver crash when child processes are opened
29 Days Ago
LoadContext.Unload also unloads all it's IsolatedAssemblyContext
29 Days Ago
Use a fresh PackageLoader when loading new games - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5219
30 Days Ago
CVfxStackMachineBuilder::FindConstant case insensitive
30 Days Ago
This should be engine internal, expose with EditorUtility Remove debug line
30 Days Ago
Regenerate project solution when compiler settings are changed - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4801 Update spirv-reflect Fix spirv-reflect bug with output_vertices being stomped Validate geometry shaders [maxvertexcount] to not exceed limits - fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#4738
30 Days Ago
Input will tick before layout is computed on a newly created panel, so check null. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5268
31 Days Ago
Remove dupe convars_save Api.GetAsync throws if status code not OK
31 Days Ago
Add IEnumerable<Type>.GetCommonBaseType() CanEdit.CreateEditorFor( Array ) uses the most common base type. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#5233 About to show!
31 Days Ago
FindRenderStateInfo case insensitive Support pascal case filter enums
31 Days Ago
Set InputState.Ignore if game isn't being played
31 Days Ago
CMaterialSystem2::GetVfxPlatformType default to SPIRV
31 Days Ago
Fresh shaders
31 Days Ago
Remove HLSL/GLSL compatibility funcs Delete unused Gather4Red macros Use normal precise keyword Piss off Dx9Sampler What the fuck is SV_ScreenPosition, delete pre SM 4.0 semantics Unused tessellation macros vr_cubemap_fog include common_samplers Fuck these Front/BackFace macros Useless redefines
31 Days Ago
vfx_vulkan: actually fail if any of this validation fails, add another validation check for binding ids vfx_vulkan: improve error feedback Remove domain/hull shaders (they weren't working, Valve already deleted them, compute better)
31 Days Ago
vfx_vulkan: never disable optimizations, this was fucking spirv-reflect and the compile time difference is minuscule Don't have a different fastMode shader compile, it doesn't do anything now Matching register offset check in AddSamplerStateVariableToCommandBuffer, same as SetSamplerStateValueFromVariable (prevent oob write) Bind some default shader resources to prevent crashes, this stuff shouldn't be hit normally so warn/assert it's likely solved by a shader recompile otherwise yell at me
35 Days Ago
Whitelist common_samplers.fxc (hate this)
35 Days Ago
PresentYUV420Texture sets its sampler state (this whole func is manual?), fix random crash from using an unbound sampler
35 Days Ago
Revert verifying bound samplers & images until I fix these bad bindings