
1,411 Commits over 943 Days - 0.06cph!

10 Months Ago
Don't spam Draw: No Material Mode? from RenderTools::Draw, it's valid for there to be no valid mode when you're under tool vis modes
10 Months Ago
Trace.RunAll() - return empty array instead of null for no results Fix copying text throwing exception
10 Months Ago
Fix tests
10 Months Ago
.addon files become .sboxproj files Editor .sboxproj file association launches with -tools -project filepath Make -project simpler, deactivate all other projects early and go to the game menu
10 Months Ago
Don't release jump list object unless it's succeeded (should fix crashes on Proton and maybe weird Windows setups), release another thing too
10 Months Ago
Shadergraph: only compile preview shader for the current render API
10 Months Ago
ShaderGraph: Use .source2/temp folder that is actually mounted instead of absolute path shaders, these go properly through the ShaderTypeManager and get the right offsets then Can compile Vulkan shaders on shadergraph / shaderhook now without crashes on DX11 🤯
10 Months Ago
Remove very last DX9 references from source code 🫡 rubikon: Fix double free crash in CMultiworldSoftbodyStepper
10 Months Ago
Update Qt with backported QTextEngine fixes for shitty strings TextEdit.AppendHtml remove invalid control characters, Qt has an open report on crashes caused by these.. and they're invalid anyway
10 Months Ago
fp.bat: use vswhere to find vcvarsall.bat Fixed a possible crash with certain fonts when shaping strings consisting only of control characters qt/qtbase/commit/fccd419dd632306a4bd85928223e0a56a59510ef Unicode: fix the extended grapheme cluster algorithm qt/qtbase/commit/be0aa6a9a230dc98994cb65d97b76be7ae695a44 Fix handling of surrogates in QBidiAlgorithm qt/qtbase/commit/94ce755dcd823678b0338f4bb4149fe4eeb844c2
10 Months Ago
Fix crash with procedural materials
10 Months Ago
Update materialsystem2 with latest Valve code Backporting latest Valve code to make it easier to integrate raytracing & bindless Removes render passes that never did anything, lots of refactoring materialsystem2 API becomes much simpler to draw stuff too: ```diff - IMaterialMode *pMode = pMaterial->GetMode( "Default" ); - if ( pMode != NULL ) // NULL if unsupported mode - { - MaterialRenderablePass_t renderablePassArray[ MATERIAL_RENDERABLE_PASS_MAX ]; - int nNumPasses = pMode->ComputeRenderablePassesForContext( NULL, pRenderContext, renderablePassArray ); - for ( int i = 0; i < nNumPasses; i++ ) - { - g_pMaterialSystem2->SetRenderStateForRenderablePass( NULL, pRenderContext, g_hLayout, renderablePassArray[i] ); - pRenderContext->DrawIndexed( RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 ); - } - } + IMaterialMode *pMode = pMaterial->GetMode( "Default" ); + if ( g_pMaterialSystem2->SetRenderStateForMode( pMode, NULL, pRenderContext, g_hLayout ) ) + { + pRenderContext->DrawIndexed( RENDER_PRIM_TRIANGLES, 0, 6 ); + } ```
10 Months Ago
AssertDbg instead of Assert in MAT_OP_BIND paths, these are meant to be fast paths Lazy init SceneObject.Attributes since this was allocating CSceneObject::m_pExtraData for all sceneobjects, observable ~0.3ms improvement in generating draw lists
10 Months Ago
vfxc: add Radeon GPU Analysis, can target many arch Update fossilize rendersystemvulkan: new pipeline manager w/ VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library
10 Months Ago
Fix texture filtering feature on user shaders, recompile blendable and glass
10 Months Ago
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10 Months Ago
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10 Months Ago
Latest shaders with Vulkan RenderState fixes
10 Months Ago
Add -allowlocalhttp command line switch, only works on server and allows you to do http requests to any port on localhost or private IP addresses. This is only really gonna be useful for dedicated servers to access their apis
10 Months Ago
▆▋▊█.▌▇▅▊▊█▄▍▌ ▅▌█'▊ ▅▇█▉▆ ▆▍▇█▌▄▇ ▋▄▇█ ▇█▆▆▊▍▆ ▋▅ ▋▇█▆▆▍▊▄ ▄▊ ▆▋▇▄▉▋▅ ██▅▆▌█▊██
10 Months Ago
vfxc: can output preprocessed hlsl for vulkan Use two stage macro expansion for RenderState and SrgbWrite so token pasting combos (and other defines) works as intended on DXC Fixes RenderState being evaluated incorrectly on Vulkan and doing nothing or worst case crashing `RenderState( CullMode, D_MYCOMBO );` was getting evaluated differently as FXC had some non standard macro expansion rules: FXC: `string g_renderState_CullMode < string arg1 = "1" ; > = "" ; ; ` DXC: `string g_renderState_CullMode < string arg1 = "D_MYCOMBO"; > = "" ;;` DXC's -flegacy-macro-expansion wasn't doing anything either
10 Months Ago
Fix Rider integration for toolbox installs - thanks faint
10 Months Ago
Latest compiled shaders - fix occasional blinking lights & fix lights on Vulkan
10 Months Ago
vfx_vulkan: do not use -fvk-invert-y on geometry shaders, only needed on vertex
10 Months Ago
Make vr_per_view_lighting_constants_legacy.fxc avaliable on retail
10 Months Ago
Rip out http allow list, rules for allowed urls are http/https to fully qualified domains or loopback on ports 80/443/8080/8443 Allow list was intended to let players clearly see what a game was doing, but there's better ways to do it
10 Months Ago
vulkan: don't do the flush trick for generate mips, not needed and force flushing the gpu from non main-thread cocks up
10 Months Ago
Shader fixes & compile for Vulkan
10 Months Ago
Make chat work again
10 Months Ago
Remove debug print Selecting a tool from the spawn menu properly selects the toolgun Lamp / Light entity: give solid tag Fix torch model physics being too complex and failing
10 Months Ago
Shader fixes, recompile some addon shaders with Vulkan too
10 Months Ago
Fix GlobalLobby preventing games from starting :(
10 Months Ago
vulkan: surprassing max device access threads in MarkIssuesCommands isn't an error case anymore
10 Months Ago
Delete trilinear threshold 360 vulkan: rewrite per thread descriptor set pools, eliminating max device access threads since .net can use a shit load - need to add some garbage collection on top of this, but will prevent the main crash that's been occuring GlobalLobby works with new LobbyManager ( global chat works again )
10 Months Ago
Patch our C# launchers to enable discreet GPU usage by exporting NvOptimusEnablement & AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance symbols
10 Months Ago
Hammer: fix crash with drag dropping map view
11 Months Ago
Don't try to visit field of a delegate, we don't need to - fixes sboxgame/issues#2642
11 Months Ago
Hammer: handle map node deletion when dragging - fixes sboxgame/issues#3092
11 Months Ago
Add editor.preferences event, passes NavigationView Hammer: Import file undo action
11 Months Ago
Simple image asset preview widget
11 Months Ago
Revert "ShaderTypeManager shouldn't load manifest spritecard shader" - I wanted to stop vfxcompile loading this every time, but this breaks map compiling? 😵‍💫 Checkboard error shader, doesn't show through walls (same as cs2)
11 Months Ago
vfxcompile into a normal exe, remove ivfxcompile, remove loads of vmpi shit, materialsystem2 stop linking vfxcompile Fix vfxcompile always saying building 0 shaders ShaderTypeManager shouldn't load manifest spritecard shader Misc materialsystem2 fixes
11 Months Ago
materialsystem2 stop trying to load rendersystemdx9 User shaders set attributes for vrad3 - fixes lightmapping, do not cast shadows, and probably other crap Recompile blendable with fixed attributes
11 Months Ago
Don't open a blank asset resolver window if we're missing _bakeresourcecache shit
11 Months Ago
Don't need to collect vfx manually here anymore Make new material use the right shader Move core/base shader check to AddAsset so package references don't try to upload core shaders too
11 Months Ago
Fix vr_stencil geom shader failing to compile as antlr hates preprocessor maths
11 Months Ago
Fix CVfx::CreateFromResourceFile using wrong named block for spir-v Fix visualize_depth shader
11 Months Ago
Hammer: materials tagged with "decal" will create an info_overlay on drag so you can put bird shit everywhere
11 Months Ago
Same DX11 texture streaming crash fix for Vulkan
11 Months Ago
Fix some shader warnings Latest compiled shaders with DX11 + Vulkan