
1,420 Commits over 943 Days - 0.06cph!

12 Months Ago
Soundscapes always transmit, should fix long initial delay
12 Months Ago
speedtree sdk + vpc scripts binaries Speedtree SDK to DMX serializer for RenderMeshFile node * convert stsdk compressed vertex stream to our own, 32 bytes is good * compressed vertex stream contains packed normals & wind data * imports each lod & material
12 Months Ago
Fix some more questionable crap I did Fix texture compiles being dark, typoed SrgbGammaToLinear instead of SrgbLinearToGamma 🤦
12 Months Ago
Fix threading issue in navgen too
12 Months Ago
Delete some unused tier0 files Fix threading issue in raytraceenvironment, be more explicit and capture the lambda parameters earlier when the job is queued not executed
12 Months Ago
New tier0 threadpool code from Valve * Functor processors removed in favor of std::function jobs (lambdas) * QueueJob always returns a SmartPtr now * JF_PER_FRAME flag added for scheduling jobs to be completed this frame * Improvements to contention by putting stuff on cachelines * New simple ParallelFor usage: ```cpp ParallelFor( 0, 10, []( int n ) { Msg( "%d\n", n ); } ); ``` The fun part: replaced all functor thread jobs with lambdas, and make it work with SmartPtrs This is just done manually by me and isn't from Valve, so there's likely a few cock ups - but everything I've tested has been good. Fix all occurences of WaitForFinishAndRelease() on smart ptrs
12 Months Ago
Fix all occurences of WaitForFinishAndRelease() on smart ptrs
12 Months Ago
New tier0 threadpool code from Valve * Functor processors removed in favor of std::function jobs (lambdas) * QueueJob always returns a SmartPtr now * JF_PER_FRAME flag added for scheduling jobs to be completed this frame * Improvements to contention by putting stuff on cachelines * New simple ParallelFor usage: ```cpp ParallelFor( 0, 10, []( int n ) { Msg( "%d\n", n ); } ); ``` The fun part: replaced all functor thread jobs with lambdas, and make it work with SmartPtrs This is just done manually by me and isn't from Valve, so there's likely a few cock ups - but everything I've tested has been good.
12 Months Ago
Remove ui test that doesn't exist
12 Months Ago
Delete native saverestore systems Saved myself a 5 minute change by spending hours deleting code, and I don't think I even got it all remove some unused convars cl_team, cl_class, (versus_)stats_highlight_interval, mapcyclefile and some debug concmds
12 Months Ago
missed rubikon and navlib for threadpool api updates
12 Months Ago
New tier0 thread pooling code, should schedule better with less contention, slightly changed API Lots of API changes here I've replicated to the rest of our code base, I'd imagine I've fucked at least one thing up though. Functor jobs are replaced by IThreadPool::QueueJob(WithFlags) which accepts a std::function, much simpler to use and execute Delete all this saverestore shit remove convars: cl_team, cl_class, (versus_)stats_highlight_interval
1 Year Ago
ui: onmousedown triggers from middle mouse too, seems accidental that it wasn't
1 Year Ago
make antlr codegen more sane, hopefully fixes it on build server Delete generate_decal_normals.vmat
1 Year Ago
New rendersystemvulkan & vfx_vulkan [hack] don't deal with instancing on SboxVertex for now, need some additional code around input layouts GetShaderFullPath: remove shader replacements and legacy prefix substitutes Shader fixes where DXC is slightly less forgiving on bad syntax (has a bad hack for material api in it) Rip up Material API to get it compiling Shader resource v2 has optional dx11 and vulkan blocks, if a block doesn't exist will use fallback shader
1 Year Ago
bare bones video code using video.dll for ref
1 Year Ago
Initial commit Create Added concrete + stone + pavement + plaster materials Added wood plank hs .meta for uploaded materials Added materials + blend concrete floor_tile_blend_02 dirt_ground_02 plaster_b_hs plywood_panels tileable plywood_hs naming updates Shader Add red dot scope shader Test for rick Added IridescenceScale Allow rendering only sights, increase red dot default brightness, let iridescence absorb albedo Added materials concrete_polished + plywood_panels_painted mats and blends Ceiling plaster Added tarpaulin mats missing .meta cinderblocks tileable + hotspot (wip) Added USP (from sbox game) Fixed 9mm eject particle missing .meta Update silencer_9mm: explicitly bind to a "silencer" bone v_usp: viewmodel set-up + barebones animgraph beer_cask asset files Fixed plaster 2 hs added cast concrete hs updated cast concrete hs Use git lfs
1 Year Ago
Add Asset.GetUnrecognizedReferencePaths() - returns a list of paths this asset references that can not be resolved (missing from disk) Missing asset resolver when loading Hammer maps If your map contains missing assets when you load your map (after EditorReferences have been resolved), we will check if there are matching assets on and prompt the user to install them. We don't have to worry about updating EditorReferences here either, as this is automatically done on save if any asset refs have a linked package. After the assets are installed the user will be prompted to reload the map - this is needed to reload the missing assets.
1 Year Ago
Fix Gizmo.Draw.SolidCircle transforms
1 Year Ago
Hammer: display download progress of cloud assets using gizmos
1 Year Ago
Can publish shaders & shader graphs
1 Year Ago
Add shader asset type
1 Year Ago
Hammer undos for sndscape and sound drops Hammer: cloud materials don't stick to everything they've hovered, and can be undone now
1 Year Ago
History API for Hammer Hammer: add undos for models & dragged entities
1 Year Ago
SceneSunLight transform sets the correct direction now
1 Year Ago
Add cloud path to CONTENT search path, fixes hotspot rects not working but probably loads of other weird stuff too
1 Year Ago
Gizmo.Model shouldn't cast shadows Make sure we have a Filesystem.Content early even though LocalProjects aren't added yet, fixes asset type icons not registering
1 Year Ago
Rebuild content path and open editor window on PostBootstrap since LocalProject are added in Bootstrap now, otherwise Qt doesn't know where any files are
1 Year Ago
tools_sprite shader: can use in standard mode
1 Year Ago
Gizmo.Draw.Sprite correct transform Gizmo sprites draw the right texture although this generic shader is shit
1 Year Ago
Update MapEntity.TypeDescription when class is changed from native
1 Year Ago
Oops not a string, return enum
1 Year Ago
CMapView m_pToolManager can be nullptr when rendering thumbnail
1 Year Ago
Add MapNode.Visible property, don't call DrawGizmos for hidden entities
1 Year Ago
Hammer manipulation mode maps to Gizmo.Settings.EditMode: select, position, rotate, scale, pivot
1 Year Ago
Hammer Gizmos (#874) ( )
1 Year Ago
Don't draw editor gizmos if "show game objects only"
1 Year Ago
Whitelist some System.Buffer methods * System.Buffer.BlockCopy( System.Array, System.Int32, System.Array, System.Int32, System.Int32 ) * System.Buffer.ByteLength( System.Array ) * System.Buffer.GetByte( System.Array, System.Int32 ) * System.Buffer.SetByte( System.Array, System.Int32, System.Byte ) interopgen: don't needlessly overwrite subfiles as this would cause c++ rebuilds everytime
1 Year Ago
Whitelist System.Lazy Whitelist System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable Revert "Never recompile symlinked assets, e.g compiled asset from that you have the source file for" This was causing more problems then it was solving, need to rethink a better way to do this. Whitelist System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary & System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection
1 Year Ago
Whitelist System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives Whitelist System.Environment.StackTrace
1 Year Ago
Shader Graph: Clean up recent files code; make clear recent files show again, only show max 10, re-opening a file moves it to the top of recent files
1 Year Ago
Fix build failing models, these probably need the same lodding setup as simple_dress too @DanduwFP
1 Year Ago
PropertySheet { init; } properties are read-only Fix choppy Input.Pressed outside of Simulate (e.g FrameSimulate or UI Tick) when FPS was lower than tick rate
1 Year Ago
Wrap map entity in a static EditorEntity class, expose if it's selected, transform, etc. usable within game code.
1 Year Ago
Hammer: managed traces add their trace info within list of native Hammer traces, can order themselves alongside native traces so we don't cock block others
1 Year Ago
Managed gizmos suppress native Hammer manipulators.. doesn't work in some cases, probably need to do a different way
1 Year Ago
SerializedEntity: right now it's just an accessor for MapEntity keyvalues
1 Year Ago
ui_text shader works in Hammer now (why do we need ToolsVis mode for this?)
1 Year Ago
Move rest of HammerGizmos to Sandbox.Tools, call static DrawGizmo on entities
1 Year Ago
Hammer gizmos using the ISceneView now Iterate map entities, find their matching type and call static method DrawGizmo within a Gizmo.Scope Move Hammer Gizmo instance to be owned by MapView