
469 Commits over 486 Days - 0.04cph!

9 Years Ago
zbrush modelling swamp plants
9 Years Ago
added fish bones 1 and 2 with materials to unity scene, textured
9 Years Ago
created swamp_fish_bones 1 and 2, unwrapped and baked lighting
9 Years Ago
added torch animation controllers to swamp court to make lights flicker
9 Years Ago
textured and exported fish skull to swamp court env, set up material.
9 Years Ago
added howie's concpet to reference folder
9 Years Ago
created swamp fish bone head and started to unwrap
9 Years Ago
rebuilt raft materials, added new net ropes, fixed shadows on court surface, started on swamp trees
9 Years Ago
added net and net pillars to raft environment, added ropes and rebaked lightmap. tweaked diffuse, added court wear map and set it up
9 Years Ago
added fire torches to raft, fixed transparency issues with court fringe, rebuilt materials and added new court shader to fix shadows, tweaked court diffuse
9 Years Ago
added reeds and foliage to swamp court level, added foliage shader, fixed transparency issues on court.
9 Years Ago
textured court plane, added fire support struts to raft, tweaked lighting. set up court plane shader for swamp court, working on alpha
9 Years Ago
made new court plane, unwrapped and textured
9 Years Ago
finished texture on wooden raft, added lights to swamp scene, tweaked colours, added collision
9 Years Ago
continuing to texture swamp raft
9 Years Ago
continuing to texture raft and raft rope, tweaked lighting
9 Years Ago
tweaked lighting in swamp court scene, added new temp texture and temp water, texturing raft
9 Years Ago
made raft longer, added updated raft to unity. unwrapped ropes, baked raft lightmap
9 Years Ago
unwrapped raft, smoothed and combined logs to one object
9 Years Ago
added ropes to raft, combined all, cut in detail on logs, exported to unity and set up new scene
9 Years Ago
created swamp folder, added raft logs and court plane and unwrapped
9 Years Ago
tweaked court wear shader on wild west grass to work properly
9 Years Ago
Added drill spaceship to wild west scene and animated. removed old files
9 Years Ago
lit and textured wild west drilling space ship
9 Years Ago
unwrapped drill spaceship, ready for texture
9 Years Ago
tweaked lighting on cloud city
9 Years Ago
turned off emission on court surfaces, brightened court surface textures to compensate, tweaked amplify colour textures further to darken shadows, removed erroneous materials
9 Years Ago
working on drill space ship
9 Years Ago
tweaked rail texture on wild west rail
9 Years Ago
fixed cloud city cloud shader (rebuilt)
9 Years Ago
added deckchairs and bottles to cloud city scene
9 Years Ago
slowed down caterpillar tracks anim speed
9 Years Ago
combined all test_court walls in to 4 wall objects, re-skinned with bones. changed caterpillar tracks to be one object and skinned.
9 Years Ago
added collision to test court and wild west courts
9 Years Ago
added collision for cloud city court
9 Years Ago
added cloud city wires max file
9 Years Ago
tweaked cloud city amplify colour
9 Years Ago
added lights to cloud city stage, added wires and toolbox/court decorations. tweaked lighting slightly
9 Years Ago
added vehicles and vehicle splines to all floating city skybox objects, added exhaust flames to cloud city engines, added landing lights and bolts to cloud city scene, reworked tv screen texture and material for ian's dot matrix thing, tweaked amplify colour further
9 Years Ago
tweaked position of some clouds
9 Years Ago
added vehicles to cloud city scene, tweaked lighting to be more pink
9 Years Ago
added floating cities back to cloud city court, currently creating splines for vehicles
9 Years Ago
added WIP cloud city buildings to cloud city scene, tweaked cloud shaders to be more cartoony and sit better in skybox.
9 Years Ago
tweaked textures and lighting on cloud city court, changed skybox and camera dof settings.
9 Years Ago
checked in skybox psd
9 Years Ago
tweaking cloud city skybox and lighting
9 Years Ago
tweaked DOF on wild west court to match that of test court
9 Years Ago
tweaked court shader on wild west, swapped dirt and clean maps around so it's concrete as a base
9 Years Ago
tweaked DOF to not obscure the players or the court
9 Years Ago
brightened up wild west court a bit, tweaked lighting levels to be more like test court