
8,451 Commits over 2,131 Days - 0.17cph!

8 Years Ago
Merging in
8 Years Ago
Oops, didn't mean to commit to the main branch! Reverting...
8 Years Ago
Reduced potential size of input packets, while also increasing local input storage to handle latency >1s.
8 Years Ago
building definition changes
8 Years Ago
Fixed interaction text sometimes staying up aftering entering a vehicle
8 Years Ago
Fix flags
8 Years Ago
Merging in
8 Years Ago
Some variable renaming only
8 Years Ago
Prevent cheating via input rate
8 Years Ago
Prevent cheating via input rate
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Merging in
8 Years Ago
Added differing message when trying to enter a vehicle that's already occupied
8 Years Ago
material and definition updates
8 Years Ago
Fixed vehicle state not being set correctly when a player connects and another player is already in a vehicle.
8 Years Ago
building def updated
8 Years Ago
commit for merge
8 Years Ago
Ignore damage to players in vehicles for this release. Note that impact blood FX still spawn since that's done by the bullet itself, whether or not it does actual damage.
8 Years Ago
Added probability stuff
8 Years Ago
added shop elements and sign stuff
8 Years Ago
Fixed building preview errors.
8 Years Ago
Started on a bigger apartment block.
8 Years Ago
Slope curve on player motor adjustment
8 Years Ago
Fixed some helditem spawn bugs. Made stairs a bit bigger.
8 Years Ago
Added client cheating to move at mega speed. Must remove this later!
8 Years Ago
Fixed inactive vehicles not becoming active when in CLIENT+SERVER mode, and made becoming active easier so things like quick collisions can trigger it.
8 Years Ago
Fixed inactive vehicles not becoming active when in CLIENT+SERVER mode, and made becoming active easier so things like quick collisions can trigger it.
8 Years Ago
Merge: Fixed inactive vehicles "bouncing"
8 Years Ago
Fixed inactive vehicles "bouncing"
8 Years Ago
Fixed animation setting
8 Years Ago
Added driver/passenger support, and more seats to vehicles
8 Years Ago
Fix for doors not working properly
8 Years Ago
Merging in latest changes.
8 Years Ago
Basic in-vehicle animation mode implemented. "Animation" is static right now
8 Years Ago
Health events + hitmarkers
8 Years Ago
Fixed exception when disconnecting from server.
8 Years Ago
Health / Death stuff
8 Years Ago
doors updated to open correctly
8 Years Ago
corner store door modded
8 Years Ago
updated building materials
8 Years Ago
- Show player model in car again. - Coupled move angle directly with look angle. No more moving sideways when they get out of sync.
8 Years Ago
Merge building and character updates
8 Years Ago
Reset FOV when aiming down sights and deselecting weapon, or when entering a vehicle
8 Years Ago
Simpler forced vehicle exit, since I found out I don't need to worry about the player object being destroyed on disconnect
8 Years Ago
new buildings and mat mods
8 Years Ago
Fixing double input events when entering vehicles that could sometimes dump you straight back out. Let's just not clear the input and deal with it.
8 Years Ago
Minor naming fix
8 Years Ago
Adding framework for vehicle exit when disconnecting. Not tested yet.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Fixed some of the reconnection errors like input ID mismatch and lookangle problems. Still quite a few more bugs though.