22,724 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Rename legacy tonemapper to linear, upgrade existing ones using legacy to HableFilmic
LTC Area Lights experiment
Iterate area lights
Cube texture creates array slice image views allowing each face to be treated as a framebuffer
Visualize depth uses screen space coords
[stash] Foundations for VK_KHR_multiview and cubemap render targets
Scene system listeners I'll need later
New shadow mapper: spot and point lights so far
* Move all logic to c# for full ownership, delete old native code
* Bindless shadow map textures, delete old shadow atlas
* Spot Lights
* Point Lights: cube textures with hw pcf poisson sampling
* Add user setting r.shadows.quality (0-3) low->high for better filtering
* Scale shadow map resolution based off of screen size the light occupies
* Debug system
PlayerController: prevent EyeAngles stomping, maintain rotation when reenabled
Stub out ISceneUndoScope for hammer sessions instead of throwing everytime we try to interact with a gameobject
Hammer: can create GameObject under mouse via right click menu
Fix GameSettingsModal incorrectly showing some properties as bool
PreJIT game and packages
Avoid allocation when getting default surface
Remove unused
Revert "What if we explicitly r2r sbox.exe only"
This reverts commit 4e8078b86f52d37d663f5fe4da8dc1dc33a862f1.
Clean up old dead code
Collect and pass around SceneLightObjects instead of the LightDesc ptr
Remove CSceneView::m_bIsThirdPerson
Add "Cast Shadows" property to MeshComponent
Improve error handling for navmesh queries
Vectorize and cleanup some things in BBox math
Obsolete `BBox.GetVolume` we already have `BBox.Volume` (property)
Obsolete `Sphere.GetVolume`, add `Sphere.Volume` as replacement
Add static variant of Vector3.Clamp
Add static variant of Vector3.Abs
What if we explicitly r2r sbox.exe only
Support non uniform scale in BBox.Transform
Add Trace.Cylinder https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b1011b1/sbox-dev_RHoamCtLxL.mp4
FPArms: punching animgraph now uses the same b_deploy_skip behaviour as other weapons
FPArms: add first_person_arms_throwables.vanmgrph
Use linear tonemapping curve instead of hable if none of our managed ones are applied, same behavior we'll have on IPostProcessSystem removal
Alright forget it for now
No - it hates what. What if we just try one
Compile some dlls explicitly with composite mode
Fix hashcode overflow in editor tool manager
Draw game object name with component name for component control widget now that component doesn't do it with ToString
Fix gameobject control widget "Find in Scene" not pushing to undo
FPArms: fixed Shared_Fire_Rifle_01_delta (specifically!) not turning into an additive despite being told to, and disobeying without even having the decency to throw a warning or an error in the logs, giving rifle weapon meshes a 1/10th chance to randomly explode when firing
Fix master volume not updating from convar in mixing thread
FPArms: make the other shared fire delta anims subtract from their last frame instead of their first
Add physics world to listener so sound occlusion knows what to trace against
Fix input getting stomped when applying direct mix
Sound box uses the closest listener
Maintain a list of sound listeners and use them to mix if the sound can be heard from them (sound is played from same scene as listener)
Use a default sound listener if none were added
Make sure sound handles always have at least one steam audio source
Make listener disposable
Make sure direct source has correct listener pos
Disable scene default sound listener if there's other listeners in the scene
Don't do atmospherics on toolsvis wtf
Make sure LPVs and lightmaps are resident with highest priority for bindless rendering, same behavior as valve's doing, should solve the texture corruption in hammer maps
Colliders implement IHasBounds
Scale particle sprites by game object scale, same as sprite renderer
Add pitch audio processor for realtime pitch shifting https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0811b1/sbox-dev_seMxPouPi1.mp4
Add context menu "Go to Definition" on nodes
Fixes #Facepunch/sbox-issues#7821
NodeLibrary is ContextLocal, so we don't need to Push() everywhere
Fix Facepunch/sbox-issues#7808
Add back support for H.265 video encoding. Use HW accelerated Vulkan Video if available.
Encoding H.264 and H.265/HEVC now uses Vulkan video and the underlying hardware accelerators if supported.
If Vulkan video is not supported, both H.264 & H.265 will fallback to openh264.
This mean the support for H.265 encoding is limited to modern GPUs.
Update FFmpeg again, I forgot webp codecs & muxers in the last build
FPArms: add shared fire rifle delta animations
Handle setting parent document for prefabs / map references
Fixes SBOX-2KA9
Don't use tall thumb in GameClosedToast, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7814
Fixed lobby count not refreshing correctly in GameModal, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7815
See if we can get away with a single NodeLibrary
Get rid of NodeLibrary.Push()
Fix Facepunch/sbox-issues#7808
NodeLibrary is ContextLocal
Add resource_log convar, logs when resources are loaded
Add CManagedTypeManager, keep hold of references until it's released.
Shall we hide this Unknown Morph Control error
Wrap these calls in MapInstance in a CallbackBatch
Clean up
Don't add image types as AddRuntimeReference in compiled resources, because they don't exist as compiled assets
Rebuild clothing assets with updated compiler
When a resource couldn't be loaded - print what resource tried to load it
Ensure depth fast path is using same material similarity for batching, should fix hammer crashes, re-enable depth fast path for prepass
Handle setting parent document for prefabs / map references
Fixes SBOX-2KA9
Temp revert depth pass optimizations for depthnormal layers to fix hammer crash, looking into it