
22,795 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

52 Days Ago
You can now specify the preview type for certain Output variables on a Subgraph so changes can be reflected in the Preview window.
52 Days Ago
Vulkan 1.2 is minimum requirement, device support remains the same. We already required several extensions that are core in 1.2 such as descriptor indexing Shaders compiler uses scalar layout instead of std140/std430 layout (VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout is core in 1.2) This is a much less confusing layout for structures in HLSL, allowing for tighter packing and generally matching their C++/C# counter parts. e.g: ```hlsl struct T { float a_float; float3 b_float3; } ``` The size of struct T was previously 32 bytes with GL layout and is now 16 bytes. The offset of b_float3 was previously 16 bytes and is now 4 bytes with scalar layout. More info on rules (previously GL, new Scalar) microsoft/DirectXShaderCompiler/blob/main/docs/SPIR-V.rst#memory-layout-rules
52 Days Ago
FunctionResult node generates inputs before creating connections to ensure connections are always deserialized correctly PlugInfo correctly uses property name if no [Title] attribute Refactor Result node into an abstract BaseResult class which Result and now FunctionResult can both inherit
52 Days Ago
Clean up TextureControlWidget Add Color.Rgba16 (half based color) Add Bitmap class More bitmap stuff
52 Days Ago
Cleanup clone code
52 Days Ago
Implement GameSettingsModal
52 Days Ago
Fixed NRE when FunctionResult name is left null Subgraphs no longer attempt to generate a .shader file, and will run error checks in the graph on Save FunctionResult Inputs now maintain connections upon being regenerated
52 Days Ago
Add GameSettingsEntry.Default since we'll want to give the controls default values
52 Days Ago
Add IPopupEditor<T>, EditorUtility.OpenControlSheet looks for this interface when creating a popup Rename ControlSheetPopup to PopupEditor, make more modular so we can override important bits Add TextureEditorPopup
52 Days Ago
Add ConVarFlags.GameSetting Add internal TypeLibrary.GetMembersWithAttribute<T> Add EditorUtility.CreateTypeLibrary( CompilerOutput[] ) Publisher: after compiling a game, create new TypeLibrary, load in the game's assemblies, and search for ConVars marked with ConVarFlags.GameSetting, include in metadata when publishing
52 Days Ago
Added SoundscapeTrigger.Volume so you can control the volume of a Soundscape from the component Added more property/enum docs to SoundscapeTrigger and gave TriggerType entries [Icon]
52 Days Ago
Standardize internal way to async replace placeholder textures Add Sandbox.Utility.ForAsync TextureGenerators are async
52 Days Ago
Fixed a bug where calling GameObject.GetPrefab could network spawn game objects. Never network spawn game objects if its scene is a PrefabScene. Merge branch 'master' of sbox New Clothing - Headphones LODs and Human aswell CommandList.GetRenderTarget with SizeFactor, don't allocate DepthTexture for it since it's not being used anywhere yet Overlay is considered a game layer since it draws to color, fixes depth prepass for overlays, remove overlay prepass from renderpipeline_standard Optimze Pixmap.FromTexture (don't swizzle the format 3 times) 4096x4096 339ms -> 115ms 2048x2048 90ms -> 50ms 1024x1024 20ms -> 10ms Bottleneck is going to be the data read from GPU -> CPU, not much else to do Fixed an issue where FromHost sync vars could get stomped. Optimized delta snapshot updates - we no longer need to even try to process networked objects we don't own. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#7261 Security check in snapshot processing - don't process snapshots we receive for an object if the source connection doesn't own it and isn't the host Force add compiled VR menu scene Stop "Create Sound Event" pranking people by opening to the wrong directory, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7421 Move VRSceneSwitcher + add warning and move back to OnAwake, recompile main menu In VR, menu defaults to having VR tag enabled Merge branch 'master' into jsonfree-clone
52 Days Ago
In VR, menu defaults to having VR tag enabled
52 Days Ago
Move VRSceneSwitcher + add warning and move back to OnAwake, recompile main menu
52 Days Ago
Fix example in comment
52 Days Ago
Stop "Create Sound Event" pranking people by opening to the wrong directory, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#7421
52 Days Ago
Force add compiled VR menu scene
52 Days Ago
Fixed an issue where FromHost sync vars could get stomped. Optimized delta snapshot updates - we no longer need to even try to process networked objects we don't own. Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#7261
52 Days Ago
Remove unintended file change
52 Days Ago
Update comment
52 Days Ago
Clear clone type cache on HotReload & GameShutdown Documentation
52 Days Ago
Add TextureGenerator boilerplate TextureControlWidget poc Fix NRE in SpriteRenderer when texture is null TextureControlWidget creates a child ResourceControlWidget instead of trying to be one Draw texture preview
52 Days Ago
Add TextureGenerator boilerplate TextureControlWidget poc Fix NRE in SpriteRenderer when texture is null TextureControlWidget creates a child ResourceControlWidget instead of trying to be one Speed up Pixmap.FromTexture ( there's got to be a faster way than this come on) Draw texture preview
52 Days Ago
Optimze Pixmap.FromTexture (don't swizzle the format 3 times) 4096x4096 339ms -> 115ms 2048x2048 90ms -> 50ms 1024x1024 20ms -> 10ms Bottleneck is going to be the data read from GPU -> CPU, not much else to do
52 Days Ago
Compile shaders
52 Days Ago
Don't run morph code when using vertex cache
52 Days Ago
Fix incorrect offset to CalculateMorphSubrectData
52 Days Ago
Define MORPH_TEXTURE_ATLAS_WIDTH as g_nMorphTextureAtlasWidth when in compute
52 Days Ago
Compute morphs, normals and tangents in skinning compute shader
52 Days Ago
Overlay is considered a game layer since it draws to color, fixes depth prepass for overlays, remove overlay prepass from renderpipeline_standard
52 Days Ago
CommandList.GetRenderTarget with SizeFactor, don't allocate DepthTexture for it since it's not being used anywhere yet
52 Days Ago
Remove interface
52 Days Ago
Decode cached vertex normals and tangents
52 Days Ago
Don't call CalculateInstancingObjectToWorldMatrix when using D_CS_VERTEX_ANIMATION, it's already calculated in the cache
52 Days Ago
Automatically detect if a type can be copied for cloning. Cleaneup clone reflection code Remove clone interface and attribute Add another test Add another test Format
52 Days Ago
Add SV_VertexID to VS_INPUT, this can be used for indexing vertex cache instead of using D_MORPH nVertexIndex
52 Days Ago
New Clothing - Headphones LODs and Human aswell
53 Days Ago
Fixed a bug where calling GameObject.GetPrefab could network spawn game objects. Never network spawn game objects if its scene is a PrefabScene. Merge branch 'master' of sbox
53 Days Ago
Possible fix for fragile tests Restore old TypeLibrary at end of SerializeTest Move VR scene switcher logic into OnStart Add support for custom specialised asset pickers per-resource type via AssetPickerAttribute Add SimplePicker, use for shaders until we get something better so that's not awful to use Merge branch 'master' into jsonfree-clone
53 Days Ago
Fix cloning types that do not have public parameter less constructors Simplify clone. Implement DeepClone for built-in types, for custom types fallback to JSON
53 Days Ago
Add support for custom specialised asset pickers per-resource type via AssetPickerAttribute Add SimplePicker, use for shaders until we get something better so that's not awful to use
53 Days Ago
Move VR scene switcher logic into OnStart
53 Days Ago
Add [CopyToClone] attribute to allow fast path clone of structs that don't hold any references (ParticleFloat, Curve, Vector...)
53 Days Ago
Restore old TypeLibrary at end of SerializeTest
53 Days Ago
Possible fix for fragile tests
53 Days Ago
Humans/animgraph: added Sprint_N (+ temp derived NE/NW) Humans: small tweak to Sprint_N + export the copy of the graph assigned to Humans Refactor GameObject serialization tests a little A couple of object cloning edge case tests CloneActionGraphProperty test Add CloneActionGraphSceneReference test Pull tests from master
53 Days Ago
DeppClone all reference types
53 Days Ago
Refactor GameObject serialization tests a little A couple of object cloning edge case tests CloneActionGraphProperty test Add CloneActionGraphSceneReference test
53 Days Ago
Add CloneActionGraphSceneReference test