22,818 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Pull latest changes from FP recastnavigation fork
Among upstream recast changes this also includes a change to:
Bump RC_SPAN_HEIGHT_BITS from 13 to 16
Increasing the bits used, will yield more accurate height information in the generated navmesh voxels & polys.
This does not change the size of rcSpan on x64 platforms. (See https://godbolt.org/z/4eKq45daK)
Therefore, this is free accuracy improvement without perf or memory impact.
Restore this fbx blend shape normals code, at the time it was fucked but now it looks correct, recursive destroy on fbx mesh copies may have been causing it - Fixes incorrect normal smoothing on fbx meshes that include morphs that aren't being used
Allow create model context menu item for fbx, obj, dmx
Call WriteProgramToBuffer from c#
Fix old compile routine crashing
ByteStream WriteArray optional count
Fix shader compile
Delete infectedwoundrenderdata
Delete public/assetrename
Remove some unused code from src/common
Move VCS writing code to CVfx
Dead cubemap rendering code
Remove dead code
Pass VfxCompiledShaderInfo_t straight into CVfxByteCodeManager
Expose navlink ConnectionRadius
Fix updating tags removing trigger contacts, only shapes that ignore each other should have contacts removed
Position editor tool only smooth moves rigidbodies that have motion enabled
Fix collision events returning incorrect per triangle surfaces
Remove unused r_tiled_rendering_depth_cull
Unused VR rendering layers (probably)
AbsolutePath is required only for registering the asset
Added Multiedit to RangedFloat (so you can edit all your sounds at once)
AudioDistanceFloatProperties now support Multiedit
ButtonControlWidget now supports Multiedit, will invoke the function on all selected Components
GradientEditorWidget now supports Multiedit
CurveControlWidget now supports Multiedit
Remove confusing, unused arguments
Clean up
Move g_pResourceCompilerSystem to engine, bind CUtlBuffer
Add CResourceCompilerSystem::GenerateResourceBytes
Add resilient retry to shader cache save
Start shader writing
Temporarily comment skid lines out in MoveMode while they're not accounting for the latest changes to the parameters
This makes more sense
Gather objects
Split logic into COcclusionCullingStandard
Don't use absolute path when creating sounds from mp3s
Copy over properties when bulk creating multiple nav links
Link connection radius should be internal not private
Make sure SoundEvent is compiled before we try to add sounds to it. Fixes Right Click MP3 -> Create Sound Event(s)
Avoid loading the same includes from disk over and over again
Fix shader cache concurrency
Use shader compile context
Remove debug #pragma optimize statements
NavLink doc comments
Proper object.Equals overrides for AssetBrowser entries
Asset browser: fixes for thumbnails not displaying/regenerating properly
Modify default agents to behave better when traversing nav links
(They still suck though)
Bind IVfx
Bind IVfx
Remove unused
Shader compile, support passing in pre-loaded, pre-masked code
Citizen/animgraph: flipped order of compositing operations in skidding to fix arms pose (wish_*-based flailing comes after addition) + rewrote and updated some comments around the graph
Keep version, we'll use it in a different way
Citizen/animgraph: reworked the skid parameters. Values are normalized. 'skid' (0,1) should now be only purely derived from 'skid_x' & 'skid_y' (-1,1) and would be a function of distance from center in their 2D blendspace. Made the layer into a model-space additive.
Citizen: disabled AO proxy nodes now that AO proxy support has been removed
vfx: remove unused HEADER { } carp
vfx: remove GetDefaultBlock which is randomly not used for any but MODES block, default modes = just Default() everything else is too magic bullshit
This seems bad
Add Graphics.Draw from GpuBuffer<T>
GpuBuffer obsoletes ComputeBuffer to prevent confusion that it's compute exclusive
* Non templated version because sometimes your buffer will have various types
* Usage flags can be combined now, e.g a buffer can be used as an IndexBuffer but also ByteAddress for compute shader
* Added additional error checking, exposed readonly properties for count/size/usage
* Added CodeUpgrader for ComputeBuffer -> GpuBuffer
* Fix Terrain materials buffer overflowing its gpu buffer
Be explicit AmbientOcclusion is ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion, attribute AmbientOcclusionIndex -> ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionTexture
Center ameObject when navlink start/end changes
[interop] Don't create handle stuff in static functions
Don't init VR if we're a console app
Don't print vulkan device info if we're a console app
Let us do new Shader()
List shaders, work out programs, find out of date
Use custom Qt styling/preferences in Launcher as well
Launcher: this is a sort not a filter so don't call it one
Move DefaultProjectLocation from editor cookie to launcher cookie, since we stopped saving that at some point
Fix project location label being squished
Bindless shader API class
Imrpove nav link visualization