
19,559 Commits over 1,461 Days - 0.56cph!

3 Years Ago
Add ModelEntity.SetMaterialGroup
3 Years Ago
Add StartDisabled, Enable, Disable to base trigger
3 Years Ago
Citizen V2: moved debug animations Update citizen_v2_staging.vmdl
3 Years Ago
Citizen V2 rough 9-way run + blendspace
3 Years Ago
Added EntityHandle<T> Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Citizen skin material fixes
3 Years Ago
Panels derive from LibraryClass
3 Years Ago
sbox-dev missing
3 Years Ago
Unused libraries (as far as I can tell) Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Add ReadSentence helper to Parser Correct parsing on GetTokenUnderParenthesis, parse background image angle Add BgAngle, refactor GradientGenerator, fix not being able to set rgba on gradients, add angle syntax for linear-gradient Update gradient examples Bind BgAngle to cssbox Add rotation to cssbox shader
3 Years Ago
Fix workshoptoolutils not compiling Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Support string to enum in string extensions
3 Years Ago
Add pre and post velocity to collision data
3 Years Ago
Don't try to compile tier2_bundle
3 Years Ago
Also delete qt4 plugins put inspector in source2tools
3 Years Ago
We don't use qt4
3 Years Ago
Remove unused/unneeded
3 Years Ago
Build tweak
3 Years Ago
Update Build-Retail-Native.bat Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Add ladder movement
3 Years Ago
Fix shadow hotload and writing on new addon asset system
3 Years Ago
Show addon maps in local map list
3 Years Ago
be more specific about what we want to build
3 Years Ago
Fix FullPathToModRelativePath not working
3 Years Ago
Fix .vpk not being marked as ASSET_LOCATION_GAME
3 Years Ago
Make drawtriggers_toggle an admin cmd
3 Years Ago
Reset water level fraction when not touching water
3 Years Ago
Add more collision info to Entity.OnPhysicsCollision
3 Years Ago
material tweak
3 Years Ago
Revert "Update Build-Retail-Native.bat" This reverts commit e3a486a0a0f0bcba226c887ef16c78944e5f6cc1. Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
Make trigger_hurt be the attacker when dealing damage
3 Years Ago
Delete fff.bat
3 Years Ago
Update Build-Retail-Native.bat
3 Years Ago
Tweaking build process
3 Years Ago
Fix jittery transforms getting bone transforms from client only ents Add getters for anim graph params
3 Years Ago
buildmapdialog: Don't try to remove maps/ from map path if it doesn't have maps/ in the path Removing a bunch of unused FOV code Merge branch 'master' of sbox
3 Years Ago
add explosive rust barrel prop
3 Years Ago
sensitivity convar works
3 Years Ago
Move the fgd's into their own folder Fix occasionally booting to black screen due to menu compile race condition
3 Years Ago
Entity FindByIndex uses dictionary Add EntityHandle Replicate uses Object.Equals
3 Years Ago
Deleted base/content Fixed CBaseFileSystem::GetModPath returning dumb paths
3 Years Ago
Fix launchsettings.json wrong folder
3 Years Ago
Update flashlight animgraph
3 Years Ago
Add rust flashlight viewmodel
3 Years Ago
phys_debug_draw FCVAR_CHEAT
3 Years Ago
Citizen V2 physics, ragdoll, hitboxes
3 Years Ago
Fix citizen ghost not compiling Dump citizen thumbnails
3 Years Ago
Transfer render color and alpha to breakables
3 Years Ago
Fix ModelEntity RenderColor and RenderColorAndAlpha getters
3 Years Ago
Fix for normal issues on complete version of lab drawers Fixes the feet looking weird on the complete lab drawers model Merge branch 'master' of sbox Merge branch 'master' of sbox