
19,495 Commits over 1,461 Days - 0.56cph!

4 Years Ago
Cleanup create material from image Fix assert when closing saved material from image
4 Years Ago
Make sure current tool list item is active when ui is first created Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Rust structure models Fixed ModelDoc crashes (caused by having . in lod/mesh names) Prop scale fixes Chainfence tweak Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add CModelMesh::HasFacesInFaceGroup, should be quicker than FindFacesInFaceGroup
4 Years Ago
ModelDoc: Material group shouldn't show materials that aren't used (ie, aren't on a mesh)
4 Years Ago
Try to send entity RPCs only to players that have the entity in their PVS
4 Years Ago
Fix baked diffuse lights not appaering
4 Years Ago
Fix cascade shadows dissapearing with low FoV
4 Years Ago
Move SkyAtmosphere to it's own classlibrary
4 Years Ago
Move Form to Base TextEntry blink slower Fixed NetList not dirtying GameScreen closer Added Game.PostLevelLoaded SetParent allows bone number < 0, treats it as no bone Added Entity.Transform setter Call PostSpawnGroupLoad from engine Sounds Update game names Update dm_yard Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Shader Build
4 Years Ago
Can change map name
4 Years Ago
Property Binding Allow access to System.DateTime Move text alignment logic to Label Label.GetCaretRect works with text-align right Label.GetLetterAt works properly with text-align: right Added UITests for TextEntry and TextAlign
4 Years Ago
Devcam, hit hitboxes Allow bigger blur Instant Focus
4 Years Ago
Pipe DoF stuff to pipeline through Renderingworld Trim a bunch of HLVR rendering code DevCam autofocus and bind DoF to C# Post process with DoF Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Add dm_yard default gamemode to sandbox Debug list active games
4 Years Ago
Handle replicated vars a little bit differently if not in game Game Screen work Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Depth of Field Refactor postprocess shader Fix offsets being wrong when reading depth on a viewport
4 Years Ago
Fixed RPC codegen when using virtual/override
4 Years Ago
Tweak footstep sound events
4 Years Ago
Renamed FollowEntity to SetParent Merge branch 'master' of sbox Added SetParent overload which takes the bone id
4 Years Ago
slowed down run anims
4 Years Ago
DoF / Motion blur testing dots on testmap
4 Years Ago
Making HotloadResult Json friendly
4 Years Ago
Enable specular by default when creating material from image
4 Years Ago
If there's no valid suffix on texture name, just throw it into the color slot
4 Years Ago
Right clicking an image file in asset browser tries to create a material (needs cleaning up but works)
4 Years Ago
Add StringTable.Contains Add FileWatch.OnChangedFile AssetList automatically adds all .scss files Renamed AssetList to NetworkAssetList Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Don't accept drag action if there's no valid files
4 Years Ago
ModelDoc: Add support for fbx file drag and drop
4 Years Ago
ModelDoc: New bone "Do Not Discard" true by default AssetBrowser: Refresh Thumbnails/Dump thumbnail are context aware (only allow it for assets that have thumbnails)
4 Years Ago
Use ClassInfo.Title for gamemode title in rich presence Also provide gamename Move DebugOverlay to Utility/ Don't add yourself to the friends list DebugInfo on friends list Remove debug Fixed NRE when sending replicated vars with NULL values Network the server's lobby Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Create models for each modular vehicle part
4 Years Ago
pump shotgun Network TimeSincePrimaryAttack,TimeSinceSecondaryAttack
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Skin shader compiled objects
4 Years Ago
Move drone/modular vehicle into entities/, lowercase filenames
4 Years Ago
Added Camera.Deactivated DevCamera adds devcamera class to HUD when activated Hide HUD if devcamera class Remember devcamera overlay status (per session) Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
ModelDoc: Attempt to offset bindpose by any import translation or alignment
4 Years Ago
Start porting modular vehicle assets
4 Years Ago
ModelDoc: Add origin alignment to RenderMeshFile (offset mesh to bounds min, max or center) Add Distance to TraceResult Car physics test
4 Years Ago
Fixed exception on spawn rust_shotgun
4 Years Ago
attack anims, brass eject pistol ejectbrass particles Allow BaseCarriable a go at the PlayerAnimator (to choose holdtype etc)
4 Years Ago
SMG sounds
4 Years Ago
Better worldmodel physics for pistol + smg
4 Years Ago
SMG viewmodel Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
Fixed skin transmission on viewmodel cascade and fixed seamless envmaps on skin transmission/two lobe specular Merge branch 'master' of sbox
4 Years Ago
rust_smg source Fixed all weapons being visible on equip Weapons use bonemerge on parent Added bones to pistol for bonemerge Ignore this warning, it's now wrong smg worldmodel setup smg _rough textures smg worldmodel finish
4 Years Ago
animgraph_editor to sbox_game Added Always Evaluate node to state machine animgraph Add System.Convert.ToInt32 to access Update BaseCarriable.cs Update pistol viewmodel anims
4 Years Ago
NetRead/NetWrite can try to handle unregistered NetworkClass Create NetList.cs Add IPlayerCamera, allow weapons to modify the camera Fix warning Update pistol animgraph