22,724 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Default some surface audio properties
Hammer: Fix prefab display color not being used in 2d view wireframe
Entity.GetClientOwner() becomes Entity.Client { get; }
AssetBrowser: Add a "free scroll" option to stop scrolling snapping to items
PlayerScore is now obsolete
Move ClientEntity stuff to ClientEntity files
Remove PlayerScore stringtable
Add ReadObject, WriteObject to NetRead/NetWrite
Obsolete PlayerScore
Add ObservableDictionary
Add NetworkBaseDictionary
Client.SetScore/GetScore becomes SetValue/GetValue/SetInt/GetInt/AddInt
Update rubikon materials when surface asset hotloads
Add Client.Ping, Client.PacketLoss
WriteJson writes formatted
addon_add doesn't add an addon if folder doesn't exist
Delete generated files
Ignore generated files
Animgraph: Add color tags to create node context menu https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0211b1/sbox_YrOOD4mpt2.png
Animgraph: Highlight blend list using blend weights https://files.facepunch.com/layla/1b0211b1/4lfU2YhGgT.mp4
Fix ToDecimal (and ToFloat) not using default value if it can't convert
Move Hierarchy category above targetname in Hammer
More dynamic way to hide certain keyvalues for SupportsSolids brushes
hide_when_solid = true KV3 metadata key
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
'alpha = true' KV3 metadata tag for color255 fgd type now enables alpha selection
Alpha was always exported by color255, but was never actually editable.
Added 'inline' alpha entry to color255 property editor
Force alpha to 255 if alpha editing is not enabled (color255 fgd type)
Prevents cases where alpha was stored and loaded as non 255 and is unable to be edited/fixed.
Added ability for embedded properties (Hammer) to have KV3 meta data
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Animgraph: Give a proper title to sequence picker dialog
Animgraph: Blend 2D: animation picker should be case-insensitive
ModelDoc: Add orthographic view and camera alignment modes
Assert only once if we are resolving outside the rect
Add Render.ClipPlanes
Iterate on compute API
DispatchComputeShader on GameGlue for now
User clipplanes on base shader
Support for quad overdraw in developer toolbar
Choose if SceneMonitorObject should render with HDR
Render.Compute.Attributes didnt come with the cherrypick
Defer network writes to a list, fixes network values not being initially set
Should fix @import case sensitivity
Build net vars on table build, before write
Add tier0 definitions to steam_api.h
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Refactor so VR stuff in Input is up to date ever FrameSimulate
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
If CSteamAPIContext::Init fails, log which interface failed
Disabke reading embedded shaders for a second to fix ci
Comment out shaderproc from CI for a bit
Intial work on ShaderProc to pack shader headers
CppPacker in ShaderProc
Add ShaderProc to sandbox tools sln
Empty interop.shaders header file for building in dev
Support reading shaders from interop shaders header
Definition file for ShaderProc
Put interop.shaders on vpc
ShaderProc publish profile and bind it to the build pipeline
Refactor ShaderProc
Speedup querying on packed shaders
Start minifying shaders, refactor ShaderProc
update interop shader headers
update gitignore
Set default shader modes if none were found in shader
Allow for usage of PixelInput, VertexInput etc instead of PS_INPUT, VS_Input
Add default compile target and make parameter optional
Common base shader stuff
Update baseshader
Fix normals on base shader
Pack helper shaders too
Merge pull request #30 from Facepunch/shaderproc
Integrate ShaderProc to pack shaders cleaningly to user compilation
Update baseshader
Fix normals on base shader
Remove debug log
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
AutoFGD: 'Render Properties' to 'Rendering'
Fixed getting broadcast via username instead of userid
Update entity properties
Vary broadcast update period
Tidy up with an internal method to reduce duplication
Create an overload for Particles.Create to tie the particle systems to an entity without specifying an attachment
Add default compile target and make parameter optional
Lookup attachment client-side using model entity as no animating specific methods are used
Fixed particles only being able to follow attachments on AnimEntity types when using SetEntityAttachment (can now follow attachments on any ModelEntity)
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/sbox
Allow for usage of PixelInput, VertexInput etc instead of PS_INPUT, VS_Input
Set default shader modes if none were found in shader
Removing usage of legacy per property metadata keys in AutoFGD in favor of KV3 metadata section like entities already use
The old and new systems cannot be used together (like Asset AutoFGD was trying to do), and the new system allows for any random key-value sets to be stored, not only those from a predefined set in the old system.
This commit also loads data from the new system into the internal fields old system was loading into, so there's no functionality loss.
Obsoletes Hammer.FieldMetaDataAttribute.AddMetadata( List<string> ) in favor of AddMetadata( Dictionary<string, string> )
Fixed bots not copying a player's cursor direction and origin
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/sbox
Hide 'World Model' related keyvalues for SupportsSolids brush entities
Don't ignore [Net] variables set before network tables are built
Streamer refactor
Cleaning streamer apis
Merge branch 'master' of sbox
Update game
Fixed Output<T> not being created properly on entities
Display AutoTags above user defined tags in asset brower/Hammer/etc
Hammer displays Input/Output parameter types in the Outputs tab
Added Output<T>, provides the correct output type in the FGD
Obsoletes Output.FireWithParam, use Output<T>.Fire
AutoFGD: Ignore 'activator' parameter when deciding what fgdtype to write for an Input
DrawScreenQuad fixes
Post processing render event (test)