
22,821 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

4 Months Ago
Add server tags as LobbyInformation.Data
4 Months Ago
Remove this log
4 Months Ago
Fix vox category
4 Months Ago
Some tidy up, improvements to algo
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Optimize navmesh generation by pooling generators (#1703) This also fixes sbox-issues/issues/6941 by limiting the degree of parallelism for the generation.
4 Months Ago
Multiplayer/networking project settings. Add option to change Destroy Lobby When Host Leaves and Auto Switch To Best Host. Defaults can be set in Project Settings but can be overriden via Lobby Config.
4 Months Ago
Improve navmesh generator cleanip Reenable AssertNoGraphErrorsInScene test
4 Months Ago
Human Hair Update
4 Months Ago
Temporarily ignoring AssertNoGraphErrorsInScene
4 Months Ago
Bump verbosity for PR tests
4 Months Ago
Child camera executes command lists from camera it's taking attributes from
4 Months Ago
Remove SyncTask
4 Months Ago
Virtual Cursor: rewritten, much simpler now, mimics mouse, so works for everything - Also tracking pressed controller buttons now
4 Months Ago
Virtual Cursor: rewritten, much simpler now, mimics mouse, so works for everything - Also tracking pressed controller buttons now
4 Months Ago
Optimize navmesh generation by pooling generators This also fixes sbox-issues/issues/6941 by limiting the degree of parallelism for the generation.
4 Months Ago
Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer Fix AO compositing for custom shaders Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders Composite AO to pipeline rather than blitting, cleanup AddHookAfterTranslucent > AddHookAfterDepthPrepass [Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Remove hack for clearing AO and use FrameAttributes instead [pick] GetBindlessRWTextureXXX if compute shader Move all ambient occlusion sampling to AmbientOcclusion.hlsl, bindless sampling RWTextureCubeArray doesnt exist, should just be a RWTexture2DArray [pick] Fog.hlsl cant be sampled from compute shaders in compute shaders that also ref lighting.fxc [pick] Fix include guards for hlsl classes, fixes declaration in both standard and material shaders, fix AO sampling Update shaders with bindless SSAO sampling Do a simple texture fetch for AmbientOcclusion::Sample, simplify SampleScreenSsMSAA Compile shaders without MSAA sampling for AO
4 Months Ago
Fixed regressions in CPhysicsShape::GetTriangulation Yeet the weird pointer iteration that fucked me 3 times by now.
4 Months Ago
Bump up pose recipe param buffer size to 4kb
4 Months Ago
Clear out unused InputManifestTemplate ItemGroup in Sandbox.Game
4 Months Ago
Remove old SCENEOBJECTFLAG_HIDEINFIRSTPERSON Remove old SCENEOBJECTFLAG_SUPPORTS_ENV_INTERACTION Write GameOverlay depth to main scene, so things like bloom layer don't render over it
4 Months Ago
Create attachment gameobjects on renderer root, transform them on animation update instead of attaching them to bones
4 Months Ago
Revert "Optimize navmesh generation by pooling generators 2.0" This reverts commit 54123afcdceb6e924eb14625985a3501f2d801e4.
4 Months Ago
Optimize navmesh generation by pooling generators 2.0 This also fixes sbox-issues/issues/6941 by limiting the degree of parallelism for the generation.
4 Months Ago
Revert "Optimize navmesh generation by pooling generators" This reverts commit 263974a602d63b4b817b5561b9a010689859b01f. Until we can figure out why an unrelated test started failing.
4 Months Ago
Humans: copy ring fingers onto pinky fingers while we're still reusing Citizen animations — avoids the "tea cup" look
4 Months Ago
Optimize navmesh generation by pooling generators This also fixes sbox-issues/issues/6941 by limiting the degree of parallelism for the generation.
4 Months Ago
Human Hair Updates
4 Months Ago
Specify .net 9 for shaders.yml Fix sampletexture_bicubic (is anything using it)? Compiled shaders with correct specular brdf
4 Months Ago
Optimize Memory Allocations in CPhysicsShape::GetTriangulation
4 Months Ago
Fix sampletexture_bicubic (is anything using it)?
4 Months Ago
Specify .net 9 for shaders.yml
4 Months Ago
Make editing BaseItemWidget/ListView contents thread safe Thread asset browser populate, remove arbitrary and teeny weeny MaxFiles cap 'everything' location shows more than just up to the As now, search/type filtering works as you'd expect Fix path/search widgets not updating correctly for meta locations Fix NRE
4 Months Ago
Properly restore all Scene/Prefab tabs from previous session without Task.Delay hack
4 Months Ago
Tone down ByteStreamTest.DecompressStressTest
4 Months Ago
Hackweek resource extensions (#1694) I don't think this is complete - but it's a good start
4 Months Ago
Expose EditorActionGraph.CanModifyParameters
4 Months Ago
Some tidy up
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Some cleanup - store current peer score
4 Months Ago
IAssetEditor: focus existing editor if it's a BaseWindow
4 Months Ago
Improved async behavior of navmesh tile generation
4 Months Ago
Fix sequence contains no elements
4 Months Ago
Periodically check if we're the best host candidate based on score - change owner if needed. When we are made the host, but we're still connecting, try to find another host candidate instead - if we can't find one then we can mark the lobby as toxic. Don't include self when trying to find best candidate in some situations. When SteamLobbySocket is disposed (we left or disconnected), try to find another candidate then also.
4 Months Ago
Remove debug stuff and improve host candidate scoring based on average ping and connection quality to other peers
4 Months Ago
Test convars
4 Months Ago
Some logging
4 Months Ago
Initial commit
4 Months Ago
Set same tags for dedicated servers as lobbies for consistency. Fixed case when connection doesn't close properly.
4 Months Ago
Expose initial API for navmesh tile(re)generation Expose NavMesh.GenerateTile( PhysicsWorld world, Vector3 worldPosition ) Expose NavMesh.GenerateTiles( PhysicsWorld world, BBox bounds )