22,762 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Addon dependancies caps insensitive
Add Content to Sandbox.Generator
Citizen addon: generate code so we get a content list
MyAddon - depend on citizen, use generated content path
Buffer up native console prints until newlines
Disable ESP
Clean up this code
Move hotloadmanager into Gamedll
Bot code
Entity Flags binds
Create EntityFlag.cs
Fixed eye angles on server
Allow model Just In Time loading
Add CBaseModelEntity binds
Crash todo in CModel::SetupAttachmentTransform
Bind CSkeletonInstance
Tweaked managed entity creation order so we can do stuff in Spawn
Added ModelEntity
Player derives from ModelEntity
Don't call SetCollisionBounds from native baseplayer
PET: Don't give us any of the mod mismatch warnings
Test light impact, sound impact
Added gameglue
Added Decals class
Glass fixes
Fixed exceptions due to LIGHTING_ORIGINS 0
testmap update
shatterglass materials/textures
Added "decalSpecularExp" to sheet.h so decal sheet will build
Created IRuntimeAsset (this is bad naming, review)
SoundEvent now an IRuntimeAsset, so static definitions get full name and are created at loadtime
Compiled sounds
Added JsonToKeyValues3 to EngineGlue
Added Entity.EmitSound
Create keyvalues3.def
Create soundeventmanager.def
WIP can define sound events in code
A bunch of Rust sounds
Deleting these soundstacks
Deleting these soundevents
Add soundstacks_hlvr_core to the manifest
Added Player.Input
Added Player.Tick
Warn us about not precached stuff instead of popup assert
GetParticleSystemIndex by default calls FindExistingResourceByNameLoadingJustInTime
Interop gen treats anything starting with global as a global
Bind DispatchParticleEffect
Test tracer/impact particles
Fixed panorama keybinds not being set (hardcoding them in CUIInputEngine::ReloadKeyBindings instead)
Fixed modeldoc not opening models
Updated testmap
more rust models
contentbuilder, reconstruct addon path when copying compiled files
If we have a content_src but no content, create it
Don't tother adding not in leaf tags to stuff
Hammer compilation fix
These binaries are part of sbox_game now
Updated testmap source
Don't upload core_src to steam :D
rebuild_all.bat for mods _src
reference content compiled
don't upload addon _src folders to steam
Create user_keys_default.vcfg
vfxcompile - rejigged to compile to the core folder regardless of 'mod' folder
Fixed contentbuilder with addon paths
Include ResourceCompiler
contentbuilder works in root _src folders
contentbuilder deletes orphans properly instead of trying to use p4
include contentbuilder in sbox_game
Fixed addon system shitting itself if a path had caps in it
Fixed crash in ValidatePrivateScriptScope
These were in the wrong folder
Move that big load of content into the right place 😫
Just stub this interface so we don't have to recompile the whole engine again
Fixed startup_background
AddAddonsSearchPaths for now
Moved sbox_game to groups
Added a bunch of missing tool config files
Delete tools_thumbnail_cache.bin
citizen addon test map
Reverting attempt at resource system takeover
Fixed CResourceCompilerContext::ContentPathToFullPath for new layout
if we're compiling in %temp% then don't treat as an addon because the paths will be all fucky
Call AddAddonsSearchPaths in standalone resourcecompiler.exe
CResourceCompilerPathScope - don't limit/remove search paths - we don't give a fuck about that shit
ComputeVpkName can be a shit ton simpler
Adding +assetsystem to sbox_game
move content\sbox to game\sbox_src
move content/core to game/core_src
Asset system content is in *_src instead of ../content/*
Path Fixups
Material editing works with new *_src paths
Rust addon
Changing default console port (vconsole fucks with it)
Resource Compiler, compile to the right folder when addon
I'm going to assume we don't need all this readonly shit
Load asset info again
material editor, hammer working with addons and addon *_src
Citizen addon
Don't mark mod paths as read only
ModIsVisibleToAsset always returns true
Allow loading from any "mod" in hammer
Lets treat any files ending with _c as lfs
citizen skin
Fixed model editor
Fix SkipToModRelativePathFromGameOrContentRelativePath in fileutils to work with our layout
Add ignore tools_thumbnail_cache.bin
SetModGameSubdir - skip the logic, always set it to sbox
Fixed IsAddon logic being backwards in ComputeOutputFileName
Local lightmap compilation is assumed
Properly close clr host on shutdown
Remove material debug
FileSystem:AddAddonsSearchPaths (review this later)
Hammer map target location fix
Fixed CResourceCompilerContext::ContentPathToFullPath for new layout
if we're compiling in %temp% then don't treat as an addon because the paths will be all fucky
Call AddAddonsSearchPaths in standalone resourcecompiler.exe
CResourceCompilerPathScope - don't limit/remove search paths - we don't give a fuck about that shit
ComputeVpkName can be a shit ton simpler
Remove material debug
FileSystem:AddAddonsSearchPaths (review this later)
Hammer map target location fix
Add ignore tools_thumbnail_cache.bin
SetModGameSubdir - skip the logic, always set it to sbox
Fixed IsAddon logic being backwards in ComputeOutputFileName
Local lightmap compilation is assumed
Properly close clr host on shutdown
Fix SkipToModRelativePathFromGameOrContentRelativePath in fileutils to work with our layout
Lets treat any files ending with _c as lfs
citizen skin
Allow loading from any "mod" in hammer
Changing default console port (vconsole fucks with it)
Resource Compiler, compile to the right folder when addon
I'm going to assume we don't need all this readonly shit
Load asset info again
material editor, hammer working with addons and addon *_src
Citizen addon
Don't mark mod paths as read only
ModIsVisibleToAsset always returns true
Adding +assetsystem to sbox_game
move content\sbox to game\sbox_src
move content/core to game/core_src
Asset system content is in *_src instead of ../content/*
Path Fixups
Material editing works with new *_src paths
Rust addon
Don't need FinalizeLoading now
InteropGen - struct can define CreateUsing
NetRuntime.RelativeToAbsolute hook
Added CRD_RegisterResourceDataUtils::RegisterResource
Allow resource loading to proceed with invalid headers (review: can we set it as a non valve resource so we don't need to hack around with this header)
Resource Loading boilerplate
Switched ManagedResourceHandle to use ::From instead of constructors (because constructors mean it stops bein pod)
Load startup material from materials/startup.mat instead of materials/startup_background.vmat
Init managed before creating the window so the filesystem shit can use it
Latest Binds