
22,989 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

4 Years Ago
Make these asserts warnings so we can ignore them until we can't If StringTable changed to null from not null, we're shutting down, so shut it down Bind CNetworkGameClient Added SignOnState hooks to engineloop
4 Years Ago
Delete GameManager Make sure all entities are released at game end Unregister client dlls on disconnect Clientside hotloading works Moved access control from Compiler
4 Years Ago
Create Build-Engine.bat Removing unused from groups Retail mode Update Build-Retail.bat
4 Years Ago
Keep this folder here Added Build-Game.bat Update vswhere.exe
4 Years Ago
Cleaning up precaching a bunch of shit we're not using
4 Years Ago
Trim the amount of debug console spam Add some more console spam Fix client addons using wrong Sandbox.Game
4 Years Ago
Fixed writing the wrong data to stringtable Delete ServerLayer.cs When server starting a game, force recompille of everything Added GameLoop.Init, Deactivated hooks Compiler doesn't write to a temporary filesystem Create AssemblyTransport.cs Don't pass compilers to AccessControl Don't spam errors if client gamemode doesn't load StringTable.GetString, GetData Wrap stringtable change callback in a try/catch Added some common stuff to Global ClientAssemblyManager.Init moved to GameLoop:Init Split assembly init/hotloading from general loading Added ClientAssemblyManager
4 Years Ago
Move Global to Sandbox.Game Increase string table max data size Server adds assemblies to string table
4 Years Ago
Looks like net5 rc2 needs these delegates to be marked as unmanaged, which they are Interop: handle const void* casting to void* INetworkStringTable binds Interop: support for fastdelegate from managed function ptr Moved custom string table creation shit to c#
4 Years Ago
Assemblies string table
4 Years Ago
Schedule Cleanup Fix Sandbox.System warnings Fixed Sandbox.Engine warnings Fixed Sandbox.Game Warnings Code Cleanup Remove Unused Fixed HUD not showing
4 Years Ago
Gamemode creates player entity InteropGen code should diff better Fixed hotloading Sandbox.Game.dll not working Use PlayerController
4 Years Ago
Created sbox_shared.vpc Created sandbox.trace.cpp/h Added trace bind InteropGen added inherit and skipdefine keywords, removed Manifest hack Trtace works
4 Years Ago
Send sidemove/forwardmove as normals Fixed prediction error Simple noclip movement in c#
4 Years Ago
Added Sandbox.PlayerCommand Build tools Simplify CUserCmd Route UserCmd application through Sandbox::PlayerCommand
4 Years Ago
Package updates Can toggle between showing client/server entity properties
4 Years Ago
Dedicated server works again
4 Years Ago
Remove native say, say_team concommands Add NativeEngine.ServerEngine Hook up calling client commands from the server Split time into RealTime (engine) and Time (game contexts) Setup Player Name properly Fixed SplitQuotesStrings empty quotes Clean debug output
4 Years Ago
alt+f4 quits Client managed binds work Update game input state once, before taking input, so we don't have keypresses leaking between the game binds and ui Create client.engine.def Created Sandbox.Game version of ConsoleSystem, renamed Engine one to ConsoleEngine [revisit] Hook to EngineLoop::ClientCommand from CServerSideClient::ExecuteStringCommand
4 Years Ago
Hijack transmitmode Fixed creating client entity before class is known [revisit this, send the class in a more native way] Crash fix: QueueSpawnEntity wants to be able to release the keyvalues itself Added GameLoop.OnClientPreOutput, OnClientPostOutput Remove EngineLoop.PreRenderUI Call IPreRenderUI.Run from OnClientPreOutput
4 Years Ago
Rename EntitySystemServer to EntitySystem Fixed MyAddon compile errors Added GameLoop Fixed EngineEntityBase Library.Create reports TargetInvocationException nicer CGameEntitySystem::CreateFromManaged spawns ents properly GameLoop.OnActivate compiles gamemode addons, creates gamemode entity
4 Years Ago
Fixed not redrawing when alt tabbed
4 Years Ago
Fixed selected entity info showing nothing Refactor Source/SourceEngine into NativeEngine Refactor sandbox.<module>.h to interop.<module>.h
4 Years Ago
Tools rebuild
4 Years Ago
Fixed NRE in console when calling sv_entity_list Ignore .intermediate folders Update Microsoft.CodeAnalysis to so SourceGenerators work again
4 Years Ago
Show client/server status in entity list Tell rcon which realm the entity is from when sending delete messages
4 Years Ago
Clientside network entity create, cleanup
4 Years Ago
Include Sandbox.Game.dll in addon csproj
4 Years Ago
Cleaned Entity Destruct
4 Years Ago
Hotload Fixed
4 Years Ago
Run Updates Fixed ConsoleCommands
4 Years Ago
Deleted Realm GameUI hides properly again Cleaning unused shit Moved interop defs to their own project Tools build Delete binaries that are rebuilt easily Ignore binaries Update access lists Ignore cfg/video.txt Create gamecontext.drawio.png
4 Years Ago
Get managed function pointers via array instead of using coreclr Create Sandbox.Game Interop create via Sandbox.Interop.CreateInterface Add GameContext Definitions Updated for Sandbox.Game Create EngineLoop.cs Create IGameInterface.cs Engine InternalsVisibleTo Sandbox.Game Bootstrap do some Context checks Moved/Deleted from Sandbox.Engine Bind fixes Addons/Compiler loads through GameContexts Move AssemblyLoading shit out of Bootstrap Move Library to Sandbox.Game Don't register convars if not the right context Don't log until Bootstrap.PreInit - because we want the current dir to be set so the logs get in the right folder Fixed error if menu not compiled Add Sandbox.Game to BaseAccess.txt
4 Years Ago
Update sandbox.client.win64.vdf Switch to unmanaged delegates
4 Years Ago
Added interop boxed flag, for things like CEntityIndex CreateClientEntityFromNetwork re-implemented activated server interop Bind CEntityClass Interop: better casting Create entity.system.def Added EntityManager.CreateServerEntity Cleaner way to create entities with a enginename override Explicit casting fixes Overide entity creation in GameEntitySystem Remove rubbish in GameRules Updated Binds Interop: Access to all baseclass functions without casting Rebuild binds Cleaning generated code
4 Years Ago
Exclude some files from steam upload
4 Years Ago
Don't print out every imported concommand Opening console opens our console
4 Years Ago
Added panorama.def Added Source.CBaseHandle Generated Added INetRuntime to singletons Panorama uses new sandbox.panorama instead of hopping on sandbox.client Don't need to define g_pNetRuntime here now
4 Years Ago
Bind IHandleEntity, CBaseHandle Bind CEntityInstance Bind CGameEntity
4 Years Ago
Create entity.drawio.png
4 Years Ago
Added Sandbox.ClientInput Don't mouse look if visible UI that wants mouse Bootstrap::Init later so we catch all the convars from client/server
4 Years Ago
Create input.drawio.png
4 Years Ago
Fuck all this vgui input shit Call gameui_activate if escape pressed in game If we're turning layer input off, also call Blur() to keyboard focus Main menu call gameui_hide oncancel if in game
4 Years Ago
Shader compile optimizations
4 Years Ago
Cleaning so I can understand what's happening Cleaner gameloop binds Bind GameUI.GetInputContext
4 Years Ago
Fixed test panel particles not ticking Fixed dll location in addon csproj Show loading screen
4 Years Ago
Fixed Console idle cpu usage always -resizing Ignore Addon debris Panorama mouse inputs Send all events to managed Added RealTimeSince Schedule uses RealTimeSince Call UpdateRealTime from engine2 loop Update mainmenu.htm
4 Years Ago
Some fonts Fixed label assert Default to unlimited fps Added missing binds
4 Years Ago
Custom panorama filesystem GetPanelTypeOrOverride fixes
4 Years Ago
Client interop setup Add InteropType double Remove windows.h include in native interop gen, use Plat_FatalError to throw errors instead Ignore .gen folders Add g_pGameUIService binds Add g_pInputStackSystem binds Delete g_pMatSystemSurface binds delete gameuifuncs binds Delete PanoramaHelpers Update style.def Update panelClient.def Commenting out and fixing up the binds - just want to get panorama working for now Update panorama with functions made on source1 repo Update c_baseentity with shit from source1 repo Update clientmode_hlnormal.cpp Binding Gen Call MenuSystem::Init when loaded