
22,822 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

4 Months Ago
Hooked up Texture Editor Browser and gave it the proper Filter type Filtering by Image in the Asset Browser now shows all supported file types instead of just JPG Fix [Feature] properties not being added to a ControlSheet when non-Feature properties don't exist. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6842
4 Months Ago
Remove PhysicsWorld::GetPolySoup as it is now unused Debug draw tile polygon boundaries
4 Months Ago
Menu refresh * razor: Invalidate render tree when setting RenderFragment - fixes sections of razor ui not updating until hovered * updated menu UI * deleted old menu styles
4 Months Ago
Fix Asset Browser NREs when filtering by file extension and file has no extension
4 Months Ago
Fix pause menu Tweak branding
4 Months Ago
Fix Create/Save File Dialogs opening in the folder above your current directory
4 Months Ago
Remove more unused
4 Months Ago
Base button can act like a href, sets active state Start converting settings modal Settings design
4 Months Ago
Fix opening .action resources Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6841
4 Months Ago
Skia updates Add SteamId struct Player modal Remove unused shit
4 Months Ago
Add Sandbox.Services.Players Item store cleanup Fix sidebar scroll size Hard-code sort orders instead of getting them from the backend
4 Months Ago
Disable rendering on sceneobject when model renderer uses model that has no valid render meshes
4 Months Ago
Cache native physics body shapes so GetShape can have direct access to them
4 Months Ago
Auto calculate tiling parameters This avoids having to expose them, while we are not sure if they should be. Optimize tile geometry collection Only add physic shapes to generator that are in bounds Make tile geometry collection thread safe Speed navmesh geometry collection for scenes with complex physicbodies The geometry collection is optimized by only collecting the PhysicsShapes of a PhysicsBody that are actually in the navmesh bounds. Previously, all shapes of a PhysicsBody were collected, which resulted in a lot of irrelevant geometry being collected. This optimization significantly speeds up the overall navmesh generation (70 times faster when benchmarked on FP square).
4 Months Ago
Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer Fix AO compositing for custom shaders Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders Composite AO to pipeline rather than blitting, cleanup AddHookAfterTranslucent > AddHookAfterDepthPrepass [Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Remove hack for clearing AO and use FrameAttributes instead [pick] GetBindlessRWTextureXXX if compute shader Move all ambient occlusion sampling to AmbientOcclusion.hlsl, bindless sampling RWTextureCubeArray doesnt exist, should just be a RWTexture2DArray [pick] Fix sampletexture_bicubic (is anything using it)? [pick] Fog.hlsl cant be sampled from compute shaders in compute shaders that also ref lighting.fxc [pick] Fix include guards for hlsl classes, fixes declaration in both standard and material shaders, fix AO sampling Update shaders with bindless SSAO sampling Do a simple texture fetch for AmbientOcclusion::Sample, simplify SampleScreenSsMSAA Compile shaders without MSAA sampling for AO
4 Months Ago
Do a simple texture fetch for AmbientOcclusion::Sample, simplify SampleScreenSsMSAA
4 Months Ago
razor: Invalidate render tree when setting RenderFragment - fixes sections of razor ui not updating until hovered Fix map page using wrong logic
4 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.XR to 1dce6d64669f0c19b0e43936bf53b1770d50a6f8, cache HasHeadset value Don't build VR Toggle Widget if there's no headset or runtime
4 Months Ago
When creating a Sound Event, the file extension is now replaced instead of appended. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6816
4 Months Ago
[pick] Fix include guards for hlsl classes, fixes declaration in both standard and material shaders, fix AO sampling Update shaders with bindless SSAO sampling
4 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.XR and defs to 24b8e70e5c89d04b3f42d8b022bf97e05b82349f, adds check for headset/runtime availablity VR initialization changes - always load VR extensions if there's a runtime and headset available, so we can init mid-session Editor: Make ToggleSwitch look nicer Add toggle switch in editor for VR
4 Months Ago
Package list
4 Months Ago
Update Refit
4 Months Ago
RWTextureCubeArray doesnt exist, should just be a RWTexture2DArray [pick] Fix sampletexture_bicubic (is anything using it)? [pick] Fog.hlsl cant be sampled from compute shaders in compute shaders that also ref lighting.fxc
4 Months Ago
Categorize Create Asset menu, can create code files, add templates for compute, material, unlit shaders Use GameResource.Category in New Asset menu Give built in resources categories too, merge with gameresources Create templates for c# empty, component, razor code files and compute, material, unlit shaders
4 Months Ago
Fix some compiled assets wrongly being hidden, Facepunch/sbox-issues#6814
4 Months Ago
fix glass vtex
4 Months Ago
Main menu - home page redesign
4 Months Ago
Fix LobbyCard NRE
4 Months Ago
Move all ambient occlusion sampling to AmbientOcclusion.hlsl, bindless sampling
4 Months Ago
Cloud browser: maintain location query when searching, clear facet selection with sidebar shortcut Remove unused folder node logic for cloud locations Skip dropdowns for facets included in the base/location query
4 Months Ago
Use error model for sceneobject when model has no valid render meshes Do the same for scenemodel
4 Months Ago
PanelTraversalSystem: Refactor root panel focus, in case a modal pops up in the way, or any other overlay Can pop modals PanelTraversalSystem: pop modal one-by-one if hitting B on controller
4 Months Ago
Broke input actions, whoops
4 Months Ago
Implement stubbed Search Bar in HomeWidget, moving it outside of the filters popup
4 Months Ago
Tidy/refactor search widget, asset type filtering works in both flat and normal views Make sure picker-enforced filters are shown in the search widget, disable user editing
4 Months Ago
Clip tile bounds to geometry Limit navmesh generation parallelism Bump cell Height to 4 This avoids issues when tiles are very tall (Z). Potentially decreases generation quality a little, but so far it looks fine. Fix debug draw triangle offset Better tiling defaults Removed debug logs
4 Months Ago
Fix asset type filters excluding compiled assets that should be shown, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6814
4 Months Ago
Create assets/folders from sidebar folder nodes
4 Months Ago
Use AppIsDedicatedServer() to determine if should print warning log in texturebase. Don't run Panel.TickInternal if we're a dedicated server - makes no sense for Panels to even exist. Make dedicated server console window title s&box Dedicated Server We can omit this warning too if we're a dedicated server
4 Months Ago
Keep original generate signature Simplify physics geometry collection
4 Months Ago
Add +hostname support for dedicated servers. For now, just so we have a way of seeing them, bundle dedicated servers in with other lobbies when querying lobbies so they show in the lobby list for a game.
4 Months Ago
Dedicated Server Querying and Session Authentication (#1690) * Authentication and encryption can now be enabled (by default) * Session authentication is added for authentication tickets - this is what makes the player count go up on a server or down when they leave * Dedicated servers use a Fake IP and can be connected to either by their Fake IP or by their associated Steam Id * Dedicated servers can be queried from the master server using the GameSocketShare mode and so can now be fetched in-game for displaying in some UI later (Steam Server Browser does not display them due to using Fake IP) * Added Rich Presence support for players who are connected to a dedicated server (and other players can join the game) * Fixed some issues with headless mode such as when things were attempting to use ISteamFriends or some texture methods * Stale connections are properly disposed of and cleaned up within a network system where in some cases before they were not * Ensure that we disconnect from the network system when closing the game/app, this makes sure that the Steam Game Server is properly shut down * Fixed / implemented Steam Game Server callbacks * Moved Steam Network Sockets configuration to C# and set them in the right place now * Ensure that we disallow a player to connect to a dedicated server if there are no player slots remaining
4 Months Ago
Fix another issue with steam friends not being installed
4 Months Ago
Some extra fixes for that
4 Months Ago
TextRendering.GetOrCreateTexture, if we're headless, return Texture.Invalid
4 Months Ago
Steam Rich Present Join Game support for dedicated server by fake IP or steam id depending on connection type
4 Months Ago
Update servers list, fix NREs from things tryna access ISteamFriends when they're a dedicated server and that interface isnt loaded
4 Months Ago
Max players
4 Months Ago
Clean up all the logs, better reason code for invalid ticket closure