
22,822 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

4 Months Ago
Remove notion of installing cloud assets as preview Cloud assets are either on disk or not, this preview state confuses stuff without any real benefit. The important thing is that the references get stored in the assets - which they're not going to if we're not installing the cloud assets. Asset picker previews cloud sounds Call OnAssetHighlighted when highlighting cloud assets in picker Add (hidden) to cloud packages that are hidden Preview sounds when clicking on them in cloud browser Get rid of the package download notice (if we want this, we have to find a less abrasive way)
4 Months Ago
Reset auth back to false, at least we can toggle it internally now without rebuilding native
4 Months Ago
Some more debug stuff
4 Months Ago
Add a way to get authentication status so I can debug it
4 Months Ago
Restore allow without auth - need to find out why it wont auth auto?
4 Months Ago
Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer Fix AO compositing for custom shaders Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders Composite AO to pipeline rather than blitting, cleanup AddHookAfterTranslucent > AddHookAfterDepthPrepass [Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Remove hack for clearing AO and use FrameAttributes instead
4 Months Ago
Clothing Updates
4 Months Ago
Strip that out - waste of time
4 Months Ago
Add Char
4 Months Ago
Return value
4 Months Ago
Add steamid param
4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
Auth tests
4 Months Ago
Dedicated server max players, map name (or scene name if no map package), game name - ip address and port if specified, later we should only have steam ids
4 Months Ago
Suppress native transform change callbacks too which were causing angles & scale changes to not execute Transform changes on managed execute EventPropertyEditorCoreAttributeChange_t so gizmos follow properly
4 Months Ago
DedicatedServer.Init waits until logon complete - this is when we'll have our anon steamid,
4 Months Ago
Disconnect properly when returning to main menu in some circumstances
4 Months Ago
Initial tiled navmesh generation Currently matches previous behaviour but generates in multiple tiles
4 Months Ago
Add net_shared_query_port - default to false for now until it's working
4 Months Ago
Shut down should be called after LogOff
4 Months Ago
Ensure GUID is saved all the time. And some validation: delete CMapGameObjects that have no GUIDs on load & create CMapGameObjects for scene gameobjects that don't have a match
4 Months Ago
some housekeeping Stash SocketShare stuff Remove that stuff - it should be automatic but it isn't working rn
4 Months Ago
Don't show properties of incompatible types when assigning Prefab Variables
4 Months Ago
Added `[Expand]` attribute, which expands the control for that property onto a new line, making it fill the width of the sheet. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6800
4 Months Ago
Added a DateTime ControlWidget. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6787 DateTimeControlWidget supports DateTimeOffset as well
4 Months Ago
WIP multicast delegates
4 Months Ago
Cache looking up types by name
4 Months Ago
Hammer: Can hover and select managed scene render meshes (ModelRenderer) as well as gizmo render bounds, whilst working alongside native traces
4 Months Ago
Should fix editor startup error
4 Months Ago
Fix video background color random
4 Months Ago
Clean up EditorUtility.PlayAssetSound a bit Ignore edging when drawing text outlines, helps with `font-smooth: never;` in combination with `text-stroke` Facepunch/sbox-issues/issues/6764
4 Months Ago
Fix button text not being vertically aligned by one pixel. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6805
4 Months Ago
EditorUtility.PlayAssetSound supports sound events Asset browser: Play overlay for sounds
4 Months Ago
Fix warning
4 Months Ago
Asset browser supports multi asset selection [CustomEditor] supports properties marked with [Editor( "editorname" )] Converted OrganisationProperty to OrganisationControlWidget Fix button with no icon padding Fix NRE in attachments Model preview better guess if it's a viewmodel Can multiple select and right click assets to batch publish, and select an org Ident maxlength increased to 64
4 Months Ago
Asset browser: Fix dragging assets only including the first thing, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6810
4 Months Ago
Tweak TabBar style for icon legibility, consistent positioning Consistent placeholder text for search widgets Asset browser: Stop sticking "Resource" on the end of most asset type names
4 Months Ago
Fix Project.EditUrl wrong link Fix asset browser showing compiled alt files of files we have the source to Play asset sound when clicking on asset
4 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.ActionGraphs
4 Months Ago
Tweaked editor startup, don't pop up this cloud progress window, compile assets faster Shorten "Group with new GameObject"
4 Months Ago
Clear/return frameAttributes when we're done Rename FrameAttributes to ViewAttributes
4 Months Ago
Clothing Updates
4 Months Ago
Clothing Updates
4 Months Ago
[Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Remove hack for clearing AO and use FrameAttributes instead
4 Months Ago
[Pick] Add internal Graphics.FrameAttributes, up to review Use frameattributes instead of camera attributes, clear stupid hack on AmbientOcclusion
4 Months Ago
Need to set version gametag on server. Use query port 27016 until implementation of ISteamGameServer::HandleIncomingPacket et al )
4 Months Ago
Feel like I'm getting somewhere, but still won't list
4 Months Ago
Fix Remove Component not being included in the Undo Stack
4 Months Ago
Scene Hierarchy: hide children in flat search view Scene Hierarchy: skip root, objects with hidden flag Scene Hierarchy: hide clear search button when there's no value, styling tweaks
4 Months Ago
Remove aoproxies ambient occlusion, it never looked too right and it's stupid to have artists authoring them manually, almost no one did I still think SDF AO works better than SSAO in most cases, but they should live as a renderhook and artists don't need to touch anything, the way it is now is very hard to maintain, it could be 10x simpler VrMonitor goes long unused since we removed SceneMonitor & VR Multiview Replace AO on shader with a single, non-directional AO but that composites properly, older shaders wont have incompatibility problems, also makes Dynamic Reflection work without ao AO on lighting pass GTAO stub, remove sdf.hlsl (until we meet again 🫡 ) Iterate gtao Iterate GTAO Iterate GTAO Calculate gtao depth and normals properly, use inverted depth for gtao Iterate GTAO, use built in uint encoding for passes, all 3 passes work, workaround for dxc compiler bug with dot product with half floats Remove old SDF functions entirely (byebye) Iterate GTAO, works almost perfectly ingame, add noise function to it Iterate GTAO, start deoising, remove unused shit, fix bug with binding too many textures on the lexer Update texture formats and remove unused code Shitty TAA, smeary but iteratable with bbox clamping, add thin occluder compensation Proper TAA, option for spartial or temporal blur SampleScreenSsMSAA to composite non-MSAA screen effects ( SSR, AO, etc ) into an MSAA buffer Add multibounce ambient occlusion (but keep it disabled for now) Adjust AO intensity, separate passes, add spartial/temporal passes, adjust thin compensation to become thickness Add generic TAA filter to Motion.hlsl Sensible defaults and final tweaks Fix depth normalization on XeGTAO, add better TAA values for AmbientOcclusion Fix AO compositing for custom shaders Add compiled shaders for AO including for Material shaders