22,836 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Fix capsule collider not using world uniform scale when it probably should
Rigidbody with motion disabled uses shadow controller because it's kinematic
Return joint desc limits in degrees because who wants to deal with radians
Make SetBoneTransform and ClearPhysicsBones because I need them
Remove mock GameObject/Prefab code from managed MapEntity
Add CMapGameObject map node with managed counter part that wraps a GameObject
Hammer world's Scene uses HammerSceneEditorSession
Add HammerManagedInspector that can take over if it likes the MapNode. We only like MapGameObject for now
Run Scene.EditorDraw() on MapView for gizmos, remove old Entity.DrawGizmos
Hammer: Create GameObject Test option
More explicit HammerEvents
Managed map node callback interface, a little convoluted because of mapdoclib <-> hammer <-> managed. But this is easier to do callbacks and can return values
And the managed side
Serialize/deserialize CMapGameObject
Expose CMapGameObject JSON to MapBuilder via IHammerMapLoader
Collect CMapGameObjects, compile them into scene.json inside the vpk and let MapInstance load them (Very hacky code needs cleaning up)
MapWorld.Scene sets a Scene.Source in an attempt to make AG happy
Tie Meshes to GameObject button
Fix crash in CDMXLoader::LoadMesh when there's no position attribute.. unsure why, the offending models need to be looked at
Support HideAttribute on enum control widget entries
Add points primitive type to hull collider for the situations when you want a custom hull collider defined by points
Add attachment mode to ball joint, same as hinge
Fix crash getting joint desc limits, interop hates this for some reason
Implement CastBodyMultiple for trace body run all
Fix Trace.Body not using start rotation
Assets have colors
Preview tweaks
Search widget
Asset popup, will turn this into something more tooltip-oriented later
Split left / split right
Chips from tags
Tweak styling, move current project to top of asset locations list
Implement chip tag filtering
Initial cloud browser, separate from asset browser
Initial tabbed asset picker w/ both local and cloud assets
Asset type picker
Renames, deletes, duplicates handled by IAssetListEntry
Clean up
Implement `t:vmdl`/`t:vmat`/etc. and filters
Implement Everything & Recents
Cloud browser uses facets to select type - hide picker on search bar
Fix warnings
Cloud browser uses facets to select type - hide picker on search bar
Add Verbose Hotload Logging option under Help
New package type
We no longer use the PackageType enum - because it's too rigid. Package types are all lowercase string comparisons now.
Asset package type doesn't exist anymore
Update service api
Use new apis, partial obsolete old PackageType enum
Fix obsoletes
Update physics shape material properties on surface reload
Remove vsurf resource, we use surface game resource for this
0,1 range on Collider.Friction
Make sure collider friction is set back to surface friction when custom friction is disabled
Remove old SDF functions entirely (byebye)
Iterate GTAO, works almost perfectly ingame, add noise function to it
And the managed side
Serialize/deserialize CMapGameObject
Iterate GTAO, use built in uint encoding for passes, all 3 passes work, workaround for dxc compiler bug with dot product with half floats
Make it easy to drag onto input plugs again
Nicer behaviour dragging to / from reroute nodes
Assets have colors - these all suck right now, will go back through and pick some less sucky colours later
Preview tweaks
Search widget
Asset popup, will turn this into something more tooltip-oriented later
Split left / split right
Chips from tags
Tweak styling, move current project to top of asset locations list
Implement chip tag filtering
Initial cloud browser, separate from asset browser
Initial tabbed asset picker w/ both local and cloud assets
Rebase fixes
Use ContextMenu
Asset type picker entries are now handled by AssetBrowser/CloudBrowser
Open up asset locations
Add all types to cloud browser
Can only select one cloud asset type at once (or it'll mess with facets etc.)
Order modes
Add cloud browser to hammer
Asset browser defaults to project assets path
Update view mode icon when scrolling
Disable Parent Directory button if we're in project assets root
PathWidget fixes, separate segment update
Remove AssetBrowserLocation.FromPath, unused
Run OnPathEdited at the end of AssetBrowser ctor so we can disable Parent Directory button if needed
Remove AssetPopup, we're just overcomplicating things for no reason there
Directory context menu
Clean up asset list entries
Remove unused, hook up AssetLocations.OnFolderSelected
Invoke events
Clean up
Implement asset picker
If a picked asset is a cloud package then stick the ident in the search bar in the asset picker
Rather than going to .sbox/blablabla
Renames, deletes, duplicates handled by IAssetListEntry
CloudBrowser cleanup
Ended up not using any of this, get rid
PackagePopup: show tags, word wrap
NRE fix
Fix warnings
Open folder context menu in blank space
Show asset type color in tag picker
Don't wipe facets if there aren't any to replace them with, or if we don't find any packages at all
Smaller add button, rename to new
Delete flat view, doesn't make sense - I think most people were just using it for searching
Fix double-clicking on assets & packages
Fix history menu
Show cloud browser in default layout
Fix searching by type
Tidy up
Re-add super basic version of `t:vmdl`, `t:vmat`, etc.
Cloud browser sidebar
Clean up cloud browser nodes
Installed filter
Implement Everything & Recents
Implement Everything & Recents
Add EditorUtility.RestartEditor, RestartEditorPrompt
Add editor prompt which restarts the editor when changing parent game / target game
More explicit HammerEvents
Managed map node callback interface, a little convoluted because of mapdoclib <-> hammer <-> managed. But this is easier to do callbacks and can return values
JsonIgnore Resource.IsValid
Split off node menu logic to a separate file
Basic version of dragging from inputs in graph editors
Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6031
Attempt to include map vpks as LargeNetworkFiles, Facepunch/sbox-issues#6573
Colliders use the target world of rigidbody to work out the local shape transform, more reliable than using the physics body transform
Check for changes internally for physics body SetPosition and SetOrientation, setting them wakes up the body and moves proxies so only set them on change
Fix isUpdatingFromPhysics not being set back to false
Don't include triggers in mass calculation, rebuild mass when trigger property changes
Fix CPhysicsShape::SetMaterial likely not rebuilding mass properly
Bump up log level of native warnings
Print more user friendly error when we try and fail to load vpk of an uncompiled map, don't piss out searchpath debug anymore
Show inspector hint when an assigned map is uncompiled
Clean up cloud browser nodes
Installed filter
Move server package list to networked StringTable, sync to clients/late joiners when host mounts packages, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6529
Obsolete unused MountAsnc, IsMounted params
Catch ServerPackage download exceptions and flag download as errored
Added interp_debug ConVar and simple representation using sphere gizmos (white is the current interpolated position, cyan is the target position)
Added Show Interpolation Debug options to debugging menu and Game Debug context menus. Fixed toggle not working for Show Physics Debug in Debug menu (use ConsoleSystem.GetValueInt)
Adding and removing from HashSetEx is thread safe
Move Physics step to AFTER FixedUpdate instead of before.
Add Collider.GetVelocityAtPoint
Change how RigidBodies update their positions from the Physicsbody
Update keyframes more explicitly
InterpolationSystem uses HashSetEx
Clean up how transforms are updated from bodies
Revert rigidbody positions updates to be non threaded, I don't feel comfortable
Add IScenePhysicsEvents
Add Summary to FixedUpdate
Refresh shape contacts before and after changing tags, fixes shape collision rules not updating when proxy bounds are overlapping
Don't draw physics wireframe with alpha, it's hard to see
Expose Friction on Collider (we can add them all but this is all I need right now)
Clean up node creation menu types, add a description of each class
Clean up FindAllReflectionNodeTypes
Clean up EventSystem.Run
* Avoid repeated logic
* Aggregate exceptions
* Make sure all actions run
Fix AreParametersActionGraphSafe with delegate parameters
Validate event method parameters in RunEventNodeType
Calculate gtao depth and normals properly, use inverted depth for gtao
Remove unused SpeculativeContact stuff