22,868 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Basic version property editor
Standalone: move ExportConfig into Sandbox.Tools, allow setting version/date/development build
Standalone: load version/date/development build info from manifest on startup, open up Standalone class
When accessed from outside standalone, will return default values
Lobby Heads on LobbyCards no longer block mouse inputs and are a bit larger.
Clicking the name of a game opens the Game Modal instead of the Generic Package Modal
GameTiles are now treated as one big button, clicking anywhere will open Game Modal.
Removed box around header on Game and Org Modals
Options on Game Modal are now "Create Game" and "Join Game" if multiplayer, with the Lobby List being moved elsewhere. Join Game is disabled if there are no active lobbies
Added `flex-shrink: 0` to entries of the ServerListModal
Added icons to Game Modal info, removed information that wasn't important and overall cleaned up readability. Also added Total Players and Playtime
MenuOverlay now uses Screen.DesktopScale (with 1080p minimum)
Game Tiles are now all the same size instead of being randomly sized
Give Game List Columns a max-width
Pad the bottom of GameGroups
Show Player Icons on Active Lobby Cards (shows lobby hosts)
Add GameModal that pops up when you click a Game instead of instantly launching it (Currently Empty)
Moved Vote Up, Vote Down, and Favourite buttons into PackageRatingButtons so it can be re-used
Finished initial version of Game Modal with options to launch into a game and see all active lobbies.
Remove scrolling on Game Modal, replace Lobby List with a button that opens the Lobby List modal layered above.
Close Game Modal when entering Lobby from Lobby List Modal
Give Lobby List Modal and other missed Modals the primary background
Fix time offset strings displaying incorrectly
Active Lobby buttons now open the Game Modal instead of loading you directly into the lobby
Remove Global Stats from Game Modal. Unnecessary information
Fix Maps menu opening the Walker Game Modal instead of launching directly into the map
Org Page is now replaced with an Org Modal that can be opened at any time.
Moved SettingsPage into a Settings Modal that pops up over everything
Added Settings Modal to the Pause Menu
Fix Package Modal not toggling when pressing F1
Default to private in editor mode
Add editor options for lobby privacy
Currently very boolean - either private or public - would like to do
something org-based in future, or have custom filters
Wave intrinsics to do early out for far dof
Force a single delta snapshot when owner changes to simulate old behavior
Smooth fade DoF from composite shader
Iterate dof, needs cleanup, almost perfect
Automatically look for stylesheets based on `Internal.ClassFileLocationAttribute`, added by Razor codegen, to implicitly load stylesheets based on class filename
Means that [StyleSheet] is no longer required to load `MyClass.razor.scss` etc.
Update fpxr to cf91368, fixes EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION_EXEC inside InitHandTracking
Stick loading percentages & speed next to ETA
Loading screen styling tweaks
Tweak game starting card, no longer stretches and skews thumbnails
Stash all this work so I can make ubre happy
Stash this as well first
Custom (INetworkCustom such as NetList/NetDictionary) not including in delta snapshot for now as they handle this sort of thing themselves. Stepping stone
No wonder this wasn't getting received
Don't log these now
Remove this now
Go on server time
More tests
Some cleaning
Automatically start renaming when creating a new object from hierarchy, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6311
Begone log
Add ValueField / PerlinField / SimplexField to Sandbox.Utility.Noise
Old static methods aren't thread safe and can't be seeded.
WIP various bits in dev
Fixed motion data returning crazy values if something went wrong, or we don't have the hardware
Fix incorrect number of mips calculation for textures, causing crashes on AMD for 4096 sized textures
Add more protection in circular buffer write causing a pretty common audio crash
Use unscaled local to world in solve IK chain pose operation, fixes citizen big feet when scaled (need to check if IK still works properly when scaled)
Fix cursor flickering when orbiting editor camera
Add two more preferences for hiding cursor when panning or orbiting
Add more common image formats to texture editor
Remove invalid sounds from ceramic surface
Fix NullReferenceException when using Sound.Play with SoundEvent that has no sounds
Fix Hitboxes From Model incorrect box size, use extents, not size
Fix first Featured Game on Featured List getting squished on Main Menu
Fix games not loading right away on the Game Jam page on Main Menu
Add eye dropper to colour picker
Rename IGameMenuDll to IGameInstanceDll
Rename Sandbox.GameMenu.csproj to Sandbox.GameInstance.csproj
Rename Sandbox.GameMenu folder to Sandbox.GameInstance
Scale the screen scale down if screen height < 1080
More featured games
Fix panel background sometimes having the wrong corner radius
Add Screen.DesktopScale
Add ScreenPanel.ScaleStrategy - allows easily setting scaling to match desktop scale
Menu + Avatar scale matches desktop
Fix selection highlight not updating
DevUI uses desktop scale
Add Panel.SelectAllInChildren, UnselectAllInChildren
These allow easily add Ctrl+A behaviour
Don't draw the selection highlight as abrasively
Can view stack trace using in game console
Added Rate Game/Rate Map option to GameTile right click menu
Add "Played But Not Rated" section to Game Jam page
Replace menu music with something that makes people less angry
Loading screen music only plays on first loading screen
Fix TimeSince/TimeUntil getting fucked when playing in editor
Fixes sbox-issues/issues/6312#issuecomment-2309487594
Scale music volume using mixer
Music Slider on Main Menu now affects the Main Menu Music 🫡
Change icons for Recently Updated and Recently Played so there aren't any duplicates
Fix GameTile BuildHash not including the TileSize, causing tiles to be perfect squares until hovering for the first time.
Fix unused variable in PackageFilterButtons