22,868 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!
Display GameTiles as skeleton components until retrieved instead of nothing
Give settings menu a max-width so it doesn't stretch across your entire monitor. Give SettingsFooter some margins so it doesn't touch the PartyBar
Replaced PackageFilterGroup dropdown with new PackageFilterButtons in header
CreatePartyMenu and ReviewModal use the Primary Colour as background to match Game Start Info and Pause Menu
Change colour of Games Page and Maps Page headers. Fix colour banding on page headers.
Active Lobbies cards are slightly larger so text doesn't cut off as easily
Added Convar/Setting for Music Volume
Favourites SidebarLink now highlights properly when on the page
Main Menu GameTiles are given random sizes instead of adapting to the length of the game's title
Make sure scene scope is pushed when calling OnValidate
Removed pointless Profile Picture from Main Menu Header
Main Menu Background Colour is no longer near-black
Remove background scene from Main Menu
Vertical Games Lists no longer scroll independently, just scroll the entire page instead
Moved Favourites into it's own page. Favourites Page has Games and Maps tabs so you can now access favourited maps.
Fixed background not resetting on Main Menu when exiting a game
Fixed issues with Favourites and Org pages
Fix warnings in Main Menu
Remove the old Toast popup since the new modal is a much better replacement.
Added Popup Modal after playing a game for the first time prompting you to quickly give feedback.
Game Jam Page on the Main Menu now groups by Unplayed Games, Updated Games, and Games You've Played (like the old jam page).
Mount menu assets when not in editor
Menu music
Stop all sounds when leaving game, not when entering etc
Fix audiomixer thread exceptions
Fix the two remaining places where game resource is assumed to be json
Fix error reporting reporting to the wrong package
Always use GregorianCalendar
Fix Surface exception
Fix Depth::GetLinear, be expressive about it for correctness before all, precompute these values later
Start fixing up dof https://files.facepunch.com/sam/1b2211b1/ombChoX97P.png
Iterate DoF
Fix leaderboard friends querry
PerformanceStats.Timings.SteamAudio isn't used
Fix OnClientOutput not counting calls
Count exceptions, store game version
Fix exception when Image becomes null while loading texture
Add more diagnostics to error reporting
Fix loading screen staying visible when leaving avatar scene
Clean up some mess that is no longer required
Add new leaderboard api
Global + Player stats have more data, which mean you don't really need to define stats in the backend to be useful
Stats unittests
VR: Fix skyboxes by using the override frustum given if rendering in stereo, and then apply skybox-related modifications on top
(e.g. skybox scale, skybox world origin, etc).
We also push a middle eye origin + angles through to CCameraRenderer now.
Select/expand to selected panel when using eye dropper in UI Panels tool
Water surface (not post-process!) - Work in Progress
Water surface (not post-process!) - Work in Progress
Don't let an invalid property break a whole stylesheet
Show invalid properties in stylesheet inspector, make this all look and feel a bit more browser-y
VR: HapticEffect sends duration in milliseconds, as expected
VR: Hook WorldScale up directly to IPD
Stop-gap fix until I suss out why maps are referencing their own game projects, and having projects download their cloud version on startup
VR: Always use tracked device transform, even if hand tracking is available (for now)
Fixes controller tracking
Added Editor Keybinds for Scene Mesh Operations, matching Hammer where possible. Also added Tooltip when hovering a mesh edit button to see it's Keybind. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6101
Can no longer create a Library with the same Ident as the current Game or another Library. Cannot change a Game/Library's ident to the same ident as another Library. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5466
Show ETA on loading screen
In standalone, run CreateGame after doing all our standalone setup - because otherwise we'll be loading the game assembly without any info
(cherry picked from commit 1102b357f284b26b2bab11bedfc23bb5e15c47a1)
Separate DevUI (console, errors) addon code out into its own addon
Clean up MenuSystem and MainMenuPanel
In standalone, run CreateGame after doing all our standalone setup - because otherwise we'll be loading the game assembly without any info
DevUI gets its own ContextLocal scope
Add DevUIDll
Test for DevUI
Add full rotational Gizmo.Draw.LineCircle overload
Fix Gizmo.Draw.LineCylinder ends drawing wrong, resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6209
Platform retry
Clamp panel's time delta, avoids it skipping over transitions completely when loading etc
Custom loading screen backgrounds
Added Cut option to Component dropdown. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#5920
Fixed Cut (CTRL+X) not being an undo-able action.
Style Inspector now crosses out any rule that isn't taking effect (due to a higher priority rule). Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6273
Add `@orphaned` filter to list all assets with _c files and no source files (that aren't from the cloud). Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6285
Stop TextDialog doing the confirm action even when you press cancel, fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6236
Made some changes to how we're loading remote packages from map file references, do it on project startup instead of when opening map, removed AssetResolverWindow as it's not needed anymore. Will keep an eye on this
This should resolve issues when using remote packages in hammer maps
- Everything would be an error until you opened the map in hammer
- On restart, a big majority of the assets would get cleared out and you'd have to re-open in hammer again
- Hammer should open maps with lots of references faster (Construct 3 mins to 20 seconds, HC1 Refinery 2 mins to 15 seconds)
Allow "CTRL", "SHIFT', or "ALT" as binds on their own
Added support for Modifier Keys in Input Binds. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6286
No wonder this wasn't getting received