
22,871 Commits over 1,642 Days - 0.58cph!

7 Months Ago
Don't log these now
7 Months Ago
No wonder this wasn't getting received
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Fixed CTRL/SHIFT/ALT modifier keys in Editor Keybinds. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6287
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Custom (INetworkCustom such as NetList/NetDictionary) not including in delta snapshot for now as they handle this sort of thing themselves. Stepping stone
7 Months Ago
Internal AfterDepthPrepass hooks CSM doesn't suck anymore Texel snap cascade shadow map matrix so lights never shimmer when you're moving Cleanup Use the frustum from the previous shadow map to cull the current shadow map, m_pLightObject neverr used
7 Months Ago
Fix FindClosestPoint for scaled meshes
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Experimental support for FindClosestPoint on mesh collision
7 Months Ago
Fixed Main Menu Maps page asking you which map you want to launch even though you just clicked a map.
7 Months Ago
Inputs now support MWHEELUP/MWHEELDOWN. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#6132
7 Months Ago
Can now close the Camera Preview Floating Window so it's not in your way. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#4472
7 Months Ago
Add CallbackEntry in the right place relative to .Order so that game object system listen order is respected
7 Months Ago
Fix toggle global space shortcut type
7 Months Ago
Only run logic in SceneNetworkSystem.OnBecameHost if scene is valid - we could just be in a lobby/party but not in-game
7 Months Ago
Standalone: move IsWhitelistDisabled option into project config, so that it saves into the .sbproj like everything else
7 Months Ago
Standalone: blacklist DLLs we don't need (cuts down export size by ~130mb)
7 Months Ago
Fix modal paths still targeting
7 Months Ago
Don't normalize AnalogMove when using a gamepad... so it's actually analog
7 Months Ago
Don't clamp flex override when getting it
7 Months Ago
Oops, missed this weight clamp
7 Months Ago
Pass rotation to cubemapper so rotated envmap probes captures are rotated the correct way Fix Cubemap Brightness Normalization, uses prefiltered envmap instead of spherical harmonics, fixes overbrightened envmaps in dark areas, and increases overall contrast of envmaps Update transform for skybox envmap
7 Months Ago
Null check hulls here
7 Months Ago
Fix PhysicsBody.CheckOverlap crash when checking overlap against mesh
7 Months Ago
Hull collider cone and cylinder respect game object scale
7 Months Ago
Missing null check in NavMeshAgent
7 Months Ago
Don't clamp flex overrides to flex controller min max
7 Months Ago
WIP - adding refraction ditto
7 Months Ago
Stash all this work so I can make ubre happy Stash this as well first
7 Months Ago
If GameObject isn't valid when trying to call an RPC, call the method anyway but only if we can determine that we have permission to do so - this way we can ensure RPC methods are still not called when they shouldn't be for any given user. (Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6270)
7 Months Ago
Fixed an issue where if you're Small Fish and disconnect yourself from a created lobby immediately by calling GameNetworkSystem.Disconnect in OnLoad, a TCP socket would remain open preventing you from starting a lobby again. This is because Disconnect is called before the asynchronous method CreateLobbyAsync has finished, so it goes and adds/creates new sockets that never get closed.
7 Months Ago
Stash this as well first
7 Months Ago
Hide 'open x.cs' context menu option for internal components, fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6260
7 Months Ago
Stash all this work so I can make ubre happy
7 Months Ago
Update Qt with GraphicsView point/pixel intersection fixes, fixes #1653
7 Months Ago
Tidyups, comments, C# style enums Tidyups, comments, C# style enums
7 Months Ago
Disable PropertySheetPopup from being modal for now Fixes Facepunch/sbox-issues#6109
7 Months Ago
7 Months Ago
Rename this to hull
7 Months Ago
Compile hulls into vox resource
7 Months Ago
Support opaque fade on vertex_color
7 Months Ago
Fixed sweeper
7 Months Ago
Use reinterpret_cast in GetModelIndices
7 Months Ago
Fix Main Menu NRE when typing in search box
7 Months Ago
Prevent Toasts from ticking down while you're in a Loading Screen.
7 Months Ago
Added Main Menu Toasts Added Toast that pops up after playing a game you haven't yet interacted with. Clicking will open a Review Page Modal.
7 Months Ago
"Create model..." now shows up when right clicking an .obj file
7 Months Ago
Can now drag folders to/from the TreeView on the left side of the Assets Browser. Resolves Facepunch/sbox-issues#4742
7 Months Ago
RangedFloat cleanup * Add Min / Max properties instead of x / y fields, fields are obsoleted * Max always equals Min for Fixed range type, unlike the old y field * ToString returns "<min>" for fixed values, or "<min> <max>" for ranges, instead of "<min>,<max>,<type>" * Parse supports old format * Can deconstruct: `var (min, max) = range;` * Add tests parsing old format